Master of the Stars - Page 145/403

Chapter 77: Demon Transformation (Part 2/2)

Jack nearly touched Rui Wen’s fingers when he was suddenly pulled at least two meters apart from her. The color of the dark-night sky outside the vehicle was like a turbid river that suddenly crossed between the two.


Jack’s brain instantly calculated out the terrifying and preposterous force required to tear apart the thick bullet-proof steel plating by force. He deduced using the simplest of logic….. If this force were to come exploding his way without any attenuation, it would pierce through him completely.

Clarity came with this thought. Jack’s self-awareness shined with a luster, dispersing the bizarre force that affected him on the mental plane.

The color of the darkness of night dividing the twisted and torn vehicle fluctuated with a rainbow luster. The color spiraled a little before fading without a trace.

This time the vehicle really did go wide. It collided with the abandoned site of the ground floor of a large building, but the seriousness was far from what he had felt before. At this time he found out that all levels of detection instruments had already taken information about EMP attacks and transmitted it over. Yet he had no clue about it.

A mental illusion technique? I can be hit by illusion techniques?

Inexplicable and complicated emotions surged up in his mind, then he turned cold and penetrating in an instant once again.

It was due to the double effect of receiving the illusion technique and EM attack just now that caused his body to make the wrong response in confusion. The vehicle had gone super wide, flinging the distance between him and Rui Wen. Jack wanted to use the vehicle’s wall behind him to push off and grab the precious treasure that was Rui Wen’s body. But then there was a “thump” behind him right at this time.

The sound was heavy and thick. The force was incomparably bizarre. It transmitted through from the outside of the vehicle, causing practically no damage at all before it directly struck into the internals of the exoskeleton armor, into the half-rotten body.

It was as if the vibrating force was coming from the center of his chest to disperse outwards, causing the tightly woven Dynamo Core configuration to even tremble slightly. It jolted his body to be paralyzed on the spot.

A second “thump” came and the two forces overlapped with one another. The two different vibrations interlocked and excited each other. The half rotten body, whose states was due to Rui Wen’s deathly-silent ability, had its structure collapse completely to turn into a meaningless dead sack of flesh. The vibration even spread through the good half of the body to lead into the fine penetrating threads of the Dynamo Core. The Dynamo Core now needed to be redeployed.

And so, Jack still couldn’t move.

Then came the third “thump”.

The demon eye suddenly flared after Jack donned a cold mask. The omnidirectional detection instruments had already formed an image of the situation outside the vehicle and the image was projected back.

The middle-aged man outside was short and stocky. He wore a casual short sleeve shirt that was torn at the cuffs from his buff arms. He was the one who had hammered a fist against the vehicle. But there was something strange. The power of his fist was enough to make Jack be stuck in a dilemma within the vehicle, yet the location where the fist landed on the car remained as smooth as ever.

“This fighter is at least B-Rank!”

As soon as this judgment was formed. Dark red flames burned from the rotten flesh within Jack’s exoskeleton armor. It exploded outwards with great brightness.

The body within the exoskeleton armor burned to ash in an instant. However, the Format of Fire wasn’t affected at all. It was amplified through the armor and it was blasted out the back.

The bullet-proof steel plating in the back of the vehicle was approximately one meter in radius. It was instantly enveloped by the high temperature. Gathered by the Archetype Format, the astonishing force of heat didn’t spread at all as it directly conducted its way to the outer layer of the vehicle.

A muffled snort came from outside the vehicle. The large-arm fighter’s fist had been heated by the high temperature; the fighter had been injured by the power of the Format of Fire. His sheet of skin, scorched from blackness, forced him to stop his third punch and fall backward.

Jack recovered his freedom at last. He disregarded the damage he had done to himself with his instantaneous explosion of flames and he turned around to go grab Rui Wen. But then he saw the back of the vehicle explode open at this time. The man who he had once crossed fists with before, Crag Burst, charged inside with large laughter. Crag Burst didn’t care for anything; he just met Jack in close combat.

“God damn it!”

Jack knew he lacked the strength to seize Rui Wen into his hands and his demon eye darkened in an instant. But then it lit up once more: “Even if I can’t have Rui Wen, I still have the Dynamo Core. I still have energy. I still am not defeated!”

Two powerful people like two enormous beasts were inside the wide open vehicle. They engaged in close-combat fighting in an instant, bursting forth with strength. It looked like the five-ton transport vehicle could topple over at any moment.

The rescue operation was pretty much over at this time; it had been exceptionally direct and efficient. The surrounding deployed personnel showed themselves one by one, surrounding the transport vehicle to set themselves up against an easy target.

He Yueyin stood beneath a cement pillar at the abandoned site. She calmly watched the current situation.

Next to her stood an undisciplined little old man. He was yawning over and over.

The large-arm fighter, who had been crucial just now, walked back over. His arm already recovered back to normal, being only a bit coarser than that of an ordinary person. He shook his injured arm and spoke with emotion:

“Secretary, you even dared to think of using an illusion technique against Jack, this abnormal Altered Human. And it was even successful! Not bad Daydream.”

Daydream, aka Mr. Bai, was the veteran psychic of the Xia City branch. He responded with a yawn and shook his head:

“The fluctuation of this man’s emotions is very large. The defensive strength he displayed was oddly sloppy. It didn’t even match a normal person’s defenses to a certain degree. Of course, his logical ability is exceptionally strong and he recovers quickly. But as long as the first step hits the mark, follow-up steps won’t be an issue.”

He Yueyi rose and faced the large-arm fighter: “I just exchanged some information with Quantum Corporation…… Mr. Giant Arm has worked hard. Things wouldn’t have gone this smoothly were it not for your contribution with your two attacks.”

“I’m ashamed. I was going to land three fists, but I never thought that the Format of Fire from this Altered Human could be manipulated to this degree.”

While they were speaking, Crag Burst burst forth from the middle of flames with a rumble, exploding his way out.

No matter how brave Crag Burst was, his body was that of flesh and blood. Compared to Jack, who was already composed of complete metal, Crag Burst had quite the headache going on.

Jack pushed Crag Burst back with this one explosive attack. Then he walked out with large strides and dropped to the center of the empty ground to face the dozen veteran Awakened of the ability user society head on.

The divide between the strong and the weak was large, yet he had no fear. This boldness made others have a whole new level of respect for him.

But Luo Nan, who was floating in the air and observing from above, was a bit embarrassed: “What……. Is this Human-Faced Arachnid up to?”

From Luo Nan’s perspective, at least half of Jack’s current performance could be owed to the Human-Faced Arachnid. It was this fellow who waited in concealment within the depths of Jack’s soul. It was this fellow who constantly guided the emotions their direction. It was this fellow who eliminated practically all of Jack’s negative elements. Only in this way did Jack grew braver the more he battled, unleashing his fierce nature from the depths of his heart.

Since the Human-Faced Arachnid was implicated in this. Now Luo Nan was like an accomplice of Jack.

Right now the Human-Faced Arachnid was extremely excited. Its strange and unpredictable instinct spurred it on. It took the most valuable portion of Jack’s soul energy and brought it out to inject it into the spiritual seed before its eyes.

Right now it wasn’t like a fierce Darksider life form. Instead, it was like a gardener hard at work. It let the spiritual seed in front of it be washed off of the color of greed and blood so that it could blossom with a more brilliant radiance.