Get off on the Pain - Page 11/55

I look back up to her eyes to see her zoned in on my chest. Her eyes slowly check me out, taking me all in before she notices me watching and focuses her attention back up on Ava.

“Sure, Lyric.” Ava gives Ryder a wary look while backing up. “I’ll be right back.” She grinds her jaw while pointing to us. “No shit. Got it?”

“Yup. Sure thing, babe. No shit.” Ryder takes a seat next to me and tilts back his beer. I can almost imagine the smirk on his face as his eyes bore into the side of my face and it only fuels my fire more. The only thing I can do to ignore it is focus my energy somewhere else, so I look back up into Lyric’s eyes and hold her stare, feeling my heartbeat calm down a bit.

She’s standing there, still breathing heavily while mirroring my look. She looks lost in thought as if she’s taking this moment to figure me out. That’s the last thing she should want to do.

My jaw flexes as her eyes dart down to my lips and then back up to my eyes before swallowing hard.

I feel Ryder’s breath close to my shoulder, but I keep my eyes on Lyric, fighting for control. “You do realize that Ava is mine, right asshole?” He leans in close to my ear and lets out a small laugh. “Don’t talk to her, don’t look at her, and definitely don’t put your fucking hands on her. You’ve already done enough fucking damage to this town.”

I chug my beer and slam it down on the bar, close to losing it. If one more fucking word comes out of his mouth, all control is going to be lost. The focusing shit isn’t going to work for long.

Lyric’s eyes move from me to Ryder before she scowls. “Stop being a dick, Ryder. He’s not bothering you.”

Ava appears back in front of us with three mixed drinks, causing us all to look up at her. She sets them down and gives Lyric a nervous look before sighing. “I’ll put them on Ryder’s tab since he’s being a total jerk right now.”

Lyric grabs one of the mixed drinks and sets it down in front of me with a smile. “Enjoy. Thanks to Ryder.” She gives Ryder a dirty look and then grabs the other two glasses. “Stop starting shit, asshole, or next time you come see me I’m charging you double. Landen’s looking for you.”

She gives me one last look before disappearing into the crowd. As much as I want to turn away I can’t, until she’s completely gone and no longer visible.

Now I really feel the urge to get the fuck out of here.

Standing up, I drop a twenty on the bar while shoving my wallet into my back pocket. “I’m out, Ava.” I toss my empty bottle into the trash beside her and take a long drink out of the glass that Lyric set down in front of me. “Thanks for the drinks.”

I turn around and get ready to walk away, fighting with everything in me to ignore everything Ryder has just said. The best thing for me to do is to just leave.

“Say hello to your mom for me.” Ryder lets out a small laugh. “Or maybe not.”

His words cause me to lose control, and before I can even think my elbow connects with the back of his head, causing his face to slam down onto the wood of the bar.

I press my elbow down into the center of his neck as hard as I can and lean into his ear. “If you ever say shit about my mother or my family again, I won’t hesitate to fucking kill you.” I grind my jaw while increasing the pressure into his cervical spine. “You fucking hear me!”

Backing away, I take a deep breath and look around me. Everyone in the bar is staring and suddenly I hear my name being whispered around the room. I’m fucking losing it. I need to get out here and fast. The room is starting to spin.

I’ve been back in town for less than a week and already I’m going to be the talk of the town again. Well shit.

Grabbing his face, blood dripping down his hand, Ryder jumps up and shoves me backwards. “Fucking piece of shit!” He looks behind him toward Ava who is now gripping the back of his shirt and telling him to stop. He pushes her hand away and points at me. “You’re lucky we’re in my girl’s work or that shit would not slide. Oh, and did I mention that my dad is the new fucking Sheriff? You better watch your shit.” Ava grabs his shirt again. “I fucking know, Ava. Get your hands off of me.”

Running my tongue over my upper teeth, I back up and turn around, getting out of there as fast as I can before I hurt someone else. I push my way past the crowd swarming in and head over to my bike, my blood pumping.

Right as I reach for my helmet I hear footsteps coming up behind me. I tense up, prepared for a fight when I turn around to see Lyric standing there panting, the front of her dress wet.

“I need a ride home.” Walking over, she grabs my helmet and places it on her head.

I watch her as she walks around me and hops on the back, wrapping one of her arms around my waist.

“Why is your dress wet,” I ask through clenched teeth, wondering if I’m going to have to go back in and confront someone.

“I threw my drink on Ryder and unfortunately someone bumped into the back of me. It didn’t quite work out like I had planned. Now I’m just ready to go before Bailey finds me and bitches me out for ruining the night.” Her grip on me tightens as she puts her feet up. “I’m ready.”

I tilt my head and smirk at her before firing up the engine. “Next time don’t stand so close and aim for the face. Vodka is a bitch when it gets in the eyes. It burns like hell.”

“Noted,” she says with a lace of humor before scooting in closer and gripping me tighter. “I’m ready for a ride so be sure to go fast. I doubt I’m anything like the girls you’re used to. Don’t hold back.”

That’s one thing I can do . . .

MEMPHIS’ BODY STAYS TENSE THE whole ride home and I have to admit that I like the feel of his firm body under my touch. Every time my grip on him shifts, his muscles tense even more, as if he isn’t used to being touched. It only makes me want to help break those walls down and continue to touch him if that makes sense.

As soon as he pulls up in front of my house he grips my hand and helps me off his bike, but faster than I prefer. I wasted a perfectly good drink on some asshole for him and all he wants to do is get rid of me.

“Go inside and change,” he demands. “Then come back outside. I’ll wait right here.”

“Excuse me?” I hope he doesn’t think that I’m one of those women who take orders from a man. That is not my style and I won’t take orders from anyone, including him.