Lost in Distraction (Lost 1) - Page 31/54

I start to lose my nerve the closer I get to his car, he is rather disturbing up close. He has the weirdest look on his face—cold and hateful. He’s looking at me like I’m nothing. I stop just as I’m about to reach the front of the car, suddenly feeling a chill run through my body when I see the evil smile growing on his face. I’m definitely starting to second guess my decision to confront this strange man now. God, I wish Brax was here.

Without warning, he starts the car up and pulls out, squealing his tires as he speeds away. I hear footsteps running on the pavement behind me, and I get a fright when Brax wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me backwards into his chest.

“What the hell, Elle?” he shouts breathlessly. “What do you think you were doing? That man could be dangerous. He could’ve kidnapped you, or worse!” He continues to yell at me and I can’t hold in the whimper that escapes my mouth. He’s never yelled at me before and on top of everything else that’s happened, it’s just too much. I spin around and bury my face into his chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

“I…I just wanted to scare him off. I thought he was just a low-life paparazzi looking for another story about me.” As I sob, Brax cups my chin and lifts my eyes up to meet his.

“Elle, we don’t know who he is or who he’s working for. I didn’t know where you were and when you took so long, I raced downstairs. Sweetheart, you nearly gave me a heart attack when I saw you standing next to his car.” He runs his hand up and down my back in long soothing strokes, trying to calm me down.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t think. I’m just sick of seeing him everywhere, I’m sick of being watched!” I say vehemently. Why did I do something so stupid?

“It’s okay, sweetheart. You’re fine. I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. You know that, right?” he says deadpan.

“Y-y-y-yeah, I do,” I splutter as I snuggle right in close to him. “I feel safe with you,” I murmur as he picks me up, carrying me back into our building.

The boss man called me into a meeting an hour ago. He feels that something is amiss with Miss Halliwell and is starting to think that Brax and Shay aren’t focused on the job. He wants me to check up on them. I call Shay, who thankfully answers straight away.

“Yo, Gibbs. What’s up?”

“Shay, you guys need to sort your shit out. We need new information. The boss man is turning into an even grumpier ass**le than normal and I need something new to give him,” I say sternly, making sure Shay knows I mean business.

“Yeah, man, we’re on it,” he says. “Brax and I were talking about it earlier. We think that Evans has been hired to do Brimstone’s dirty work and has hired a lackey to follow Elle around. Brax and Elle got back this morning and have been lying low, but Elle almost had a confrontation with this guy because he was sitting outside her building in his car again.”

“What the f**k, Shay! That is inexcusable. She has to be covered at all times! What if she’d been taken, then where would we be? You know she is worth a hell of a lot of money and it is our job to keep her safe and well until the Boss man calls time. That includes keeping her the hell away from Evans!” I’m yelling down the phone at him now. Bloody amateur.

“Yep, boss, I hear ya. We’re doing our best. This time she kind of got away from us, but it won’t happen again, sir,” he says, actually sounding worried at what we might do.

“Okay, well consider this a warning, Shay. Eyes on the prize and all that. Ask Brax to find out when she is giving Brimstone her answer about the buy-out, too. That is when the shit’s going to hit the fan and we need to be prepared for it.”

“Yes, boss, I’m on it. Till next time,” he says. Cheeky shit.

“Freakin’ smartass,” I mutter to myself, hanging up the phone. I hear the boss walk up behind me at my desk.

“Everything under control, Gibbons?” he bellows in his low voice. That voice still gives me the chills and I’ve been working for him for over ten years now.

“Yes, sir, all sorted out. Shouldn’t be long now,” I add.

“Good, I’m looking forward to taking that ass**le down,” he says, turning and stalking out the door.

“Phew,” I sigh. Those boys better come through for me.

Or else we could all end up going down.

Chapter Fourteen

I’m alone.

I’m in a dark room, everything is black around me.


I can hear him, but can’t see him.

I feel myself start to shake as the man with white blonde hair suddenly starts edging closer to me. His face contorts with a cruel smile and I see him holding a silver handgun that he’s pointing straight at my heart. He’s the guy from the black car. I try to scream, but no sound comes out.

“No one is going to save you, Elise. You will be all by yourself. Alone, just how you like it.” The man starts laughing maniacally. Throwing his head back, howling with laughter at my predicament. He is pure evil.


I hear Brax again.

“No, Brax. Don’t come in here!” I yell back at him. I can hear the man’s crazy laughter all around me as he continues to advance on me. I thrash back and forth, trying to move out of the chair, but I can’t. It’s like I’m paralyzed.

I feel myself being shaken.

“Elle!” Brax is still calling me.

“No, Brax, No!” I shout back at him. “It’s not safe!”

“ELISE!” Brax says again.

Suddenly I open my eyes and I’m back in my bed, chest heaving as I try to catch my breath. Holy shit! It was just a nightmare. It seemed so real, like I was really there with that horrible man getting ready to kill me. I look over at Brax. He looks terrified, but I can’t talk. I just lie there as Brax looks down at me. I’m trying to recover my thoughts. I was thrashing around and I could even smell him the closer he got to me.

I could have sworn it was real.

I look up at Brax with wide tear-stained eyes, seeing how freaked out he is. I’ve never had a nightmare when he’s been sleeping next to me. I can just imagine what he must think. I roll over into his arms.

“Just hold me, babe, I...I need you to hold me,” I spit out before collapsing in tears on his shoulder.

“Shh, hon. I’m here,” he says, rubbing my naked back from the dip in my spine all the way up to my neck then slowly returning back down the same path. “I’m not going anywhere,” he whispers as I continue to sob quietly into his side.