Trust in Advertising - Page 42/147

“It was a holding cell, not the pokey, Jimmy, you fool. And I hit my head on the sidewalk. That’s why I was cryin’.” Joey scowled at his brother for a second before a grin snuck out. “I did nearly soil myself in them bushes, though, when the feds talked about prison. I’m too pretty to go to jail.”

Everyone laughed as the brothers continued to banter back and forth with one another. When the laughter finally died down, James agreed to an appointment with Vincent early the next week. Lexi pulled out her BlackBerry and confirmed the date, added it to Vincent’s schedule, and sent an Email to Mr. Lewis’s assistant to make sure everything was in place before the men left. The men walked away still chuckling amongst themselves.

“You were amazing with them.”

“Just doing my job,” Lexi said nonchalantly, even though inside she was jumping up and down at his praise.

Vincent visibly relaxed at that point. A smile crept onto his face, and the tightness in his body vanished, replaced by a hint of the smooth, carefree demeanor that Lexi remembered all too well from years ago. He ran his hand through his hair, then slipped his arm around Lexi’s waist. He held her tightly against his side as he led her through the room. “Now, tell me about the miracle you pulled off with Stone.”

Lexi’s heart pounded so loudly in her chest that she almost missed the question. All she could think about were his fingers pressing firmly into her hip and the delicious warmth that rushed to all parts of her body from the contact.

“It … it wasn’t a miracle. Just a lucky coincidence. Turns out I know his assistant, Christina, and while we were talking, he came over and introduced himself, asked a few questions, and after a few minutes of me singing your praises, he asked me to introduce you to him.”

“What did he ask about me? And what did you say exactly?”

Lexi shook her head. “What are you, thirteen years old? You sound just like Sean. What is it with you two? I had no idea you were so girlie.” When Vincent raised his eyebrow, stubbornly waiting for an answer, Lexi rolled her eyes. “Relax, Vince. I told him you were very good at what you did. Oh, and I agreed with him when he said you were stiff, so if he offers you a drink, I think you should take it and loosen up around him if at all humanly possible.”

“You said I was stiff?” His voice sounded confused. “And stop calling me Vince. I despise that name.”

Lexi was about to explain her comment when she saw David Reid waving at her from the dance floor. As subtle as an elephant, David then began shouting her name and heading in their direction. His annoying overzealous behavior caught Vincent’s attention. “Looks like someone wants to put his name on your dance card, Lexi.”

· 11 ·

a grinning David Reid snaked his way through the crowd, his eyes devouring Lexi with each step he took.

“Crap, Vincent. Please, I swear to God, I’ll never call you Vince or say you’re stiff again if you get me away from him. I’m going to make a break

for it to the ladies’ room. Just tell him I ate a bad scallop or something. That should keep him away from me for the rest of the night.” Lexi turned to find the restroom, but it was too late. David was on them lightning fast.

“Lexi, small world! How wonderful to see you again. Please, you must do me the honor of sharing a dance with me. Perhaps I can get the band to play a nice tango for us?” His eyebrows waggled flirtatiously. When she felt Vincent poke her playfully in the back, urging her toward David, she nearly laughed in his face.

“Mr. Reid, I … I …”

“Please, call me David. Now about that dance.”

“David, I—”

Vincent stepped between Lexi and David. “Sorry, Reid. I made Alexandra sign a ‘no tango clause’ in her contract when I hired her. She’s only allowed to dance with a member of Hunter Advertising while in our employment or she risks losing her job.” Vincent’s deadpan expression stunned David into silence. “Of course, truth be told, I’d never fire her. She’s the best hire we’ve made in years.”

David’s jaw clenched as Vincent smiled smugly beside Lexi. “Well, then. I’ll let you two go. I’ll just have to find another dance partner.” He gave a small nod to Lexi. “It was wonderful to see you again, and when you wise up and quit working for Drake, give me a call.” David slipped a business card into Lexi’s hand, but not before he kissed her knuckles, leaving a moist reminder of their short encounter before disappearing into the crowd.

Lexi looked down at her hand, and her lip curled in repulsion. “Ew.” “I wonder how many asses those lips have kissed tonight.” Vincent, always the gentleman, handed her a handkerchief from his pocket. Lexi grabbed it and gratefully wiped her knuckles clean. She pulled some hand sanitizer from her purse and used a generous amount to disinfect the area.

“‘No tango clause.’ Nice save, boss.” Lexi grinned at Vincent as they headed toward the bar.

“He believed me for a good thirty seconds too.” Vincent waved to the bartender, and two glasses of wine appeared. He handed one to Lexi and kept the other for himself. A few awkward seconds passed in which Vincent didn’t say anything. He simply sipped his wine and watched Lexi. His eyes slowly roamed over her face, taking in every detail before settling on her lips. “There was no way in hell I was letting that slime ball get his hands on you,” Vincent admitted as he raised his glass to his lips.

Lexi watched the way his green eyes twinkled and then darkened as he moved closer. Her heart raced. She tried to look away, but she was mesmerized by the way the corner of his mouth turned up into a dark, seductive smile. Just looking at him made her feel sinful. She took in every detail of his features, even the small scar on his chin, and longed to run her fingers over his plump lower lip, but she knew it would never happen. It was all just a fantasy, one that at the moment was way too real for her heart to stand.

“Vincent, I—” Her breathless plea was interrupted by the shriek of a banshee.

“Vincent, darling. Sorry I left you all alone. Jon Luce from Vogue just wouldn’t let me go. He tried to talk me into flying to Paris with him for a photo shoot. He’s such a horrible flirt, and you know he’d do anything to work with me. He even offered me the cover.” Jade rudely wedged herself between Vincent and Lexi, nearly knocking the glass out of Lexi’s hand. “You must have been so bored being out here all alone without anyone interesting to talk to.” She looked over her shoulder. “You can leave now. Vincent is done babysitting you. Go find Leigh and the rest of the employees and talk about … well, whatever it is you people talk about.” She waved her hand dismissively at Lexi in an effort to shoo her away.