Trust in Advertising - Page 21/147

“Files with a black dot are accounts we went after, but never got. Red dots are closed accounts. Yellow dots are files that are for campaigns that are over, but there is still some part that is active, or we are in talks with them about the next season’s ad. Green dots are active campaigns, or companies we are currently trying to acquire as clients.” Lexi pulled a few examples for Vincent to flip through.

He handed back the folders, then reached around her to pull a file of his own, his larger body crowding hers. Lexi shivered as his tie brushed against her arm and prayed he hadn’t noticed her reaction.

“What do two dots mean?”

Over the next half hour, Lexi explained every detail to Vincent. The system wasn’t elaborate or complex. It was actually very straightforward once the reasons for grouping certain items together were clear. During that time, Lexi also began to understand Vincent a little better. She watched him pause and try to figure things out himself before asking a question. Most people would have sat back and let her explain every detail, but not Vincent. He would stubbornly study things and get frustrated with himself when he couldn’t understand. Then he’d finally ask the question that he couldn’t answer. After the fourth time this happened, it was obvious to Lexi that Vincent Drake did not like to ask for help.

That was probably what bothered him the most about Lexi’s reorganization—the fact that he couldn’t figure it out and was forced into the uncomfortable position of needing to rely on someone other than himself. Lexi saw him visibly relax as he felt more confident with his understanding of things.

She was replacing some files into the tall file cabinet in the corner when the sound of his voice caught her off guard. What shocked her even more was what he said.

“Thank you.”

Lexi’s mouth hung open slightly as a pained look crossed his face when he said the words. Not wanting to irritate him further, she tried to be nonchalant. “Any time. It’s what I’m here for.” She closed the cabinet drawer and went back over to the other side of his desk.

Before she could say anything else, he cut her off. “You can go now.”

“I really am sorry, Vincent. I feel like we got off on the wrong the foot here.”

Vincent didn’t say another word. Instead, he just nodded his head in agreement, his intense eyes locked on hers.

“Well, I think that’s it.” Lexi slipped her arms back into her coat, then picked up her purse from the floor and slung it over her shoulder. When he didn’t say anything to stop her departure, she began rambling. “If you can’t find something, they have all my phone numbers downstairs. Just call and I’ll come back in and try to figure out what I did with it.” A nervous smile crossed her lips as Vincent sat in his chair like a statue, still allowing her to blather on. “Well, it was nice seeing you again, Vincent. Take care.”

Lexi gave him a curt wave, and then scrambled out of the office, desperate to get away from his intense stare. A goodbye would have been nice, or at the very least some indication that she had actually done a decent job, but that was probably asking too much after what she did to his office.

Lexi leaned against her desk and took one quick look around the little area that she had spent the last week getting to know every inch of. She turned off the monitor on her computer and was about to walk away when she heard the chirp of her BlackBerry. Puzzled, she picked up the phone.

Alexandra, The work day doesn’t end for a few more hours and there is still plenty for you to do. I expect you to get those mockups from Tony and bring them to me immediately. And don’t forget, if they aren’t ready or he gives you any trouble, fire him.

V.D.A t that moment, Leigh snuck around the corner and saw Lexi standing next to her desk with a look of complete shock on her face. She ran over with a box of Kleenex clutched in her hand as she wrapped her arms around her and rocked her from side to side. “Lexi, what did he say this time? i swear, if he was rude, I’ll pummel him. The last girl, he demanded to see her elementary school report card because there was no way she could have possibly been promoted past the sixth grade in his opinion. The poor woman was hysterical by the time she hit my desk.”

Lexi pulled herself away from Leigh and stared at the tiny display. After the third time she read the message, she bit her lower lip to suppress the grin that was about to explode across her face. She had done the impossible. She somehow earned herself a second chance with Vincent Drake. When she showed the message to Leigh, her jaw fell open, and she flopped into one of the chairs beside Lexi’s desk.

“Now I’ve seen everything.” She looked up at Lexi and grinned. “I swear, if I were you, I’d stop and buy a lottery ticket on my way home from work, because this is probably the luckiest day of your whole life.”

Lexi shrugged out of her coat and quickly tossed it onto the rack beside her desk, ready to get back to work. She slipped the BlackBerry back

into her pocket and linked her arm with Leigh’s. “Okay, now tell me where on Earth I’m supposed to find this guy, Tony.”

Leigh groaned. “Tony’s a pig, so be prepared. If he gives you any attitude, tell him to cram it.” As Lexi pushed the down button on the elevator, Leigh gave one final word of advice. “And just to be safe, don’t let him within arm’s length of you. The guy is one more grope away from a sexual harassment lawsuit.”

“Good to know,” Lexi called back nervously as the doors closed behind her. Of course, if she survived her run-in with Vincent Drake, how bad could this Tony guy be?

Lexi had been down to the twenty-second floor a couple times before, but was still a little unsure about where she was going. As she tried to get her bearings, she turned a corner and ran into someone.

“I’m so sorry!” Lexi quickly bent down and grabbed the papers that had fallen to the ground. When she lifted her head, she was met with a bright smile.

“We meet again, Lexi.” Lexi sighed in relief when she saw Mrs. Dee grinning above her. “What brings you to this floor?”

“Um, sorry about crashing into you.” She handed her the papers. “I’m actually looking for Tony. I need to get some mockups for Vincent.”

“He’s down at the end of the hall, last door on the left. Sorry I can’t stay and chat.” Mrs. Dee tapped the folder in her hands. “I have another presentation to get busy on. Have a nice day, Lexi.”

“Thank you!” Lexi called after her, wishing she had been able to ask her a few questions about dealing with Tony.