Trust in Advertising - Page 55/147

“So you sent him packing when he came to the shop the other day. Then he called you back?” Hope nodded her head slowly. “And what happened?

Were you nice to him on the phone?” Lexi asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. The rage that flashed across Hope’s face made her cringe.

“Was I nice? I was professional like I always am with paying customers. However, if he refers to me as ‘babe’ one more time, I’m yanking out his tongue and strangling him with it.”

“Don’t hold back. Tell me what you really think.”

“He’s an arrogant, sexist, pretty boy.” Hope crossed her arms with a huff and glared out her window.

“And you like him.” A huge smile exploded onto Lexi’s face with that realization. “He’s really nice, Hope! And I know he’s interested in you, big time.”

“He’s a pig and an imbecile, but I’ll still do a great job for him—on his car—because it’s what I do. I’ll treat him like any other customer.” The nonchalant lilt of her voice told Lexi everything she needed to know.

“So, what did he decide he wanted on the car?”

“This time he decided he didn’t want detailing. Instead he opted for a completely new paint job. The yellow ‘isn’t working for him.’”

“Since when?” Lexi furrowed her brow. “He thought the yellow was … how did he put it all last week? ‘Totally kick ass.’”

Hope snickered to herself. “Well, I might have had something to do with that. I mentioned that it’s common knowledge in the automobile industry that men who drive yellow sports cars have tiny … things. That didn’t sit too well with him.”

“Apparently. What color does he want it now?”

Hope grinned from ear to ear. “Sleek, sexy black.”

“So you convinced Sean and his drop dead gorgeous dimples that he needed to be in a make-Hope-all-hot-and-bothered-because-she-has-athing-

for-blackcars, black Ferrari?”

She shrugged innocently. “It’s my job to tell the client if I think something will or will not work for them, and Sean is definitely not a teenie-wienieyellow kinda guy.”

Lexi nodded her head in agreement. “You got it bad, don’t you? Just admit it. You know you want to.” Lexi grinned at her friend.

Hope scowled and replied, “Go to work. Your darling Vincent is waiting for you, I’m sure. Maybe he’ll even chase you around the desk a little today.”

Hope threw Lexi a sexy wink.

“Bitch,” Lexi laughed as she climbed out of the car.

“And you love me for it. See you at six. Be ready for a night out on the town!” The tires screeched as she sped away and cut into heavy traffic. Lexi shook her head and made her way upstairs to begin her day.

Everything that could possibly go wrong that morning did. Vincent was late to work because Jade needed a last minute ride to the airport for a photo shoot, then he got stuck in a huge traffic jam on the freeway. When he finally arrived, he was ready to kill someone, so Lexi made sure to give him some time to himself before checking to see what he needed her to do.

After a long morning of making copies and phone calls, she had to go down to productions, a task she normally dreaded because it meant having to deal with Tony. Vincent let it slip, however, that Tony was gone for the day. When Lexi picked up the materials in productions, she was shocked.

Asshole or not, Tony and his team did amazing work. The boards for the Stone presentation were ready and looked amazing. Lexi was admiring them at her desk when Vincent walked by.

“Did he fu—mess anything up this time?” He joined Lexi in examining the materials.

“Surprisingly, no,” Lexi chuckled. “Maybe he’s turning over a new leaf.”

Vincent gave her a droll look. “More like he is lying in wait for his next attack. Trust me. Don’t ever let your guard down around him.”

“I wasn’t planning on it.” She peered up at Vincent’s weary face. Elbowing him lightly, she asked, “How about I get you some lunch? What do you want?”

“I would kiss your feet for a big turkey sandwich from that New York deli on Fifth.”

“A simple please would suffice, but if you insist, kiss away.” She jokingly held out her foot to him and nearly fell onto her desk when he stepped closer like he was actually going to do it. “I was just kidding!” She staggered back, clutching the edge of her desk for dear life.

He laughed and dipped his head right next to hers. “So was I. I don’t kiss feet.” Before she could open her mouth to respond, his warm lips pressed against her cheek, and his husky voice whispered in her ear. “Thanks, Lexi.”

Lexi closed her eyes and prayed that she would remember everything about this moment for the rest of her life: the soft feel of his lips, the heat of his breath against her neck, the silky strands of his hair that brushed against her cheek, the smell of his cologne, the enveloping warmth of his body as it loomed over her. She wanted to revel in the perfect memory for as long as possible, burning it into her mind.

Vincent noticed her sudden silence and watched her intently. His eyes dropped to her mouth and for a second he too seemed miles away, deeply lost in his own thoughts. When his tongue darted out and slowly stroked across the soft, pink skin of his lower lip, Lexi’s body flushed with heat.

Trying to cover up her overwhelming lust, she used a little humor to deflect his attention.

“If I go all the way to Fifth at this time of day, you’re buying my lunch too,” Lexi teased as she bent over and grabbed her purse, then took a deep breath to calm her thundering heart, “and I’m starving.”

Vincent pulled out his wallet and placed a fifty into Lexi’s outstretched palm. He wrapped his much larger hand around hers and closed her fingers around the cash. “This should cover your little feeding frenzy. If not, let me know.”

“I was only kidding.” Lexi tried to give the money back, but he pushed her hand away.

“I’m not. Lunch is on me. And since you’ll have change, if you should pass a donut shop …”

“A dozen powdered jelly?” Lexi laughed without thinking until Vincent’s mouth fell open.

“How do you do that?” he asked incredulously.

“Do what?”

“Know exactly what I’m thinking?” His eyes locked on hers, watching her every move as she shifted uncomfortably in place.