Age of Cosmic Exploration - Page 387/477

Chapter 388: Password!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Using the discussion results from the three-day-long meeting, the Academy truly had outperformed themselves. Utilizing the AI's superhuman calculating capability, they came up with the most possible situation should one enter the green light in under a week.

In the 3D image, no it should be called a 4D image, the 3d construction of a cow was pushed into the green light and it became turned inside out and kept shifting into impossible things where the form of a cow was completely lost. This shift was more than just the turning its organs or blood vessels inside out, this was more than that… Simply put, it had changed into a jellyfish, where one could look into its organs and it kept vomiting out the organs so its insides became the outside of the jellyfish.

In this weird 4D image, the cow theoretically should have died, but according to the calculations of the AI, the cow was not only alive, it was surviving better than before.

"Please don't be shocked, Chancellor."

Beside this giant projection was a large group of scientists and government officials. The person responsible for the explanation was physicist Silewei. Obviously, he had discerned the shock on the public's faces and commented with a smile, "Even though this cow looks beyond its normal form and you might see it as nothing more than a pile of meat, this is actually its true form within a four dimensional space. For example, when an artist draws an apple on a piece of paper, no matter how hard he tries to express the third dimension through shading and other methods, there would a great section of the apple that wouldn't be portrayed in drawing. Then is it fair to say that part of the apple doesn't exist? No, we can only say that such is the apple's form in two dimensional space.

"Similarly, if we put this apple into one dimensional space, it would have the appearance of a line, and at most it would have color. Here, we are merely inversing the process, from three dimensional space to four dimensional space, thus the form of this cow changed accordingly. Its internal organs, blood, brain, and bones didn't go through any change because there wasn't any force to change them. According to physics, if there isn't any force involved, then it won't have any changes in its form, so if we remove this cow from the four dimensional space…"

As Silewei said so, the AI was doing the thing in the projection. This mess of meat and bones slowly recovered into the cow that we all know and recognize.

Many non-scientists started talking in whispers, obviously they were shaken by this development. Among them was Blue 6. Even as a member of the more advanced Blue Race, four dimensional space was something new to him as well. Theoretical stuff existed in theories only, and seeing them in person was a completely different issue. Of course, the precondition was that this simulation was mirroring the real thing.

Suddenly, a member from the Barracks asked, "Professor, but according to our observations, anything that enters the four dimensional space will be twisted and torn open, so how can this cow revert to its original form after it left the space? That makes no sense."

"It does make sense," Silewei replied with a smile. "As I mentioned earlier, this is what happens when there is no external force. Moving from one dimension to the next is just a change of form… However, if there is an external force, let's just say three dimensional creatures are extremely malleable after they travel into four dimensional space."

At this point, Silewei ordered the AI to put the cow back into the four dimensional space, and when that weird meat blob appeared again, Silewei walked to stand under the project to lightly blow on it. Then he told the AI to quantify and apply the force in his breath of air onto the cow.

Under everyone's scrutiny, this meat blob started to shiver like a blob of tofu and then some blood started to fall off. Then the more fragile bone marrow and brain matter started to vibrate, while most of the solid bone structure was unaffected and the cartilaginous parts resumed to their normal state after a short vibration. However, it was obvious to everyone that this cow was extremely fragile, so fragile that a breath of air could blow it away. If Silewei had used his finger to press at it, the thing probably would have died.

"We are three dimensional creatures, so our body structures, thoughts, speed, and even power are existent in three dimensional laws and data. Even though we can enter four dimensional space without the fear of death, we'll be extremely fragile. Perhaps a gentle shove could shatter us into a million pieces with no chance of reconstruction."

Here, Silewei paused to let his explanation sink in. Then he continued, "According to our calculation of breaking patterns, damage clauses, and physical structure, we arrived at a vector. After we add this vector into the logarithm, we came up with the conclusion. After we enter the green light, there will be a pulling force from inside the green light… This force is one-directional, not unlike gravity, and this explains why our pilotless spaceships would disappear and the breaking of the nanoline. The theory is simple, they were torn apart by the conflict of the forces outside and inside the green light.

"In reality, this pulling force needn't be big; even the most stable diamond, no, even a neutron star fragment would be shattered by this conflict of forces. This is because three dimensional objects are that fragile in a four dimensional space."

Silewei had a serious tone as he explained and the room listened attentively. Yao Yuan, Guang Zhen, and the group of high officials, though, started to frown. According to Silewei, this green light was a death trap for any object, because they would become extremely fragile within it. Then this meant that the Hope and the people inside it would be as fragile as tofu when they entered the green light, right?

This green light was practically the kryptonite for everything that existed in normal space!

Guang Zhen finally asked, "Then we have to give up this star path and find another way?"

Silewei shook his head. "That might not be so. This is the result we have obtained after such a long discussion… applying counter-acting pressure using the AI."

As he said so, the cow in the projection had been recovered to its original form. It was placed into four dimensional space again and this time Silewei suddenly used his fingers to poke at the beast. The AI applied the same force to the cow, but the creature that was supposed to shatter into pieces stood their unharmed; there was not even a vibration. As the cow retreated from the space, it again reverted to its familiar form. According to the AI's calculation, the cow was extremely healthy and it had received no harm.

"The most threatening thing in four dimensional space is external force, but the thing that can counteract that is also force… With the anti-gravity system and genetic mesomeric technology, these two force-related technologies can completely neutralize the external force that would be applied on the Hope, including the acceleration of the ship, the pulling force within the green light, and the possible damaging effect it could possibly have on the human or any living body. In other words, there is a way that allows us to enter this green light safely!"

Basically, that was the end of this demonstration. Of course, there were still some questions left to be answered, but those would have to be answered in private… In the next month, the Hope would begin surveilling this green light again as it continued to send in more living creatures to confirm whether this green light was a four dimensional space and the direction of its internal pulling force… Even though talk about direction inside a four dimensional space was a bit fussy, it was the best term of reference, and the Hope needed all this data before it could decide whether or not to enter the green light.

After the demonstration, the Hope's high officials had a smaller meeting of their own. The final decision was: if there was still no progress regarding the understanding of the green light in the next year, then the Hope would give up on this star path. They would rather spend another decade looking for another star path than waste any more time here.

Privately, Guang Zhen also questioned Yao Yuan on the possibility of this ruin being a trap. If this green light was truly a four dimensional space, then creatures from three dimensional space, be it low tier space civilizationw or even middle tier space civilizationw, would be dead once they entered the green light. Therefore, this looked less than a ruin but more like a method to collect soul.

However, regarding this hypothesis, Yao Yuan, Xiao Niao, and Ren Tao had their suspicions, and their main reason was… hypnosis!

Yes, the hypnosis made all the space civilizations travel here and similarly it had lulled all these civilizations into entering the green light. Just as they discussed during the demonstration, the pulling force inside the green light was a constant, there was no change in terms of acceleration or deceleration. In other words, the hypnosis might have saved these space civilizations' lives because a spaceship's speed as they entered the green light and the speed they maintained inside the green light would decide its life or death. The hypnosis was like the password that gave the hypnotized civilizations the speed that they needed to maintain so as not to get crushed by the pulling force inside the green light. On the other hand, humanity that was not hypnotized, so they needed to crack this "password" on their own…

If this hypothesis was to be believed, then this ruin…

Was most likely authentic! And it belonged to a high tier space civilization!