Beautiful Broken Promises - Page 2/37

“Oh, this must be some kind of joke, Lane Parker!” I heard Audrey shout from the hall. I rushed out and tried to block off a na**d Gemma, but she just didn’t seem to care who saw her. “You!” Audrey said to me while holding little Jocelyn. “You wake up the baby that we just spent two hours trying to get down, and now you have her strutting around na**d in front of my husband. Jace, so help me God, if I see you even trying to look at her!”

Jace had his back completely facing Gemma now and he held his hands up in surrender. I could tell Audrey was level-ten-pissed-off because she never yelled at either of us. Jace’s eyes burned into me, threatening pain in the near future.

“Please, leave my house,” she said to Gemma without even looking her in the eye.

Gemma descended the staircase and scooped up her shirt. She lazily pulled it over her shoulders and turned to face us. I cringed when I saw her br**sts were still exposed, since I had torn all of her buttons off in my haste.

“Hey, Jace,” she called up to him, and instinctively he turned at his name. She licked her lips and winked at him with enough seduction to light the room on fire. Jace groaned in annoyance as she slipped out the front door.

“I’ll kill you,” Audrey whispered to me with menace while still trying to bounce an uncomfortable and tired baby.

“I’m so damn sorry, Audrey. Seriously, I didn’t mean for any of that to happen.” I made my way toward her slowly, hoping that the baby in her arms would protect me from harm.

“I can’t do it again tonight, Lane. I just can’t. I’m too tired,” she said as she started to cry. “I need you to put her back to sleep.” She pushed Jocelyn toward me and Jace jumped forward quickly to stop her.

“Don’t! Don’t touch her, not when you still have alcohol on your breath.” He quickly scooped his daughter into his arms and held her close. With the baby quieting down, he turned to Audrey and swiped a thumb under her wet eyes. “Babe, it’s okay, please don’t cry.” I flinched as I watched him comfort and kiss her. I knew Audrey was still highly hormonal, but I never wanted to be the one responsible for making her cry. “I’ll take her, you go back to bed and rest.”

With a kiss, they parted ways. Jace bounced on his toes, trying to get Jocelyn back to sleep, and Audrey trudged down the hall toward their room. I stood there, feeling terrible for interrupting their somewhat peaceful night. Then my feet followed Audrey into the bedroom, hoping she wouldn’t kick me out... or in the balls.

I heard her sniffles as she climbed into their king-size bed and threw the covers on top of herself.

“I’m coming in behind you, doll,” I whispered.

“No, Lane,” she replied harshly.

“Too late.” I lay down on the bed close to the edge so I wasn’t anywhere near Jace’s side. That would have been like breaking some kind of man-code, even though I was already crawling into his bed. I pulled her in close and kissed the back of her head. “I’m sorry, don’t hate me.” She groaned in frustration, but she didn’t swat me away.

For years, Audrey had been the closest thing I had to... anything. To family. To friends. I had parents, but I’d pretty much pushed them away. Audrey had helped me wake up every day and continue living.

When I escaped to California four years ago, I was a man on a mission, bound and determined to find the girl I loved. I’d decided to go back to college, so I wasn’t being a complete slacker. I’d already earned my bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, the one I got immediately after high school, finishing it within three years. But when I moved to California, I switched things up and went for a second bachelor’s in Accounting. I realized that those two degrees were miles apart, but who says you can’t change your mind?

I ran into little Audrey in our college community center, looking for a roommate. She was surprisingly in the same program as I was, and I just so happened to have a spare room. She was beyond damaged and because I wasn’t much better off, we were two peas in a pod.

Every day I told myself that I let her move in because she looked so wounded… that she needed my comfort. I told myself that I was doing a good deed by helping her. In the end, I realized she was actually helping me. I thought I was protecting her, but she was silently doing the same for me. Together, we took life a day at a time and protected one another from drowning.

