Lost in Distraction (Lost 1) - Page 18/54

“And what was that?” he asks, sounding a lot calmer now.

“He said to leave Elle alone and that we have no idea what is really going on. I’m not worried about it, bro, but I’m thinking there is even more to this than even we know. I’ll be pissed if Gibbons and the boss are holding back on us.” I wheeze. Damn, that smarts!

“Well, I’ll do what I can, B, but you need to rest. You think it is a good idea going to see her when you’re like this?” Wow, he actually sounds worried.

“I have to see her, Shay. She’ll be concerned about why I haven’t come over. I can’t have her thinking that she could lose me, too. I’ve gotta go. I’ll text you in the morning. You can bring me my prescription,” I say grumpily before hanging up.

I open the door to Elle’s building with one arm and walk tentatively towards the stairs. I can feel myself starting to get a bit woozy and I wonder if it’s the pills they made me take at the ER. I stumble up the stairs and make it to her apartment door, managing to knock a few times before sliding down the wall with a thump.

My heart stops when I see Brax slumped against the wall outside my apartment. He looks terrible with one arm in a sling and a big bandage on his head as well as stiches on his face. Looks like I had every reason to be worried. He’s obviously been beaten, and from what I can see, he is struggling to move. Before I can stop myself, I burst into tears.

“Brax, Oh my God. What happened?” I whisper at him through my tears.

“It’s okay, baby,” he murmurs, sounding really groggy. “I got mugged on my way over here with our dinner, then I blacked out. When I came to, I was in the ER. I’m just a bit banged, I’ll be alright,” he explains, lifting his good arm to me and pulling me into him, stroking my hair as I cry into his chest.

“I don’t understand. Why would this happen to you?” I mumble. I can’t believe he’s still trying to comfort me when he’s the one hurting.

“They must’ve just wanted money and food, it happens. Now give me some room, I’m gonna try and make it to the couch.” He winces as he struggles to get to his feet. I give him my arm to lean on and help him into the apartment. I lie him down on the couch and get a pillow from my room.

“Is there anything you need?” I ask him, unsure of what to do. I’ve never had to deal with anything like this before.

“I’m okay, sweetheart. Now come closer to me. I was thinking about you the whole time,” he murmurs as I kneel on the ground in front of the couch and carefully snuggle into his side. “I’m so sorry about the dinner,” he says, and I burst out laughing through my tears.

Typical male, always thinking of his stomach.

Chapter Eight

I try to open my eyes, but it hurts to move. My head is thumping, my shoulder is killing me, and my ribs feel like they’re about to explode. When my eyelids finally open, I remember that I’m in Elle’s apartment on her couch. Looking down, I see that she is sitting on the floor with her head resting on the couch beside me, holding my hand. I wish I could move over and hold her. She looks so beautiful lying beside me with her hand resting on my stomach, her way of making sure I’m okay.

I hate lying to her, but I can’t tell her the truth about the beating. Last night’s events mean that this situation is more complicated that we first thought, and I’m starting to think Gibbons and the boss are holding back on us. This doesn’t seem like a simple security job anymore. I want to have a brainstorming session with Shay about it later. We need to put our heads together and consider all the possibilities. If Brimstone is behind the attack on me last night, what did he mean with his message and what does this mean for Elle?

I watch Elle as she slowly opens her eyes and looks at me. I watch her wince when she sees my face. I must look really terrible now that the bruising has come up. She leans forward and threads her fingers through my hair ever so carefully, avoiding the bandage on my head that covers the stitches. She gently rubs her nose along my jaw and leans forward, placing a gentle kiss on my lips. I lift my good hand up to cup her head, pulling her close to me as I start to take control of the kiss, which ends way too soon for my liking. She sits up and smiles at me.

“Good morning,” she says quietly, the blush in her cheeks giving away how much she enjoyed the kiss.

“It’s always a good morning when I wake up next to you,” I murmur, kissing her gently behind her ear. I feel her shudder and can’t help but grin. I love the effect I have on her. It is such a turn on to have a woman respond so openly to a simple kiss, let alone anything else.

She pulls back, taking a seat on the coffee table in front of me.

“We need to talk. I wanted to talk to you last night, but when you were late I started to get worried thinking you had changed your mind about coming over,” she says softly. “But never in a million years did I expect you to turn up hurt. It breaks my heart to see you so broken, Brax.”

I can tell she is starting to get upset again. “Hon, it is okay. I’m okay and I’m here. All he got was our dinner, nothing else. I came back to you as soon as I could. I didn’t want to worry you. I just wanted to get checked out and cleaned up because I didn’t want you to freak out.” I carefully roll on my side so that I’m now propped up on my good elbow, facing her. “What did you want to talk to me about, sweetheart? Your text said you wanted to talk to me. Are you okay?”

She smiles. “I love it when you call me sweetheart. It makes me feel cherished.”

“Elle, I do cherish you. I care for you so much. I hope you know that,” I implore, staring straight in to his eyes.

”I do, Brax. Thank you for coming here last night and letting me take care of you, but right now I need to get you some coffee and breakfast and maybe help you into the shower” she says, moving to her feet.

“Sounds good, babe. Sounds really good.” I lie back down and drift off again. Damn drugs.

I can’t get over how terrible Brax looks this morning. He told me that the ER doctor wanted to keep him in overnight, but he discharged himself against doctor’s advice and caught a cab straight to my place. I’m glad he did, but I can’t help but feel horrible for him. I offer him some Tylenol, which he gladly takes, then make him a coffee and toast.

By the time I bring him some breakfast, he has fallen asleep again. I sit next to him on the couch and gently stroke his head. He turns his head into my hand, and I can’t help but smile. He seems to sense me, even in his sleep. Sitting here, looking at him, I realize that I’ve been kidding myself about my feelings for Brax.