Wicked Beat (Sinners on Tour 4) - Page 56/100

Jace grinned even more widely. “Yeah, sure.” He glanced over his shoulder at the closed bedroom door. “Shouldn’t you be in there?”

“I’m not sure. Maybe she wants me to burst in there, throw her on the bed, rip her clothes off, and f**k her. Or maybe she really does want me to obey her and wait out here until my balls explode.”

They stared at each other in complete befuddlement. Trey hopped up to sit on the kitchen counter across from the dining table. He pulled his sucker out of his mouth. “What signals was she giving off?”

“Signals?” Was Trey speaking a foreign language? Eric had no idea what he was talking about.

“Yeah, signals. Women talk more with their bodies than their mouths.”

“Damn. That’s a whole lot of body yapping,” Sed said with a wide grin.

“You don’t listen to their bodies either. That’s why it took you so long to understand Jessica,” Trey said.

Sed scowled. “I listen to her body just fine.”

“But only during sex,” Brian interjected.

“How did she look at you? Like this?” Trey produced a come-hither look that made Eric decidedly uncomfortable.

“Uh… no.” Eric would have remembered Rebekah looking at him like that. He wanted to forever wipe the memory of Trey looking at him like that, however. It was bad enough that he’d kissed the guy one lust-fueled night.

“Then you better wait,” Trey advised.

“Maybe I’m tired of waiting.” He grabbed the edge of the table to heft himself to his feet. He paused when the bedroom door opened. Rebekah emerged in an outfit he’d never seen. His jaw dropped.

Rebekah strode confidently in his direction. She wore her hair in a severe twist, the blond strands arranged to cover most of the blue. A pair of thick-rimmed glasses sat perched on the end of her nose. Her propriety stopped there. Her tweed suit could only be described as revealing. The jacket had elbow-length, tight sleeves and buttoned under her br**sts, drawing attention to her cle**age, and the plain white blouse unbuttoned low enough to reveal the edge of her lacy, white bra. A couple inches of her midriff showed above her tiny skirt, which was so short he could see her garters and the skin of her thighs above her flesh-toned stockings. Her wide-heeled, three-inch shoes made her legs look hot as hell. Damn. Eric stared. He couldn’t think well enough to do anything else. Not even the most basic things like breathing and blinking.

She stopped in front of him, her expression tight with displeasure, and touched the center of his chest with a ruler. “Mr. Sticks, I need to see you in my office.” The ruler caught him under the chin, encouraging his eyes to settle on hers. “Now, Mr. Sticks.”

She spun around and strode back to the bedroom. He got a flash of her bare ass before her flippy little skirt settled in place.

“Oh God,” Trey said, slamming his head against the upper bank of kitchen cabinets. “I practically gave her to you.”

Eric tripped over his feet as he raced after Rebekah. Heart hammering, he entered the bedroom and closed the door, leaning against it for support. She was pacing the room, his essay in one hand, the ruler in the other. Was she going to hit him with that ruler? God, he hoped so. He wished he could take his paper away and add that new fantasy to his list: spank me with ruler. His heart thudded harder and harder as he watched her read his essay, using the end of her ruler to keep her place as she paced back and forth near the foot of the bed. He couldn’t read her expression. He’d written pretty kinky stuff on those pages. Did it freak her out?

“This, Mr. Sticks, is a monstrosity,” she said.

Oh shit.

She read his words from the page. “I want your fingers up my ass while you suck my cock, rubbing some spot in there like that one time when Myrna sucked off Brian in the hotel bathroom.”

Eric was simultaneously appalled and excited to hear her read it aloud.

“That is a run-on sentence, Eric. It will never do.”

She was grading his sentence structure? Seriously?

“I’ve never seen a guy come so hard,” she read. She shook her head. “Pathetic grammar.”

“I never saw a guy come so hard?” he attempted to correct himself.

She smiled at him. “That’s better. Unbutton your pants. Show me what you want me to suck.”

He couldn’t get his c**k out of his pants fast enough. She ran her ruler gently down his sensitive length, and he shuddered.

“Why are you so hard, Eric?” she asked.

He gasped excitedly and closed his eyes so he could concentrate well enough to speak. “Because you’re so hot, Rebekah.” He opened his eyes and reached for her, but she stopped him by poking him in the chest with her ruler.

“Ms. Blake,” she corrected. “Take off all your clothes. I want to see if the rest of you is as fine-looking as that long, hard cock.”

She watched him appraisingly as he stripped. When he stood before her naked, she ran her palm over his flesh, as if inspecting him for flaws. His belly quivered beneath her touch.

“Yes,” she purred. “Perfect. Looking at your body makes my pu**y sopping wet, Mr. Sticks. How naughty of you. You should try to be less sexy. It’s not proper to make your teacher want to f**k you.”

She’d probably read about how much he liked her to talk dirty. She leaned over, her face inches from his straining cock. “Is this for me?” Her tongue slid out between her soft pink lips and collected the bead of pr**cum glistening at the tip of his cock.

His abs contracted involuntarily.

“Yes,” he gasped. “For you. It’s hard for you.”

Her tongue slid around the rim of his c**k head, causing thousands of pleasurable sensations to ripple up his spine. She squatted and tilted her head back so he could watch his c**k sink into her sweet little mouth. She sucked him deep until she couldn’t swallow any more of his length and then drew back until he popped free of her lips. She rose and sauntered toward the bed. When he moved to follow her, she held a hand in his direction.

“Stay where you are,” she said. “I’m not finished with you yet, naughty boy.”

He froze and leaned against the surface of the closed door.

“You want my fingers up your ass?” she asked.

He bit his lip and nodded.

“While I do what?”

“Suck my cock.”

She collected a pillow from the bed, bending unnecessarily across the mattress as she reached for it. She somehow managed to flip up her skirt to give him a glimpse of her rounded bottom and the white string of her thong. He clutched his hands into tight fists to keep himself put. She hugged the pillow to her chest and opened the drawer next to the bed. She retrieved a tube of lubricant. Was that for him? Was she going to shove her fingers up his ass like he’d mentioned? By the time she tossed the pillow at his feet and knelt on it before him, he was a tangle of nerves and anticipation.