Lie Next to Me (A Millionaire's Love 1) - Page 25/66

“That was just the appetizer. You’ll get the full course as soon as you give me your decision and then your appetite will be fully satisfied.”

I smiled as I pressed my lips against his shirt because I knew he was right.


Joshua pulled up to my apartment and Ian followed me inside. “Take off your shirt and give it to me so I can have Mandy wash it.”

“It’s okay, Ian. I can wash it.”

“Rory.” He smiled as he ran his finger down my jawline. “It’s not a request; it’s a command. Now do it.”

He had a way of hypnotizing me with the tone of his voice and his mere touch. I pulled my shirt over my head and stood there while his eyes stared at my br**sts. He brought his hands up and cupped my bra while he took in a sharp breath.

“You’re so beautiful, Rory, and I can’t wait to have you, savor you, and save you from your insecurities and fears.”

“I don’t need saving, Ian.”

“Yes, Rory, you do.” He smiled as he kissed my forehead and took my shirt from my hands. “I’ll get this back to you. I have to go.” And just like that, he was gone.

I sighed as I pulled another shirt from the drawer and put it on. I walked over to the stove and put on some water for tea. The feeling of Ian’s touch was still all over my body. I needed to talk to Adalynn, so I called her and asked her if she had time to stop by.

“I don’t know what to say, Rory. Ian is Ian and he’ll never change,” she said as she took a drink from her glass.

“You mean he’ll hurt me.”

“Not intentionally, but yes, he will hurt you. I’ve seen the devastation he’s left behind when it comes to women. I’ve seen the tears, the heartache, and the pathetic begging. I don’t want you to have to be subjected to that.”

“What about you?” I asked as I sipped my wine.

“I knew how he was, and I was okay with that because I didn’t want Ian for anything more than great sex. We stopped ha**ng s*x and became even better friends. Just be careful. If you want to get on birth control so Ian doesn’t have to wear a condom, then make sure you’re f**king him for the right reasons and prepare yourself for a bumpy ride. I’ll be honest with you; I’m not surprised. I’ve seen the way he looks at you and it’s different from anything I’d ever seen from him.”

I smiled softly as I poured some more wine in both our glasses. “I need to ask you about the room in Ian’s house.”

Adalynn looked at me with a smug grin. “Did he show you that room?”

“No, and he’s never told me about it either. I happened to open the wrong door one day.”

“He usually keeps that room locked. It’s odd that is was open. So, what do you want to know about it?”

“Have you and Ian been in there?”

Adalynn let out a light laugh. “Of course; that’s the only place Ian brings women, unless he’s out of town or something. Did the room freak you out a bit?”

“Yeah, actually it did.”

“Don’t worry. It’s all harmless fun and amazing sex. Ian likes to be in control and he likes to be kinky. It’s nothing to be scared of and if you don’t want anything to do with that room, just tell him. Are you okay, Rory?”

“Yeah, I’m okay. I just have a lot on my mind.”

She reached over and hugged me. “Listen, I have to get going. Daniel and I have a hot date filled with bubble baths, chocolate, and lots of mind-blowing sex!”

“Have fun.” I smiled as I walked her to the door.

“Trust me, darling, I will.” She winked. “Call me if you need me. My advice to you is, f**k Ian, if only for the reason that you’ll always wonder what it’s like if you don’t, but don’t get emotionally involved.”

“Thanks, Adalynn,” I said as I shut the door.

I took a hot shower, changed into my nightshirt, and climbed into bed. I lay there, thinking about Ian and what happened between us today. I reached for my phone and sent him a text message.

“Goodnight, Ian.”

A few moments later, he replied.

“Goodnight, Rory. I hope you sleep well.”

A smile fell upon my face when I read his message. It was too late. I was already emotionally involved. I closed my eyes with a smile on my face and fell asleep.

“Stephen, what did you do?”

“I’m sorry, Rory, I didn’t mean to. It wasn’t my fault, Rory.”

“Oh my God, Stephen!”

“You have to help me, Rory. You have to protect me.”

I woke up in a sweat, shaking and remembering every vivid detail of that night. I couldn’t breathe as I sobbed into my hands. I needed Ian, and I needed to be held by his strong arms. I stayed in the corner and reached for my phone, which was on the floor in front of me. With shaking hands, I hit Ian’s number. It rang and rang until he finally picked up.

“Rory, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“No,” I managed to cry out. “I—I—”

“I’m on my way over. Stay put and don’t move. Do you understand me?”

He hung up before I could answer. I crawled across the floor to the door and unlocked it. I quickly made it back to the corner and brought my knees up to my chest. I had buried that nightmare years ago and, suddenly, it was back. I heard the door handle turn and Ian ran into the apartment and straight to the corner. He got down on the floor and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me and holding me tight.

“It’s okay. No one is going to hurt you. You’re okay,” he whispered.

I couldn’t say a word. I just cried into his chest. He picked me up and carried me to the bed. As he laid me down, he climbed in next to me. He sat up and I rested my head on his lap.

“I’m calling Dr. Neil tomorrow and you’re going to see her,” he said as he stroked my hair. That was last thing I heard.


My eyes flew open at the sound of the opening door.

“Good morning,” Ian said as he walked over with a brown bag and two cups of coffee.

“Morning,” I replied as I got up and walked to the bathroom.

After I finished peeing and splashing my face with cold water, I walked back into the living room and Ian had the couch put back together. He gave me a small smile and held out his hand as I walked towards him.

“I brought us some coffee.”

“Thank you, Ian,” I said as I took the cup from him. “What’s in the bag?”