Age of Cosmic Exploration - Page 217/477

Chapter 217: The Past

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Logging Order was eventually changed even though the change didn’t exactly follow the House of Representatives’ suggestion. Every spot that was suspected to harbor remains of the mother nest would be checked at least three times before burning. Simultaneously, after burning, the spot would be set up as quarantine.

After several days of anxious waiting, the House of Representatives sighed greatly in relief because after all, the Logging Order did change. However, this was as far as things went. Those in the game of politics were highly patient people, and doing things in moderation was the sign of a good political player. Vigorous pursuit was not politics; that’s public pressure.

Yao Yuan too felt relieved in the days following that. After the optimization of the human government, he was only needed to guide the people down a key direction; the miscellaneous duties were passed on to government workers. This way, even though human society in general had gotten busier, he, on the other hand, had received more spare time. He only worked for five to six hours every day.

Yao Yuan finally had his own private time.

He used this precious time to go on walks or picnics with Bo Li, go fishing with Guang Zhen and gang, or he might get off work already to enjoy a relaxing afternoon accompanied by tea and a good book. His bookshelf was filled with historical dramas, war stories, and crime stories.

It was worth mentioning that about half a year ago, Yao Yuan had already semi-moved in with Bo Li. This meant that the couple would move in together on the days of the month when they were most free. Normally, they would carry on with their busy schedules. Therefore, it could only be called semi-move in.

Today, Bo Li left her lab early to visit the biology lab. When she arrived, Ivan was ordering a few interns to set up some experiment equipment. When he saw Bo Li, he waved a nearby researcher over and had him take over guiding the interns while Ivan went to Bo Li.

"Professor Bo Li, please follow me to my personal office; there are too many people out here." Ivan smiled before leading Bo Li to a room deeper in the biology lab.

Bo Li followed Ivan wordlessly into his office. After both of them were seated on the sofa, Ivan said, "Professor Bo Li, I’ve tested the two blood samples you’ve given me. Genetically, they are fine; there shouldn’t be an issue of infertility. Based on the results, this male and female are in the pink of their health. Of course, if you want a more in-depth report, it’s best that you present to me the sperm and ovum samples."

Bo Li frowned slightly, adding, "No, that’s more than enough. Thank you, Professor Ivan." In between words, she had stood up and extended her hand.

Ivan took her hand and shook it, saying, "I’m glad to be able to be of help. Do come get me if you need anything in the future. By the way, you and the Captain are getting married by the end of this year, right? It’s early, but congratulations. I’ll be sure to attend the ceremony."

Bo Li forced a smile before leaving the biology lab. After the door closed behind her, she felt her heart shatter. It was a hard-to-describe feeling, like she had been lied to…

Yes, Bo Li had done the deed with Yao Yuan half a year ago. They were especially inseparable in the beginning few days. And then there were the visits that continued to happen every month. Bo Li purposely counted to have their "encounters" on her non-safe days, but half a year later, she was still not pregnant. Finally, she had no choice but to go to Yao Yuan for an answer. His reply was that he was naturally infertile.

Bo Li swiped Yao Yuan’s blood sample without him knowing and asked Ivan to have it tested. She passed him hers to have it tested as well. This was the result she received…

Bo Li stood in front of the lab for quite some time until she finally came to a decision. She waved down an electromobile and rode it to the Barracks’ headquarters, the Pentagon.

The Pentagon was a hidden location for normal citizens. They were not allowed entry. Bo Li, though, had a high security clearance. A Homo Evolutis, the mind behind Space Combat Jet Prototype 003 and much Gaussian weaponry, and her relationship with Yao Yuan was already half open, so when she arrived, the guards didn’t stop her. She strode directly to Guang Zhen’s office.

When Bo Li pushed open Guang Zhen’s office's door, he was in the middle of a conversation with a middle-aged soldier. Surprise was apparent on Guang Zhen’s face when Bo Li walked in. He quickly finished his conversation with the soldier, escorted him out, and had Bo Li sit on the sofa.

Before Guang Zhen could say anything, Bo Li jumped the gun, "Uncle Wong... Help me."