Last year, I turned twenty-eight and we walked across the stage together with our master’s degrees. I knew I had her to thank for helping me get there as well.

I knew everything about her. I knew that her biggest fear was being alone. I knew that her hair got outrageously frizzy with even a small amount of humidity. I knew that her friends were everything to her because the family she left behind all those years ago meant nothing to her—at least she tried to make me think they meant nothing. I knew that she loved to sneak peanut butter in the middle of the night and that she had to keep two cups of water by her bedside because she always woke up thirsty. And I knew she was in love with Jace Riley the very first time she spoke about him, even if it was to tell me how much she hated him.

I could only hope the next time I fell in love I would know the girl half as well as I knew Audrey. She was my sister, maybe not by blood, but in every way it counted. She was my best friend and I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep until I’d made amends with her, no matter how small the divide was between us.

Audrey knew me better than anyone, but she didn’t know everything. I’ve kept some of my biggest secrets from her and if she were to ever find out, it would kill her. I understood her heart though. If she knew all of my secrets, she wouldn’t rest until everything was resolved. And that was not her job—it wasn’t her burden to take on. It was mine. I had made those promises, and I was doing everything in my power to make things right.

“Doll, you have to know how sorry I am. I realize how tired you’ve been lately with a newborn. I’m sorry a thousand times over. Good news is I’ll be out of your hair soon. My landlord said that the house should be done any day now and I need to head out of town tonight, so you and Jace will be Lane-free in a matter of hours.”

“No!” she cried and then shifted so we were facing one another. “You can stay here, please don’t leave. I hate when you go out-of-town… you never come back happy.” Tears began to well up in her eyes and I had to remind myself Audrey was on hormone overload--every little thing could bring on the waterworks. Tread lightly, buddy.

Audrey was used to my out-of-town trips, as I’ve been taking them since she met me. I never came back happy because I never got the result I was hoping for, which was having her back in my arms. Going on those trips was the only thing that made me feel as if I were actually getting closer to her.

“Trust me, you could do without me for a few days. I think Jace will like having his girls all to himself again,” I teased her. The mention of Jace brought a small smile to her face, but it was fleeting. I had a house in town that I rented, but while my landlord had been fixing a burst pipe, I’d been hopping between three of my buddies’ homes.

“I wish you would just stay here.”

“Doll, half of my job involves travel, so there will always be times that I have to go. Don’t forget your husband is my boss. It’s his orders. Besides, we can’t all afford big estates on our own piece of land.” I may have omitted that this trip was not on her husband’s orders.

She rolled her eyes. “Why would you bring a girl home? You have never, and I mean never, done that. And why her? Is there something special about her?” she asked, grimacing.

“I just learned her name when Jace barged in the room. Trust me, doll, it wasn’t the girl. I messed up. I drank too much and she gave me a ride home. Before I knew it, she was following me up the stairs and... well...”

“Yeah, I don’t need to know the rest,” she replied in a flat tone. Then she sighed deeply, and I could sense her heavy thoughts.

“Spit it out...” I coaxed.

“I just hate...”

“Come on, I won’t leave until you tell me and it might get weird when your husband comes back to bed.”

“I hate that Jace saw her body. It was so perfect. Perfect breasts. Perfect ass. Not a stretch mark on her. While I’m... well, I can’t even talk about it.”

My mouth dropped open and I had no words. I knew she wouldn’t be happy seeing a trampy bar girl parade around her house, but I never thought she would compare herself. Maybe she forgot that she just had a baby. Or maybe she forgot how her husband worshipped the ground she walked on. The idea that Jace would give even a second thought to Gemma made me laugh hard.

“Don’t laugh! This is serious,” she scolded.

“Shit, I’m sorry. I tried to hold it in.” I continued to laugh. “Man, I wish Jace had heard you say that.”

“I don’t,” she groaned.

“Too bad, babe. I could have heard that ridiculous comment on the other side of the house,” Jace interrupted.

