Kissin' Tell (Rough Riders 13) - Page 68/95

As her hands traveled all over his lower belly, he found himself clenching his fists. His jaw. His butt cheeks.

“This is supposed to be relaxing you,” she murmured, kissing his lower ribs.

“The last thing I wanna do with your hands on me is zone out.”

“Then this oughta keep you awake.” She licked his shaft from his balls to the tip like his c**k was a meat Popsicle.

Goddamn that felt good. He about choked on his tongue when she stuffed his entire shaft into her mouth. Sucking so hard her cheeks hollowed. Taking him so deep the head of his c**k bumped her soft palate before slipping into her throat. Making a little hum of happiness that vibrated from his balls to the back of his neck.

Then she released his c**k gradually, stopping to let the lower rim of his cockhead catch on her bottom teeth. She tongued the underside with hot, wet lashes. Once he got used to the ticklish sensation and anticipated another sweeping lick, Georgia backed off.

His thighs shook. He gritted his teeth against bumping his pelvis up as her lips firmly enclosed the crown. She suckled gently, when he ached for that fast, wet push and pull of his dick plunging in and out of her mouth.

Georgia teased. Rolling his sac with a tender touch. Sucking on his balls as her hand jacked him slowly. Then she’d switch it up, squeezing, licking, lapping with abandon, and she jerked his shaft hard and fast.

Pure. Fucking. Torture.

Soft hands. Warm mouth. Heated breath. Wicked tongue. Tell’s body vibrated. He squeezed his ass, his abs, his calves, attempting to hold off and prove…what? That he had stamina?

Fuck stamina. He needed to come now. “Enough. Finish me.”

She released his cock, angling her head to nuzzle the inside of his thigh, keeping those sexy eyes on his. “How do you want me to finish you?”

“Hands on my thighs. Lean in, but arch back. That’s it.” He fisted his shaft, still slippery from her saliva. “Open your mouth.”

Tell beat off, each stroke faster. That tingle in his tailbone was a brief warning and a drop of come landed on her chin before he shoved his c**k between her lips and groaned, “Suck me down. All of it,” as he shot his load.

Georgia’s cheeks indented and her throat muscles kissed his cockhead with each swallow.

Hot. Wet. Tight. It felt so goddamn good. Keeping his grip on her head, he closed his eyes, bumping his hips into her face with each pulse, letting himself drift into the peaceful place she’d brought him to.

Teeth sinking into his c**k stirred him from his orgasmic stupor.

He swept his thumbs across her cheekbones as he withdrew from the haven of her mouth. “Look at you. So pretty and naughty on your knees.”

She blinked slowly and gave him the lopsided smile.

“C’mere.” Tell hauled her across his lap and kissed her, his tongue dueling with hers. “Mmm. The taste of my come on your tongue is a f**kin’ turn-on.”

“You do seem more relaxed.”

“Thanks to you. You sucked all the tension and all the poison right outta me, baby.”

Laughing, she swatted him.

Tell stretched out on the couch, bringing her on top of him. Running his fingers through her soft hair as her head rested on his chest. He was totally content. “What’s on your agenda for this week?”

“Work. I’ve set up radio interviews for upcoming events. Getting competitors to agree to talk on live radio is a pain, so I’ve lined up a stock contractor and a committee member in case there’s an issue.” She sighed. “With just me here, I don’t have backup for anything, from event staffing issues to breakdowns in communication with committee members.”

“Any problems with the rodeo this weekend in Pine Haven?”

“No. But it’s tiny and so last-minute they aren’t expecting miracles on the PR front.” Her face turned thoughtful as she buried her fingers in the dark hair on his chest.

“Something else on your mind, sweetness?”

“Nothing big. It’s just weird. People I knew in passing, or who knew RJ, or my parents, or from school approached me at the community center.”

“What did they want?”

“Seems once I volunteered for something, they assumed I’m interested in volunteering for other community projects. Before I knew what was happening, I agreed to help with a fundraiser for the chamber of commerce and help organize a workshop for the competitive cheer squad.”

What had these people said to Georgia to garner her interest in community activities? It had to benefit the PR company in some way.

Not nice, Tell. Be happy she’s not sitting at home.

“There’s a meeting about the cheerleading workshop on Tuesday night.”

Tell frowned. “Does that mean you’re skipping out on meeting me at Ziggy’s for dart league?”

“Shoot. I forgot. I can cancel—”

“Don’t sweat it. We can meet up afterward.”

“You sure?”

“Yep. As long as you’re in volunteer mode, I could use some help with the rodeo club fundraiser week after next.”

“Done. Anything else?”

“Yeah.” He let the tips of his fingers follow the planes and angles of her face. “Bring that mouth over here. I need another taste.”

She kissed him with such fire his c**k hardened.

“Sweetness, you got way too many clothes on.”

She raised a haughty eyebrow. “And whose fault is that?”

“Yours. Strip.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Georgia stood beneath the bank sign in Moorcroft, debating whether to cross the street to have lunch at the Mexican joint or head down the block to the greasy spoon, when the door to the bank opened and her father stepped into the sunshine.

She blinked at him for a second or two, wondering if her eyes were playing tricks on her.

He seemed equally stunned. Then he wrapped her in a bear hug. “Georgie! My goodness, girl, I was just thinking about you and here you are.”

“Hey, Dad.”

“Lookit you. No bigger than a minute. I forget what a shrimp you are,” he teased. Then he added, “But damn, girl, you are a beauty. Lucky thing you got your mama’s looks, huh?”

“And Mom says I got your temperament.”

“Bet she didn’t say you were lucky getting that trait. What’re you doin’ in Moorcroft?”

She held her breath, expecting he would demand to know why she hadn’t called him to say she’d be in the area, but he just looked at her expectantly. Happily. “I made a few sales calls.”