Trust in Advertising - Page 36/147

“So, Lexi, are you seeing anyone?” Erica asked. The other women leaned forward, anxiously awaiting her answer.

“No, not right now.”

“Too bad that gorgeous boss of yours is such an arrogant ass.” Claire finally opened her mouth and offered her spiteful two cents to the conversation.

“Excuse me?” Lexi immediately became defensive.

Claire chewed on the olive from her dirty martini, the corner of her painted lips curving up. “Oh, sorry, I had no idea that you and Mr. Drake were …”

she trailed off suggestively.

Lexi took a deep breath and tried to think before she let the words fly from her mouth in anger. “Vincent and I aren’t … whatever you were implying.

He’s my boss, and I enjoy working for him. Personally, I don’t know why everyone feels the need to attack him. I don’t think he’s an ass at all. If anything, he treats people the way they treat him. So, if someone you work for told you he’s an ass, then maybe you’re work—”

Leigh jumped up and interrupted Lexi before she started a war. “Let’s go tackle one of those cute servers and grab something to eat. I’m starving!”

Without even waiting for an answer, she helped Lexi out of her chair and escorted her away from the table.

“Sorry.” Lexi shoved a giant prawn from a passing platter into her mouth.

“Are you kidding? Don’t be sorry. That was fantastic! Up until the part where you were about to tell her she was working for a bunch of assholes.”

Leigh giggled. “That probably would’ve got us all in trouble.”

“Lexi would never get herself into trouble. She doesn’t know the meaning of the word,” a deep voice rumbled from behind the women.

Lexi jumped a mile and let out a squeak of surprise. “Sean! Give me a heart attack, why don’t you?”

Sean looked amazing in his black tuxedo and vest. Rather than a traditional bowtie, he had opted for a long black one, which suited his personality much better. He gracefully moved around, flashing his million dollar smile at the people who passed by. He turned his attention back to Lexi and flashed his dimples mischievously at her. “So, what trouble did you get yourself into already?” “I resent that.”

Leigh nodded her head toward the table where Claire was sitting. Claire appeared to be contemplating several different ways to kill Lexi. “She almost told this witch from Parketti that she was working for a bunch of assholes.” Leigh shrugged innocently in response to Lexi’s scowl and took a bite of food. “He asked.”

“I’m completely innocent,” Lexi said indignantly.

“Of course you are,” Sean chuckled.

Wanting the attention off her, Lexi tried a diversionary tactic. “Where’s your date, Romeo?” Lexi looked around for a woman gorgeous enough to be on his arm, but came up empty. “Is she in the bathroom?”

Sean blushed a little before he answered. “I’m going stag tonight. I’ve recently come back on the market, but the lady I wanted to ask … Well, let’s just say she wouldn’t return any of my calls.” His sheepish grin gave it away.

So, he really doesn’t have a girlfriend anymore? He was going to ask Hope to be his date. She’s going to die! Lexi thought to herself as she watched Sean smile and wave at people, occasionally reaching out to shake a hand or two. She stood back and observed how he smoothly kissed the wives’ hands while impressing the men with his knowledgeable banter. His confidence and charisma were incredibly attractive. Throw in the dimples along with the bad-boy allure of his shaved head and she wasn’t quite sure anyone could resist him, not even the obstinate Hope Greyson.

“So, Sean.” Lexi casually reached out and stole a stuffed mushroom from him. “Hope asked about you.”

The smooth operator quickly turned into a pubescent high school boy right before her eyes. The hors d’oeuvre in his hand never made it to his mouth, but rather hung in mid-air as he interrogated Lexi. “Really? She asked about me? In a good way or a bad way? What exactly did she say?”

Leigh excused herself and went to talk to some other people.

“Well, she asked if ‘everyone’ from Hunter would be here tonight, which is Hope-speak for ‘Is Sean going to be there?’ She’s incredibly stubborn, if you hadn’t figured that out yet.” Sean stood beside her, hanging on her every word and nodding his head. “Then she asked …”

“What? She asked what? For my phone number?”

“Sorry, champ, no. She asked me to, and I quote, ‘take a picture of that rat bastard if he looks hot.’”

Only Sean would find a way to take that comment as a compliment.

“She asked you to take a picture of me? She thinks I’m hot? Really?” His face lit up like a kid in a candy store. “Well, get that phone out and let’s send the woman a little something to think about.” Sean popped the last mushroom into his mouth and thought about it for a second. He finally tucked his hands deeply into his pockets, hunched his shoulders forward, dropped his chin and lifted his eyes to the camera from underneath his long thick lashes. His dimples accentuated the sexy smirk on his face as Lexi snapped the picture.

“She’s gonna love that. You know, maybe Jade can get you a modeling gig. That was very GQ of you.” Lexi quickly sent the picture to Hope with a note that said, “What do you think?” She elbowed Sean in the stomach when she caught him peeking over her shoulder trying to get Hope’s phone number.

“Modeling isn’t my thing. Too many uptight, skinny bitches in modeling. Oh, speaking of which, are Vincent and Jade here yet?” They both took a quick inventory of the room and came up empty. “They’re always late.”

Lexi’s phone suddenly chirped. Sean ripped it out of her hand and laughed as he pumped his fist in the air. He proudly handed the phone to Lexi, showing her Hope’s message.

That man is totally lickable.

“If you ever tell her you saw that message, I swear I’ll glue your office door shut.”

“Scout’s honor.” He strutted away with a shit-eating grin on his face and a newfound bounce in his step.

Lexi wandered around the ballroom, trying to take stock of the guests who had arrived already. More famous faces slowly trickled in, and Lexi was happy to see a few couples she recognized from the hit list. She watched to see who they talked to, and more importantly, who approached them.