Lost in Distraction (Lost 1) - Page 4/54

“I’m actually heading home until after lunch, but you can walk me there if you’d like?” she adds with a smile.

“Sounds great.”

I walk towards the front and open the door for her.

The call from Gibbons has left me concerned. He rang for an update, but also confirmed that Elise is definitely on the radar now and is in danger. I remind myself to ring my partner Shay and organize to have Elise’s apartment swept while she has classes this afternoon. We need to check whether they have made any moves against her.

Shay and I met in the Army when we were both nineteen and we quickly became best friends. We both joined to escape the direction our lives were going in; mine was heading into a life of crime and his was inching towards drugs. The army gave us a chance to start fresh and make something of our lives while defending our country.

I watch for someone tailing us as we walk back to her building. My mind is obviously elsewhere because I soon realize that Elise has asked me a question and is looking over at me expectantly.

“Sorry, I totally missed what you just said,” I say, embarrassed.

“So, how are you finding school?” she asks again.

“Uh, yeah. It’s great. It’s a bit weird being older than the rest of the freshmen, though. How about you?” I say, returning my full attention back to her. She deserves nothing less.

“It’s okay. Economics was my very first class, so I’ll let you know by the end of the week,” she says laughing.

I can’t help but smile at her. “You do that.”

She slows down outside a two-story apartment building just a few blocks from the coffee shop.

There is an awkward silence as we stand on the sidewalk. I can tell she is wondering what to do or say next just as much as I am so I decide to take the initiative. “Well, thank you for coffee. I really enjoyed myself,” I say honestly.

“Me too,” she says with a blush as she looks down at her feet.

“Do you want to meet up later in the week to work on the assignment?” I ask, hoping like hell she says yes.

“That would be great, Braxton. Do you want to text me with a time and place when you know your schedule?”

“Yeah, I’ll organize it all and let you know when and where. See you later, Elise,” I answer with a smile.

“Bye, Braxton.”

She turns to enter her building.

As I walk down the street, I think about our morning. So far she hasn’t given me any indication that she knows about the threats made against her, which is a good thing. I’d hate for her to draw back into her shell just as she has given me a chance to find a crack.

I’m also glad she has agreed to do the assignment with me. To be honest, I don’t have a clue about Economics and am going to need to study up this week. I may not be a bona fide student, but I need to make sure I at least stay on top of my classes and don’t raise suspicions. I’m enrolled purely as a cover so that I can get close to Elise. I need to be close for the job so that I can keep her safe, but there is a voice inside telling me she may just become very important to me.

That honestly scares the shit out of me.

Due to the work I do and the inconvenient hours I keep, I have not had much time for women in the past, but Elise Halliwell has my full attention now. She had it the moment I opened that file.

She is like a spark that is missing an ignition and I feel an overwhelming need to be there when she fires.

Chapter Three

It has been a week since I met the mysterious Braxton James.

There is something about him that makes my mind twist, my stomach turn, and my cheeks blush—all at the same time. I hope I figure it out soon because he has become very distracting and I don’t need distractions. I need to focus on finishing college and starting my predestined life.

I’m meeting him today to work on our joint economics assignment. I grab my books and do a last minute check in the mirror. For someone who doesn’t care what other people think, I seem to be making an extra effort to look good today. My hair is half pinned up with the other half left down, curling down my back. I even put some tinted moisturizer on, a quick swipe of mascara and a little lip gloss to finish off the look. I haven’t felt like making an effort in recent years. I’ve been so wrapped up in my own little bubble that I really didn’t see the point, but today I want to make the effort. I want to see if I can affect Brax as much as he affects me.

I’m nervous. I haven’t felt like this since I was fifteen. Before the day my family…

I can’t think of them, not today. I need to be on my game. I don’t want to come across as a flustered little girl when I’m around him.

We’ve arranged to meet in the library where he’s booked a private study room for us. At first I was a bit hesitant when he sent me a text suggesting the place to meet, but I had to remind myself that I’ve been alone with Brax before and he didn’t try anything. He seems trustworthy, and the more I get to know him the more I feel that he is. It has been a long time since I’ve been able to trust anyone, especially a man.

Closing my door and locking it behind me, I look out the hallway window before heading towards the stairs and spot a black car parked opposite my building. I’ve never noticed it before. It’s not a busy street, so you get to know most of the neighbors and their cars, Seems weird that the guy is just sitting there not going anywhere. Shrugging it off, I head down the stairs and out the door towards the library to meet Brax.

I get a text from Shay telling me he thinks Elise may have spotted his car. Dammit, he knows not to park in the same place twice. Our Ford is inconspicuous enough, but I really didn’t think she’d notice it. I don’t want her to get suspicious, especially when she has just started opening up to me. I sense that she isn’t the paranoid type, but she is still guarded and shy. However, keeping her in the dark about what is going on is the best thing right now.

Elise and I have been texting each other during the week. Nothing too intense or probing, just general getting to know you stuff about my family, her old home town, and our favorite things. She likes drama and comedy movies, I like thrillers and horror. We both like rock music and both have dreams of traveling to Europe one day.

I told her that I used to be in the Army. I didn’t see the harm in her knowing that and it will help explain how I know Shay if they ever meet. I don’t want to lie to her any more than I have to. I don’t think I’ve raised any flags yet, and I hope it stays that way.