Summer Lovin' (Costas Sisters 2) - Page 37/64

He gestured for her to go on in and he followed, shutting the door behind them. "Like it?" he asked.

She glanced around at the typical attorney's surroundings, dark wood desk, bookshelves, diplomas and a row of windows with a view of the cloudless blue sky. Clearly, Ryan did well for himself and he cared about what she thought.

"It's perfect," she said, stepping toward the plate-glass windows.


She sensed him come up behind her, his body heat warmer than that of the sun shining through the glass. Ignoring her awareness of him in his apartment was getting more and more difficult, especially since her bedroom shared a wall with his. She knew when he woke up and when he went to sleep— and when he tossed and turned as fitfully as she.

She turned now to find him closer than she'd realized and she stepped back toward the window. He came forward.

Zoe sucked in a breath and exhaled slowly. "We need to talk," she told him.

"We damn well do." He reached up and loosened his tie.

The effect of him looking so relaxed and slightly rumpled in his power suit was devastating to her senses. Her knees shook as though she was a school-girl on her first date.

"I need to hold you or I'm going to go insane." His deep gaze burned into hers. "I have to taste you." His hands came to rest on the window above her shoulders, as he dipped his head closer. His determined expression told her he wasn't about to be deterred.

She trembled, wanting the same things. "That's not what I wanted to talk about," she managed to say, despite being breathless with anticipation.

He lowered his head, his forehead touching hers. "What is it?" He sounded resigned to listening first and kissing second.

Disappointment filled her nonpractical side, while her rational side applauded her self-restraint. "This is our fourth day here and you haven't mentioned taking Sam to see your family at all."

She voiced the concern that enveloped her constantly. How would his relatives treat the teenager who was just coming to trust Ryan a little bit more each day?

Zoe refused to factor her own feelings into meeting his family, telling herself that what they thought of her didn't matter. Yet she couldn't deny that if and when they were introduced, she wanted smoother sailing than she'd had with Uncle Russ. The thought of his parents judging and finding her lacking turned her stomach, because despite everything, she cared how it might affect what Ryan thought of her.

"We're going to my parents' house for dinner tonight," he said, finally.

"Let me guess. You were going to spring it on us at the last minute." She tried for a teasing tone, but Ryan had tensed up and he wasn't relaxing or laughing at her joke.

"Do you blame me?" he asked instead. "Sam doesn't need another excuse to run away and as for you— "

"Afraid I'll embarrass you in front of your parents?" Again she tried for a laugh, but she also averted her gaze, not wanting him to see how serious her question actually was.

Ryan knew Zoe well enough by now to get when she was feeling vulnerable and, despite the jokes, the idea of meeting his family obviously scared her. Hell, there were times his parents scared him, too.

He placed his hand beneath her chin and lifted her gaze. "They will adore you," he said, knowing in his heart every word was a lie.

They'd find her short skirts and high heels as offensive as they'd found his sister's tube tops and ripped denim shorts way back when. Hell, Uncle Russ had already expressed his shock after meeting Zoe and catching the obvious undercurrents between them. Though Russ was a ladies' man and he dated all types, it didn't matter since he was determined never to settle down.

But Ryan was different. His uncle knew that Ryan wanted to have the kind of family he'd lacked growing up. Unfortunately, for all that Uncle Russ supported Ryan, he also had enough of the Baldwin genes to want Ryan to find the proper wife to carry on the Baldwin name. "Proper" meaning correct bloodlines, manners and breeding.

"Ryan?" Zoe's voice startled him. "Where'd you go?" she asked of the mental break he'd just taken.

He met her wide-eyed gaze and refused to acknowledge aloud that Zoe Costas and her con-artist, day-spa, pig-owning family didn't fit with the Baldwin family lineage— something Ryan hadn't wanted to think about or deal with during his time in New Jersey . He'd blocked out everything he could about home and focused on nothing but getting to know Sam. And his growing feelings for Zoe.

"I was just thinking about this." He leaned forward and captured her lips in a kiss. A hot, devouring kiss filled with all the desire that had kept him awake nights and the yearning he experienced each time he looked at her.

Apparently she felt the same way and missed him just as much because she wound her arms around his neck, pulled him close, and thrust her tongue inside his mouth in a clear act of desire and possession.

He groaned and pulled her tightly against him, his groin thrusting against the barrier of his pants, eager to escape confinement and sink deep inside her moist heat. It'd been too damn long, he thought. Her hips swayed from side to side, seeking more intimate contact, and he was happy to oblige. He widened his stance and let his aching member settle between her legs so they could grind against each other, mimicking the act of making love as best they could.

Only the window seemed to support them now. Zoe's breath came faster and she breathed hot and heavy in his ear. He couldn't remember any woman who made him want so much. Need so much. And wish to give back as generously as she gave to him. In the back of his mind, he understood that more than his body was engaged with Zoe and he'd have to deal with that soon.

But first he'd handle the woman writhing against him, almost ready to come apart in his arms. He was damn close himself and every ounce of self-control went into keeping himself in check while bringing her closer and closer to what he hoped would be a mind-blowing orgasm.

He'd already caught her rhythm with his hips and pelvis and it wasn't long before he thrust upward one last time and she shook, groaned and came, calling out his name.

Only when she finally caught her breath did he step back. He took in her flushed cheeks and the way she attempted to straighten her clothing and grinned.

"I'm sure this isn't appropriate behavior for a partner," she said wryly.

He raised an eyebrow. "Who knows? There is a reason we partners have private bathrooms in our offices, you know." He pointed to the door in the back corner of the room.

She blushed and in a very un-Zoelike way, ran to the restroom to pull herself together. Still, she had a point. He'd never brought a woman he was seeing to his office, let alone made one come behind the closed door.