Age of Cosmic Exploration - Page 435/477

Chapter 436: Human Heroes

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Jackson hugged his three-year-old daughter, his wife hugged their one-year-old son, and the three crazy brothers raced around them. This was a huge family of seven, the most common family-type within human society. Having many children was socially and morally encouraged by society.

Today, Jackson and his wife had brought their children to a special place. Unlike their children, the adult pair's faces were drawn because the building before their eyes was the Human Heroes Remembrance Hall. Unlike the metallic structures around them, this building stood out because it had a concrete façade like how most buildings used to be when they were back on old Earth.

The hall was to remember the human heroes who had sacrificed their lives for the survival of humanity after the human race stepped into space. This was the place of highest honor among the humans, a place where even Yao Yuan would feel small whenever he visited. The name of anyone here might have saved the entire human race.

Jackson brought his family into this majestic hall and the place was filled with statues of human heroes. Before their statues, there were books and placards explaining their contributions to human society. Families like Jackson's could be seen all over the hall. In fact, today, about 70,000 families were gathered at the hall, making the spacious Human Heroes Remembrance Hall feel cramped and crowded.

Today was humanity's annual Remembrance Day, a day where the human government Chancellor, Yao Yuan, Vice-Chancellor, Guang Zhen, and the various high officials would go to the hall to conduct a remembrance ritual. This tradition had started when they were on the new planet and it was modelled after the eastern tradition of grave-sweeping. It had become a national celebration as the years passed, and when this arrived every year, almost every citizen would join. Only those with important jobs and soldiers wouldn't come.

Even though the event was huge, there weren't many protocols to follow. There weren't speeches, media interviews, or the like, everything was conducted in respectful silence. Everything would start at the Main Remembrance Plaque to pay their silent respects. They was no burning of joss sticks or paper money, just silent observation was enough.

After that, the crowd would move on to the statues. Those who were related to the human heroes by blood were allowed to stay near their statues, but others were required to move on silently. The hall was huge; just walking around it would take hours, so the place was fitted with benches for rest and even small restaurants should visitors wish to eat.

Jackson pulled his family along with the crowd. However, after 20 minutes, the children started complaining about the pain in their feet. Nevertheless, the normally permissible parents didn't stop, they just kept on walking until they stopped before the statue of an old man. The two eldest of the children had also stopped. They had been to this ceremony before and they remembered that this was their destination.

"This is your grandfather, a hero who saved humanity, the great scientist, Aleson… Kids, come pay respects to your grandfather."

Jackson said solemnly. He looked at the statue with tears in his eyes.

Aleson was once a great scientist in the field of conductors back on old Earth and was once nominated for a noble price. He was one of the few great scientists on the Hope, and Aleson was at the forefront of that esteemed group of people, his seniority even greater than Alan and Silewei's. When humanity first faced the energy crisis, the time where humanity was trapped in the nebulous cloud and had energy left for four days, his team suggested to conduct experiments on the newly created crystal reactors. In the end, even though the experiment was a success, he died from a shock to the heart.

This scientist had practically saved humanity, and his contribution would never be forgotten. Ever since he was made a human hero, during Remembrance Day, many would come to pay silent respects to this scientist who had given up his life for the pursuit of scientific truth. That was the highest honor available to any human.

Jackson was the grandson of his human hero. He was 40 this year, but he had the appearance of a 20-something. He survived a fire when he was still a child back on Earth, and due to the limited medical technology at the time, he walked away with a face filled with scars. However, now, the scars could no longer be seen, he looked just like a normal man.

Jackson touched the base of the statue and mumbled to himself, "Grandfather, I'm here to see you again… Early this year, we welcomed a new addition to our family. He is an active and intelligent child. After some discussion with the wife, we decided to name him 'Aleson' after you…

"Grandfather, you once told me that even though life on the Hope was tough, we at least had our future. As long as we are alive, happiness will be waiting for us in the future… You were right, Grandfather. I'm very happy and I'm sure my children will share in that happiness in the future as well. Isn't that what you fought for, Grandfather?

"It's been my lifelong dream to join the Defense Unit to carry on your legacy, but the military has just rejected me again because from my profile, they found out that I'm the grandson of a human hero… Grandfather, I don't blame you. In fact, I'm very proud because my grandfather is a human hero, but of course, a sense of disappointment can't be avoided. With your name, I'm always given the best jobs, the best social benefits, and even now when I walk on the streets, everyone looks at me with respect. Even though I wish to use my own power to earn all these benefits, I am proud to be your grandson…

"This year is the year 30 according to the Human Calendar. We've been away from Earth for 30 years already, but I can still remember everything like it was yesterday… Then again, that might be the effect of the body-strengthening potion, something they came up with that will improve one's memory. I can now even remember very clearly the way your mustache would curl up with anger whenever I caused chaos in your office when I was just a little wee thing…

"I miss you, Grandfather…"

Jackson stood there quietly and started to space out while watching the statue. The crowd behind him moved on as the adults stopped before each statue to tell their children a story about them…

After Remembrance Day, human society returned to its busy normal life, but they carried with them the memories of Remembrance Day…

"The third Defense Unit expansion plan…"

Yao Yuan frowned as he held the proposal in his hand. Other than him, there were Guang Zhen, some representatives, and some other officials in the meeting room.

One of the representatives said, "This is too unscientific. Based on our most recent census, the number of our adult population is only 430,000, but we have to take care of 800,000 children. Under these circumstances, the fact that we have 27,000 people in the military is already scary enough. In fact, according to our data, the number of pregnant families is the lowest among military families. If one spouse is in the military, then the couple will only have one baby every two and a half years. We cannot allow this to happen. This is only our current condition; if this third expansion is allowed and the number of the military personnel is expanded to over 50,000, then this will push humanity towards extinction!"

Another official concurred, "Even though we have moved plenty of manual labor into the hands of AI robots, those were for menial labor jobs, like harvesting, maintenance, and construction. The rest of the jobs still need to be filled by human beings. For example, the construction of the Kun Lun. Even though we already have 70,000 people working on it, we're still deeply lacking in manpower. If we insist on expanding the Defense Unit under such circumstances… I feel like this can wait…"

Other than these two, none of the other officials and representatives agreed with this proposal, causing Guang Zhen to be caught in an awkward situation, especially after the reproductive rate of the military was brought up. He was speechless against this argument. Defense Unit soldiers had to patrol and train daily, there was no opening in their schedule for them to conduct husband and wife duties. To be frank, the fact that the soldiers were given a five day holiday every month was already toeing Guang Zhen's limit. In his mind, the soldiers should only be given one holiday every year, and weekly phone contact with family was more than enough.

However, this time Yao Yuan was standing on the side of the representatives and officials…

"As technology and time progresses, our culture has to progress as well. Those that are no longer sensible have to be updated, that is how we improve as a society… Nowadays, the soldier-family structure is already outdated. We're no longer on Old Earth, where visitation took months. With the umbrella propeller system, the return trip only takes days…

"So until the soldier-family structure is improved, the issue of the third Defense Unit expansion is off the table!"