Legally Wed (Lawyers in Love 3.1) - Page 4/29

“That’s wonderful!” She ran over and hugged us both. Then she called out to the rest of the family in the other room. “Hey everyone, Adam popped the question!”

After a second of what I can only imagine was stunned silence, the next room erupted into a cacophony that sounded like Times Square on New Year’s Eve. So much for my carefully laid plans. Then a wave of family members joined us in the foyer and the hugging began in earnest. Adam’s other two older sisters, Hannah and Sarah, were there, along with Hannah’s husband, Nate, and their four year-old, Josh. There was also a guy I didn’t recognize, who just seemed to be taking everything in. I assumed that he was Sarah’s new boyfriend, Seth.

“I always knew you two would get married,” Hannah noted triumphantly.

“We were always fighting,” I pointed out, a bit confused by this observation.

“Exactly,” Hannah replied with huge grin.

“He had your picture in his drawer all during high school,” Mrs. Roth said cheerfully. Suddenly, everyone turned to stare at her, including Adam, who looked positively violated.

“That was a picture of my friends,” he said defensively.

“And Lily was standing off to the side, looking very lovely. Now, come on everyone, it’s time for dinner.” I looked up at Adam with smug smile of my own and followed along behind his mom.

We spent the next hour being interrogated about our plans and being inundated with details about venues, caterers, bands and florists. I had expected no less, but I still hadn’t really been prepared for it. By the end of dinner my head was spinning. Weirdly enough, the anxiety this conversation caused made me feel horny. By the time we got to the pound cake, I was seriously jonesin’ to get it on with Mrs. Roth’s baby boy. We finally got a moment alone in the kitchen as we helped out by loading up the dishwasher.

“So, I know that was probably enough to make your head implode …” he began.

“Let’s have sex,” I interrupted. He almost dropped the glass he was holding.

“Now? Here?! In the house I grew up in? Where my mother lives?”

“It’s psychological. Considering all of these details is stressful. Stress makes me want comfort. That makes me want to get really freaky with you, just like this morning.”

“I’m happy I can comfort you,” he said, with an amused and slightly turned on expression, “and I’m thrilled by how you want me to do it, but can’t we wait until we get home? Trying to get it up with my mother around might make me need therapy. Her proximity is like a cold shower for me. There could even be shrinkage, and neither one of us wants that.”

“We’re not going right home, though. We’re going to Jess and Cam’s place. Hey, maybe we can fool around in the backseat of the car,” I suggested hopefully.

“Just wait until we get home, and I’ll lick cranberry sauce off of you, and do you on the dining room table if that’s what you want.”

“Hmm. That sounds like it might be fun. I don’t know if I can wait, though. I’m really horny.” I gave him a lusty look and gently squeezed his package. Shrinkage, my ass.

“Okay, come on! That’s not fair,” he said, laughing and backing away from me. “Keep it up, Lilith, and you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.”

“Promises. Promises.” I flirted back.

“Let’s get out of here before you traumatize me, saucy wench.” He dried his hands on a towel and headed for the door.

“Adam,” I said and he paused and looked back at me. “This has been a really great Thanksgiving so far.”

“Yeah,” he said with a happy smile.

Chapter Four

Jessica and Cameron lived in a nice, three-story townhouse in the Society Hill neighborhood of Philadelphia. As we approached, I could see into the kitchen window, which was at sidewalk level. The scene looked warm and inviting. Jess, was in there putting together trays with snacks, and Gabrielle and Beth were laughing about something together. A feeling of well-being came over me. I really enjoyed being with my friends… our friends. Adam and I had joint friends now, thanks to Gabrielle and Braden’s marriage. That had worked out well.

We climbed up the stone steps from the sidewalk to the front door, and I grabbed the brass knocker just as Adam leaned over to whisper in my ear.

“We don’t have to stay long if that need for my comfort is still urgent.”

“Maybe I’ll just sneak you off to a dark corner,” I whispered back, as the door swung open and Cameron Clay stood there, looking as handsome as ever.

“Hey, there. If it isn’t Mr. and Mrs. Cocky Prosecutor,” Cam joked, standing aside so that we could come in. “Let me take your coats, and relieve you of that wine.”

Adam handed him the bottle he was carrying and helped me out of my jacket. It was the little things like that I appreciated the most about how he treated me these days, like helping me with my coat, and not calling me a nasty wench or a demon harpy anymore.

“Nice place,” I said, looking around the stylishly decorated townhouse.

“Thanks. The women folk are downstairs. I would like to have your fiancé here join the other guys up in my man cave, where we can drink some good scotch and smoke a celebratory cigar in his honor,” Cam said patting Adam on the back.

“Great,” I said rolling my eyes at Adam. “I hope you brought your Tic Tacs.”

“As a matter of fact I did.” He smirked. “Would you like one?”

“No thanks. I know how precious they are to you.” I smiled back. “Inside joke,” I explained to Cam, who was looking confused.

With that, he led Adam off to the land of scotch and tobacco, and I headed downstairs. My friends greeted me with warm smiles and a happy yip. That was Bruno, Gabrielle’s Chihuahua, who was actually male, but was hanging with the “women folk” anyway.

“Hey honey! Come on down,” Jess called out. “We were just talking about you.”

“Hi there!” my friend, Beth, said enthusiastically, coming over to give me a big hug.

“Hi! Long time no see. How’s it going?”

“Great. I’ve been in D.C. observing a couple of legal non-profits to get a feel for how the development end is run.” We walked over to the breakfast bar and took a seat by Gabrielle.

“We’re going to be working together,” I told her.

“I heard, but I also heard even bigger news!” Beth said in an excited voice. “I can’t believe that you and Adam are engaged. Congratulations!”