Lost in Distraction (Lost 1) - Page 29/54

Whoa! Note to self, definitely do that again.

He gets off the bed and pulls me up, giving me a kiss on the tip of my nose before pushing his forehead against mine, breathing me in.

“If you’re going to do that, babe, can we at least eat first so I have the stamina to jump your bones again?” he says, his voice laced with intent. I can’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, babe, we can eat first,” I say with a wink. He reaches round and gently taps me on my ass before sitting on the floor and setting out the Chinese food he ordered for us.

“Eat, my love.” He hands over a plate of food over to me. That feeling of warmth sweeps through me again. God, I could get used to this.

I’m putting on an act for Elle. I know it isn’t right and it’s not fair to keep her in the dark, but that note has rattled me to the core. The words keep running through my head.

I will finish what I started.

I don’t know what it is alluding to, although I have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I refuse to acknowledge it. It can’t be that. It has been too long.

It could be from Evans, it definitely seems like his handy work. I’ve always had a suspicion that he is involved with the man in the car that is stalking us, but it does seem a little obvious for him. He’s not one to be careless, he has always been so careful with everything he does. It is how he has gone so long without being caught. Brimstone? Always possible, but I don’t see him spending money on having us followed. Elle hasn’t even given him an answer about the takeover yet.

I can’t get my head around it. What have they started? What does he mean by finishing it? The more I think about it, the more I can feel a fist tightening around my heart. I couldn’t bear it if something happened to Elle.

For a moment I reconsider our trip to Atlanta. We’re almost halfway. It wouldn’t matter if we turned back now, surely. I feel Elle’s hand on my forearm, snapping me out of my swirling thoughts.

“Hey, babe, you look worried. What’s wrong?” she asks, a sad look marring her beautiful face.

“Sorry…I was just thinking about seeing my house again. It still has so many memories,” I add, kicking myself for lying to her yet again. She puts her food down and shuffles into my lap, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and kneading my neck with her fingers.

“I understand, Brax. I never went back to my house after the murders. I couldn’t face it, but you have so many great memories of your father, you just need to focus on those. It helps get through the bad days.”

I’m amazed how the tables have turned and Elle is comforting me. Damn, my girl is so strong. She almost makes me feel weak. I’ve never met someone with the strength and resilience that she has. She is so determined and independent. She may have closed herself off before meeting me, but she is such a bright star now that she can’t help but make everyone else around her shine.

In that moment, I make a decision about the note. We’ll keep going to Atlanta, but from now on Elle will not leave my sight unless I know she is safe. And since Shay isn’t anywhere nearby, that means we’re going to be attached at the hip.

When Elle goes into the bathroom to clean up after dinner, I take a photo of the note with my phone and send it through to Shay, telling him in a text message how I found it. He rings me straight after receiving it.

“Dude, are you serious?” he says as soon as I say hello.

“Serious as a heart attack, brother,” I reply.

“Well, we can’t get any prints off it now, can we?” he says, sounding irritated.

“Sorry, but I wasn’t going to leave it there for Elle to see.”

“Yeah I realize that. I’ll see what I can do when you get back. Any sign of who it was?”

“Nope, but I’m thinking it’s our friend in the Black Honda from the diner. God knows how he followed us, though,” I add, racking my brain in an attempt to figure out how I how I didn’t see him.

“Well, the plate came back stolen, from New York no less, so we still don’t know who this guy is. Are you guys going to head back now? I don’t like you going further away from where I can help you.” I laugh because he says exactly what I’ve been thinking for the past hour. This is exactly why we work so well together.

“Yeah I’m definitely thinking about it, but I have to run it past Elle first.”

“I know, bro. Let me know either way. Out!” he says, ending the call.

Dropping my phone onto the bed, I stand up and start pacing, running my hands through my hair in frustration. What the hell am I going to do now? I look up to see Elle come back into the room wearing a tank top and shorts, looking at me with a worried look on her face. I hold my arms out to her and she walks straight into my arms. I hold her close to me and stroke her hair while kissing her forehead. She knows I’m upset, but thankfully doesn’t ask why. She just holds me and waits for me to pull away.

I don’t.

Brax received a phone call from Shay after dinner and it rattled him. I was in the bathroom and could hear him talking, hearing him say “bro” and I knew it had to be Shay. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him as unsettled as he is tonight. He is fidgety and keeps pacing around the room, raking his fingers through his hair. I want to ask what’s wrong, but I know he’ll tell me when he is ready. Well, I hope he will. He holds his arms out to me and I instantly go to him, letting his arms surround me and hoping like hell that I’m helping him somehow. All of a sudden I feel his whole body jolt, like he has just come to some major realization.

“Hon, pack your bags, we’re heading out tonight.” I lean back and look up at him.

“Why? We’ve just checked in and we’ve had such a big day already, babe. Can’t we just leave in the morning?” I ask, hoping he’ll see reason.

“I’m too excited to just stay here. Let’s go, you can sleep in the car while I drive. I’ve got a pillow and blanket in the back so you can make yourself comfortable,” he explains as he rushes around the bed, packing up all of our stuff.

“Brax?” I’m standing in the middle of the room, watching him run around like a headless chicken.

“Yeah, babe?”

“What is going on?” I ask, my face giving away my concern. He stops and looks at me from across the bed, sighing loudly and running one of his hands through his hair again. I know the signs now. He’s troubled and he’s thinking about how to tell me.