Audrey’s body locked up underneath the covers at the sound of her husband’s voice. I quickly leaned in so only she could hear. “I saw his face when he first saw her and if I had seen anything other than annoyance, you know I would have knocked his lights out. Trust me, the way he looks at you, even with bags under your eyes, messy hair, stretch marks, and... ouch!” I yelped when she pinched the shit out of my stomach. “You said it first!”

“That doesn’t mean you get to list it all!” she whisper-shouted back.

“Fine, fine. But there is no comparison. He looks at you like you’re his whole world and his only reason to breathe. A random topless girl is not going to pull his attention. Besides, so what if he looks at na**d tits? The day he stops looking at tits is the day you should start worrying.” She laughed quietly but gave me one more hard pinch under the covers. “Cut that shit out, Audrey!” I chuckled.

“Alright, play time’s over. Outta my bed and hands off my girl, Parker,” Jace grumbled while climbing in on the opposite side of Audrey. He immediately pulled her across the bed toward him in his typical possessive fashion.

I began to climb out from under the covers and said, “This kind of feels like that one time we almost slept together, doll. Remember during your freshman year?” I could barely contain my cheesy-ass grin because I couldn’t help but f**k with Jace on a daily basis.

“Lane, he doesn’t fall for your terrible lies anymore. Go to bed,” Audrey giggled. And that was all I needed to feel better. If she was happy, we were all happy.

Jace glared at me on my way out but didn’t say anything. As soon as I hit the hallway, I heard him softly ask her, “That didn’t really happen, did it?”

I silently chuckled, so I wouldn’t wake up the baby again. It never failed with that guy—he was way too easy to rile up. Right before I stepped into my room, Jace jogged down the hall toward me.

“It was a joke, dude. I couldn’t resist.”

“Nah,” he whispered. “I know that. It’s just that she told me you’re heading out of town again?”

I sobered and told him, “Yeah, I got a call a little while ago. I have to go.”

“What about the Nolan job?”

Jace and Jaxon Riley were twin brothers who came into a lot of money when their father passed away. Immediately after they graduated college in California, they took ownership of his security company, The Riley Group. Their best friend, Cole, had family money as well so all three of them and their wives built houses on a big plot of land here in Texas, which is where they are originally from.

After graduation, Jace and Jax hired Cole and me to join them in Dallas, and we all left the Golden State behind. It was a hard choice, considering my original reasons for being there in the first place. But I couldn’t imagine being away from Audrey and I knew I would make decent money and be able to make my random trips whenever I was called.

My job title was a little more unconventional compared to the others. I oversaw a lot of the financing, because that’s what I was good at and I had recently acquired Texas CPA license. But I also flew out to meet potential clients that were considering using The Riley Group for security purposes when they came to Dallas. Most of our customers lately had been high-profile, so they expected a face-to-face consultation before they trusted us to safeguard them. I couldn’t seem to stay in one place for too long, and didn’t have anyone to come home to, so taking on that responsibility just made sense.

“I’ll hand the Nolan case off to the rookie,” I answered his question.

“You’re going to trust Ethan with a quarter-of-a-million-dollar job?”

“We gotta loosen the reins at some point. I’ll be in touch with him throughout the entire deal. Look, I have to go. He’s going to be there.” I tried to hide the pleading in my voice.

Jace’s type-A personality required him to keep a close eye on his employees, and even more so on his family. Audrey was like my sister, so when he married her he gained a brother at the same time. He didn’t spy on me, but he started asking all the right questions and one day I had to break down and spill before I lost my job. He knew everything now. It wasn’t something I enjoyed keeping from Audrey, but Jace had agreed with me that she didn’t need that stress put upon her, especially now with the baby.

His voice turned stoic and he asked, “You’re sure he’ll be there?”

“As sure as I can be. Charlie got me a spot in the ring and says he’ll be there.”

“Where?” he whispered.