Guang Zhen was taken back before smiling. "You’re finally willing to admit your real identity? Don’t worry, we won’t treat you differently because of your family background. Chou’s deeds have nothing to do with you. Plus, when we get to the bottom of it, he was our comrade." Guang Zhen sighed before continuing, "No one could have known he would end up that way; it’s no one’s fault. The last time you called me Uncle Wong was when you were six… time flies. Anyway, how can I help you? Bo Li, I will help if it’s within my capability, so don’t hesitate to tell me."

Bo Li got teary-eyed all of a sudden. She lowered her head to collect herself. When she lifted it again, she was already her usual aloof self. "Uncle Wong, I want to know about Yao Yuan’s past. He lied to me that he’s infertile even though the test results came back otherwise. Has he taken the vasectomy surgery? Or… am I just a fling for him?"

This was another shock for Guang Zhen. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly caught himself. Some time later, he sighed and said, "Bo Li, you’re putting me in a very rough spot. If Yao Yuan knew it was me who revealed his past, then he would have me skinned…"

"He won’t," Bo Li replied seriously. "He is not an unreasonable person. He is in the wrong for lying to me. I deserve the truth; why did he lie to me? At least until I’m privy to the whole truth, I’m not certain I can even forgive him. I can’t ask him, because I don’t want to see him right now."

Guang Zhen gave a long sigh before coming to a conclusion. "I guess I won’t be able to look him in the face after this… Alright, Bo Li, since you are willing to call me Uncle Wong again, I’ll tell you everything I know about his past, but I can’t help with the details beyond that.

"That time, he was still the Black Star Unit’s captain and I was the vice-captain…"

Yao Yuan was born into a family of aristocrats. Logically, he should enter the world of politics when he became older. However, because of multiple political missteps, the power of his family slowly dwindled. Since this was not the 20th century, you couldn’t have a whole family exiled or killed. Their power may have dwindled, but resurgence in power was entirely possible.

Under that circumstance, the best future for Yao Yuan was no longer politics but military.

His natural talent in combat, incredible power of observation, and the inborn leadership from his aristocratic background were slowly honed in the military. Eventually, he was conscripted into the Black Star Unit. After the old captain retired due to combat injuries, he was the best pick to lead the Black Star Unit.

Yao Yuan showcased incredible performance. The Black Star Unit rose out of anonymity in the next two to three years to the stage where it could stand toe to toe with the other Dragon special unit. Slowly but surely, the missions that fell into Black Star Unit’s hands got increasingly more difficult and closer to the center of the power structure.

And during one of our escort missions, he met the granddaughter of a minister that was then at the top of the political hierarchy.

Guang Zhen elaborated as he went down memory lane, "With Yao Yuan’s good looks and impressive physique from army training, he could get any woman he wanted. Before he met the granddaughter, he had charmed his way through many missions. If he put his heart into it, almost any woman, no matter their age, would fall for him…"

Of course, after that, Yao Yuan coupled up with the granddaughter. Guang Zhen didn’t go into their romantic details and Bo Li didn’t ask; both of them skirted around the sensitive topic expertly. When Guang Zhen continued, the time had skipped to when the girl became pregnant with his child. When this thing was revealed to the world, Yao Yuan was mistaken by the minister and his family that he impregnated the girl because he intended to use her as a tool to regain his family’s standing.

Yao Yuan’s situation was actually very dangerous, as he could be assassinated at any time. Many of his close friends advised him to make himself scarce. With his ability, he could easily hide himself to a stage where even the leader of the Dragon special units wouldn’t be able to locate him. However, he chose to stay to nurture this impossible relationship. The girl was under house lockdown at that point. She was ordered to go through an abortion. Many things happened after that, Guang Zhen explained those in broad strokes. It was obvious that he was still cautious about certain things. He was reluctant to reveal the nitty-gritty of things.

Bo Li kept the same emotionless appearance. Since Guang Zhen refused to go into the detail, she didn’t want to press. She merely asked, "Then what happened? Did they… end up together?"

"Of course not," Guang Zhen said bitterly. "Or he wouldn’t be so lonely now. The granddaughter… died when she was in her second trimester…"