Lost for You (Lost 2) - Page 46/53

“Nope, you’re not ruining my surprise for you. But I will say, you’re gonna love it.” He leans forward, grabbing my arms and holding them behind my back. “Now, where were we…”

He proceeds to consume me, right there on the couch, and I freaking love it.

We catch the 10 a.m. train into New York City, arriving just after eleven at Grand Central Station. On our way to the train station, I had a feeling I was being watched. I couldn’t shake it. But whenever I looked around, I couldn’t see anyone. I didn’t mention it to Brax because I love his idea of having a normal day out, just the two of us. With the threats against me all but gone now, he can relax a bit now. He doesn’t need to be ‘on duty’ and on alert 24/7. He can just be Brax, the man I love and the man I’ve agreed to marry.

Exiting the subway after we disembark, we walk up to street level and are immediately assaulted with the hustle and bustle of this huge city. All I can see is a sea of people and cars, busily going about their day. I love it! I look up at Brax. He’s watching me warily, but he relaxes when he sees my huge smile beaming back at him.

“Where are we heading first?” I ask loudly, speaking over the traffic noise that surrounds us.

He leans down to my ear. “We have an errand to run first. Something I need to pick up, something you’re missing, then I thought we’d grab some lunch and have a picnic in Central Park.” He’s got a huge smile on his face. I already like my normal day with Brax, and it has only just started.

He grabs my hand, and we start walking out of the way of the hectic pedestrians who seem to be rushing the sidewalk.

“So, where are we going?”

“Fifth Avenue,” he says emotionless, like he hasn’t just said the two words every woman wants to hear.

“Um, Brax,” I say, coming to an immediate stop in the middle of the sidewalk. “If we go to Fifth Avenue now, my black card will hate me, you’ll get sick of shopping, and we won’t get anything else done. I mean, c’mon, it’s Fifth Avenue.”

He has the audacity to wink at me. He drops his head and kisses my forehead, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me in close against him.

“Sweetheart, I’d love to go shopping on Fifth Avenue with you, but today I’m on a mission. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to trust that your future husband will show you a good time in the big city. Can you do that?” he says with a slight curl of his lip. He’s trying so hard not to laugh at me as I start pouting.

“Okay, but one day you will bring me back here for a full day of shopping. Deal?” I raise one brow, issuing the challenge.

“Deal.” He brushes his lips against mine, almost caressing me with his touch. “And since we’ve kissed on it, there’s no going back now.”

After a few more blocks of walking, and me stopping to ogle the displays in the shop windows, we come to a stop outside a familiar landmark building, the name “Tiffany & Co.” above the door. Any girl’s dream come true.

I look over at Brax, and he has the most telling smirk on his face. “Brax,” I say in a low, warning tone. “Why are we here?”

Pulling me through the doors and into the decadent building, he doesn’t answer me. Instead, he walks over to a glass counter filled with the most spectacular diamond rings and pendants you have ever seen.

“Hello, sir. Can I help you today?” the older saleswoman asks him.

“Yes. I have a package to pick up for Brax James.” He grabs his wallet from his jeans pocket, pulling out his credit card.

“Brax, no! You don’t need to buy me anything,” I say, reaching for my diamond necklace that Brax fixed and gave back to me yesterday. “This necklace says everything to me, you know that.”

“Yes, and I’m glad you love it, sweetheart. But I’m a man of my word and I needed to fix a little problem we have.”

“Here you go, sir. Would you like to view the item first?” she politely asks Brax, who shakes his head and hands over his card.

After signing the receipt, the salesperson takes the small blue box with its trademark white satin ribbon wrap and places it in a teal blue paper bag. “Enjoy. I wish you a lifetime of happiness,” she adds with a genuine smile as she hands the bag to Brax.

Walking back out into the New York air, Brax has a smug look on his face.

“Now, we’re going to take a slight detour, then we’ll get some lunch. There is something that you can’t come to New York City without experiencing,” he says. I can’t get over how relaxed he is. He’s like a different man, a better man, and I didn’t think that was possible. We walk a few more blocks, reminding me how glad I am that I wore flats today, then we turn and head down towards Times Square.

“Oh my god, you’re taking me to Times Square!” I say excitedly. Brax chuckles and pulls me close to his side.

“I told you, darlin’, I want to take you places and experience new things. We’re starting with Times Square. I wanna create a memory with you.”

I start walking faster, the excitement of being in the same place where I’ve watched Dick Clark and the dropping of the Times Square Ball on TV every New Year’s Eve overwhelming me.

“Slow down, babe. Where’s the fire?” He says to me as I pull him along by his hand.

“I’m just excited to see it, that’s all.”

The closer we get, the more awestruck I become. You see the photos, the images on the television of what Times Square is like, but until you experience it first-hand you really have no idea.

Brax stops walking when we reach the Duffy memorial. He turns and stares at me with those baby blue eyes of his. Without warning, he drops to one knee, still holding my outstretched hand. My eyes fill with tears as it dawns on me what this is all about.

“Before I met you, my life was full of empty days and lonely nights. We may not have met under the best of circumstances, but as much as you say that I taught you how to love and feel again, you have taught me what unconditional love is. I promise to love you, today, tomorrow, and forever. Will you make me the happiest man...” he looks down, trying to compose himself. Looking back up at me, I see his eyes glistening with emotion.” And be my wife?”

I get down on my knees with him, and bring my hands up to his face, wrapping my hands around his jaw, now unable to hold back my free flowing tears. “I was nothing until you made me whole again, Braxton James. I can’t wait to love you for the rest of your life. Yes!” I say before crushing my mouth against his as we clash teeth and tongues, unable to get close enough to each other.