Trust in Advertising - Page 130/147

Taking the handkerchief from her hand, he wiped the new tears that had fallen. “You make me the man I want to be. You help me see the good in people. I have fun when I’m with you, even under the worst circumstances. Your smile makes me happy; your touch sets my body on fire. When you walk into a room, I feel like a teenager and can’t help but look at you. I love the way you bite your nails when you’re stressed, or stick pencils into your hair while you’re working. You have five little freckles,” he leaned forward and gently touched each one on the bridge of her nose and cheeks, “that I can only see when I’m this close to you. You’re loyal and brave. The way you are with Madison is beautiful to watch. She adores you just like everyone else who comes in contact with you. My life felt like it was an endless night before you came along and showed me the sun again. I don’t want to lose you.”

Lexi’s head dipped down, hiding her eyes from Vincent’s view. When he hooked his finger under her chin and their eyes reconnected, he was overwhelmed by the emotions he felt. “You are the best thing that ever walked into my dreary life and rearranged my office without permission. I love your smartass replies to my angry text messages. I love the way you put me in my place when I act like an idiot. I love the way your nose wrinkles when you smile and the way you flick your hair over your shoulder when you walk into my office with that little yellow legal pad of yours.” He paused, looking deeply into her eyes and knew it was now or never. “Lexi, I lo—”

At the speed of light, her hand found his mouth and firmly covered it. Her eyes were sad; the anger had dissipated and was replaced with misery.

“Don’t say it. I can’t hear that from you right now. I don’t want the memory of the first time you say that to me to be attached to this night. I dreamed about what it would be like to hear you say those words to me. If you care about me at all, wait. Let me keep my dream. Please don’t take that away from me too.”

As much as he wanted to tell her how much he loved her, he understood. This was not the time to do that. Earlier this evening, before he had made everything so damn complicated would have been better. He should have just grabbed her on that red carpet and kissed her in front of all the paparazzi and let that be it. Too little, too late.

His head bobbed up and down in agreement, and Lexi removed her hand. “What are we doing, here?” she whispered, her exhaustion finally showing.

“Talking, sweetheart, just talking.”

She slipped her hand from his and reached out to touch his face, running her fingers lightly over his swollen eyebrow. Vincent winced at the contact.

“You look terrible.” Her fingers continued to trace over the swollen flesh around his eye that was starting to turn purple.

“It’s nothing.” His eyes closed, and he stayed perfectly still as she continued examining his injury.

When he opened his eyes the corner of her mouth was turned up in a little grin. “Sean?”

“Actually, Hope.”

“That’s my girl.” A genuine smile crossed Lexi’s lips for a second before it faded. “I have to go. I’m sorry.”

This time when she got to her feet, Vincent didn’t stop her. He too stood, and they took a few tentative steps down the path. He’d said his piece.

He’d confessed his sins and begged for forgiveness even though he didn’t deserve it. But most importantly, he told her how he felt. He let her see herself through his eyes and the beauty he saw within her. It was up to her now. Either she would forgive him or not, but she needed her space and time to think. With a heavy heart he decided to give that to her.

“How did you get down here?”

“Cab,” she said as she slipped the strap of her purse around her wrist and started walking.

“May I walk with you then? Just let me get you a cab, then I’ll leave you alone.” Even if she said no, he was going to follow her. There was no way he would let her wander the streets of San Francisco alone at this hour.

“Whatever.” She started walking, not waiting for him.

They walked side by side, in silence, each deep in their own thoughts. For Vincent, every step brought them closer to what could be their final goodbye. She could potentially step into the cab and that would be the last time he ever saw her. He planned to fight for her, but even that might not be enough.

Up ahead in the distance, a line of brightly colored cars sat waiting for customers.

His hand reached out and touched her shoulder, halting her in place. She slowly spun around, her eyes still puffy from all the tears. “I want you to know I’m going to give you some space. No matter what happens between us, please don’t let it affect your relationship with Elizabeth or Anna.

They love you and think of you as family. If you want to spend time with them, I’ll respect that and stay away. I’ll make sure I’m not there when you visit. I’ve done enough to hurt you. I won’t get between your relationships with them.” Lexi closed her eyes and nodded her head with a grateful smile.

Vincent tucked his hands deep into his pockets and watched her start walking to the cabs. The clicks of her heels on the concrete were the only sounds he heard. As she moved away from him, he felt a crushing pain in his chest, the fear of losing her overwhelming him, making it difficult to breathe. He screamed in his head for her to stop, begged her to stay with him, but she continued, her steps assured and strong as she separated herself from him. Then she paused and looked over her shoulder.

Every step she took back toward him made his heart soar. She was coming back to him. She wasn’t leaving. The closer she got, the faster her steps came until she was on her toes in front of him, a polite smile on her lips.

“Here,” she whispered as she slipped off her jacket and handed it to him. “I almost forgot to give this back to you.”

His heart fell out of his chest. She didn’t come back to him; she was returning his jacket. He quickly covered his sadness and smiled. “Thanks.

Goodnight, Lexi.”

With tears in her eyes she simply said, “Goodbye, Vincent.”

· 31 ·


incent and Elizabeth were splattered all over the paper for the next week with headlines like “Corporate Scandal at Hunter” quickly changing to ones of claimed innocence by the accused, namely Reid, Parketti, and Jade. The following day, the paper contained a lengthy interview with Adria in which she denied everything and accused Vincent of being a lover scorned. David Reid continued to publicly deny a relationship with Jade, and Jade did the same, making her way around the morning talk shows and playing the part of jilted girlfriend. Soon, everything became a case of he said/she said. Vincent’s lawyers had advised him to not comment any further, so Vincent hid, and public opinion began to turn on him.