Trust in Advertising - Page 63/147

“We’re just going to get out of your way. It looks like you have a lot to do here,” Anna said as she carried Madison toward the door.

“Wait.” Lexi dropped the last piece of trash into the can and stole Madison from Anna’s arms. “We need to run a very important errand before you go.” She winked at Madison and whispered something in her ear.

“Yes, Mom, it is very important. We need to, um, scout a location. Isn’t that what Daddy does?” Lexi threw her head back and laughed out loud, Vincent joining in soon after.

“That’s my girl, Madison,” Vincent chuckled.

“Oh, go get a cookie, you two. Like I don’t know that’s where you’re headed.” Anna laughed, and then waved them out the door.

With Madison and Lexi gone, Vincent tried to busy himself behind his desk to avoid any further interrogation, but his twin wasn’t having any of it.

“So, do you want to tell me what the hell was going on in here?”

“We’re working under a major time crunch, that’s what’s going on here. We had to completely redo the Stone presentation last night. Lexi found out that Reid gave a presentation that had a similar theme to ours, and I couldn’t walk in there without something that would blow Reid out of the water.”

He pecked away at the keys on his keyboard, his eyes fixed on his computer screen. “What we came up with is even better than the original, i think.”

Anna crossed her arms and cleared her throat to get Vincent’s attention. “And this morning?”

“What about this morning?”

“Well, you two looked very …cozy on the couch together.”

Vincent rolled his eyes. “We were sleeping, Anna. Nothing happened. Lexi fell asleep on the couch around four this morning. I worked a few more hours then had to close my eyes for a minute for a power nap. Next thing I knew, you and Madison were standing there and launched into your version of the Spanish Inquisition.”

Anna and Vincent stayed locked in a stare down of wills, waiting to see who would give in first. Anna, of course, won.

“She’s my assistant.”

“She’s brilliant, beautiful, witty, and puts up with you and your shit.”

“Language, Anna.”

“Bite me, Vincent.”

“What do you want me to say?” Vincent waited as Anna gnawed on her lip, trying to formulate the right words.

“Nothing, I just want you to be happy. Sue me.”

“When this presentation is over and Stone hires Hunter, then I’ll be happy.” Vincent gathered up the presentation papers that were scattered on his desk.

“That’s not what I meant, Vincent.” Anna pouted as her brother made his way over to her.

“I know, Anna, and I’m fine, but thank you for worrying.”

“I just think that you and Lex—”

“Uncle Vincent! I got you breakfast!” Madison flung herself through the door and handed Vincent a chocolate chip cookie.

“A cookie at this hour of the morning?” Vincent eyed the treat. “I wonder whose unhealthy version of breakfast this is.”

Lexi gave Vincent a dirty look and yanked the cookie from his hand as she passed. While he watched, she took an exaggerated bite out of it and winked. “Deliciously unhealthy.” Vincent opened his mouth to protest, but Lexi silenced him with a smug smile. “You snooze, you lose.”

Madison snuggled up to her uncle. “Don’t worry, Uncle Vince. I brought you an extra.” She placed another tiny treat into his hand.

“Honey, we need to let them get back to work.” Anna started to usher her daughter toward the door.

“Wait! Where are the invitations?” Madison demanded.

Lexi watched as Anna handed her daughter two blue envelopes from her purse. On the front, written in crayon, were Lexi’s and Vincent’s names and dozens of little flowers. Madison skipped over to Lexi and bounced up and down as she ripped open the paper and pulled out the card inside.

“Can you come? Can you come?”

“A tea party? I would love to come to your tea party, Madison. Thank you for inviting me.”

“Uncle Vince, you’re coming, right? I have your hat all picked out.” Madison grinned at her uncle, who bent down and kissed her on the cheek.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Are you going to make Lexi wear a hat too? I bet she would like a really fancy hat.”

“Ooh, Madison, how about that pink one with the feathers all around it? We have the matching boa and everything,” Anna chimed into the conversation, ignoring Lexi’s murderous glare.

“When’s the party, sweetie?” Lexi asked Madison, ignoring Vincent’s chuckles.

“Tonight!” Madison twirled around the office, her cookie held high above her head as she spun.

“Oh, I might not be able to make it. I don’t have a car today. I was supposed to pick it up last night.” Anna watched Lexi’s pained expression when she saw how sad her news had made Madison. “If there was anything I could do I would.”

“Maybe another time then, Maddie.” Anna tried to comfort her daughter.

“She’ll be there,” Vincent said as he pulled the flash drive from his computer and tossed it to Lexi. “I’ll give her a ride, no problem.”

Before Lexi could say a word, Madison squeaked in delight. “I love you, Uncle Vince! Thank you.” She waved as Anna gently ushered her daughter out of the office. “See you later!”

“Bye, Maddie,” Lexi and Vincent said at the same time as Anna closed the office door.

Lexi smiled and turned from the closed door. “You don’t have to take me over to Anna’s this afternoon. I’ll call Hope and see if she can drop the car off for me.” Vincent shrugged. “It’s no big deal.”

Lexi glanced at her watch. “Do you want to run through the presentation one more time really fast? Or do you need to go home and change instead?” “Well, first I have favor to ask.” He eyed Lexi apprehensively, but her warm smile put him at ease. “Feel like coming to the Stone presentation with me? That way, if I get stuck or go off track, you can be there to set me straight.” “You want me to go?” Lexi stammered. “And talk?”

Vincent’s smile made her stomach do that wonderful flip flop thing. “Yes, please?” The intensity of his eyes alone would have been enough to make her agree, but what he said next sealed the deal. “I need you, Lexi.”