Cocky Bastard - Page 69/90

Aubrey: I’m sure you do, pervert.

Chance: Who’s the pervert? I was talking about the vehicle. What were you talking about? Better yet…can you demonstrate?

Aubrey: You’re unbelievable.

Chance: Are you smiling?

Aubrey: Maybe.

Chance: Good. So, what do you say?

Aubrey: I can’t do it tomorrow. What about Sunday?

Not wanting to wait an entire day to spend time with her, disappointment set in.

Chance: I happen to be available Sunday.

Aubrey: Do I need to bring anything?

Chance: I’ve got it taken care of.

Aubrey: That scares me.

Chance: LOL. It should.

Aubrey: See you Sunday then.

Chance: What time shall I pick you up?

Aubrey: Noon?

Chance: Sounds good.

She didn’t respond. I couldn’t help sending one last text.

Chance: I can’t wait.

I spent the rest of Friday afternoon and evening preparing for our Sunday trip. First order of business: buying Aubrey a helmet. At the store, I nearly died in laughter when I spotted one that was supposed to look like the green skin of a watermelon. It had a triangle sliced into it that made it appear like a chunk was cut off. I figured she’d kill me if I made her wear that. I settled on a different one that was perfect for her.

Not used to riding with anyone, I also adjusted the rear suspension on the bike in preparation for my passenger.

Back at the motel, I went online in search of a route that we could take and a good place where we could stop. I found a town called Julian that was about seventy-six miles away. That would mean about a two-hour ride. It was a mountainous area about an hour east of San Diego and apparently known for its apple pies. Apple pie for my apple-bottom girl. Julian it was.

I kept fantasizing about finding a bed and breakfast there where we could stay the night but knew that she would never go for that. So, our destination had to be easily doable in a round trip, getting us back to Temecula at a decent hour.

Sunday finally rolled around. I made sure I pulled out all the stops in looking every bit like Aubrey’s biker boy fantasy. Wearing a distressed brown leather jacket, blue jeans and my shiny black helmet, I was ready to claim the only woman I ever wanted on the back of my ride. Charlie Hummer better watch out.

Rather than go to her door, I revved the engine of the bike right in front of her house, prompting her to come outside. The entire neighborhood was now aware of my arrival.

Aubrey came out, and it warmed my heart to see her smiling. She was wearing a short, tight black leather jacket that hugged her tits. Fuck me. Her hair was down, and she wore high black leather boots over her jeans.

As I held out her helmet, my mouth spread into a huge smile. “God, you look fucking hot.”

She covered her mouth in laughter when she looked down at the pink helmet I’d picked out that had the words Biker Princess etched onto the side. “Biker Princess? Did you have this made?”

“No. They had it at the bike shop. How perfect is that? It was fate.”

“What would really be perfect is if yours said Cocky Bastard.” She winked. I was thrilled to see that the version of her that showed up today was feisty Aubrey. My dick was even more thrilled.

“Ready to roll, Princess?”

“Honestly, I’m a little scared. I’ve never been on one of these in my life.”

“You know the feeling you have when you’re riding in a convertible?”


“Well, times that by ten. That’s what it’s gonna be like. Fucking awesome, Aubrey.”

She still looked nervous.

“Are you nervous, baby?”

“I can’t help it.”

“Don’t be scared. Just don’t let go of me. That’s the main thing you have to remember.”

Please don’t ever let go of me.

“Believe me. I won’t,” she said.

“Is that a promise?”

She blushed knowing what I was really getting at and ignored the question.

“This is my first time too, you know,” I said.

“What do you mean? You’ve been on a motorcycle plenty of times.”

“Yes, but you’re the first woman that’s ever ridden behind me.”


“Really.” I put the helmet over her head. “Here, let me help you.” Adjusting the strap, I looked into her beautiful eyes, and said, “Now, I’m gonna teach you some things before we leave. I read up on some safety stuff.”

“Alright.” She looked adorable with that huge pink helmet on her head.