Age of Cosmic Exploration - Page 464/477

Chapter 465: Not Over Yet!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"X136, Y762, Z7124 discovery of straggling enemies. Nearby Black Star Troopers, please take care of them…"

It had been 20 plus minutes since the ambush circle had been set. Even though the war was considered over a few minutes after the gravity cannons were used, there were small amounts of battleships that continued to escape from the ruin of the AI fleet, and the cleaning up process had been going on until now.

On the other hand, the coverage of the creator's particle was huge. They would need more than 30 minutes to clear up the zone. In that period of time, the first fleet couldn't do anything, so they occupied their time with cleaning up the enemy forces.

Yao Yuan had returned to the ship. When he came down from Steel Ball, Red Lightning, his whole person was drained. His breath came fast and quick and his face was as white as a sheet of paper. However, that was all he suffered, which surprised everyone, even himself. He didn't even need support as he descended the Red Lightning. This shocked the medical crew that was stationed outside the Steel Ball. After all, during the previous experiments, Yao Yuan had almost fainted when the door opened. How come he was still so energized this time? Could this be his last radiance like what happened to Jay and Eva?

"What nonsense." Yao Yuan chewed on space food as he grumbled at the group of people around him. The mental exhaustion this time was much smaller than expected. However, for some reason, the physical exhaustion was more serious compared to before. It was as if the mental exhaustion had been swapped out for physical exhaustion. He did almost faint when he exited the Steel Ball, but it was from hunger, not mental exhaustion. He started eating the moment he exited the vehicle, but until now, the feeling of hunger still hadn't dissipated.

Barbie looked at the mountain of food before him with worry in her eyes before adding, "The statistics of the ambush circle are already out. So far, there have been almost 3,400 spaceships of varying sizes that have escaped the ruin. The largest among them was a guardian spaceship, the smallest was a scouting ship. Currently, we are unclear on how the AI is reacting. Some of the technicians predict that it is a mothernest-type AI. They hope the military can salvage the ruins for at least three complete CPU chips…"

Yao Yuan ate his food and contemplated the result. Several seconds later, he shook his head. "Those are details for after the war, we don't need to worry about them for now. After all, this is space; there will be no weathering and no one else is going to destroy them. Our current focus shouldn't be salvaging but trying to establish contact with the City of Light Moon to stop them from space warping. Then we need to search for the AI fleet who ambushed the vanguard unit to stomp them out… This AI ruin is our spoil of war after sacrificing so much. The information, technology, materials, and even part of the spaceships will be salvaged after this, there's no need to rush."

Barbie didn't say anything in return but quietly recorded what Yao Yuan said. She finished her job as the secretary before watching Yao Yuan munch on his food. As she watched him, her tears suddenly started to fall, making Yao Yuan not know how to handle the situation.

"Wonder, wonderful…" Barbie wiped away her tears with the back of her hand as she said, "This is wonderful, Chancellor, we've won…"

Yao Yuan watched her cry with shock before he smiled. "Yes, we've won… we humans have won…"

No, that was untrue…

Several minutes later, after the nearby creator's particle had been cleared away, the New Solar System first fleet managed to make contact with the City of Light Moon, but this contact… casted a sense of gloom over everyone.

"The AI civilization's first fleet is only three hours away from the City of Light Moon. Currently, the human vanguard unit is tussling with them, but… the vanguard unit has suffered too many losses, and the shuttle with more than 50,000 civilians has been captured by the AI unit. Their fate is currently unknown…"

Back in central command on the spaceship, all the captains of the first fleet were connected to the room virtually through 3D images. Almost all the surviving Black Star Troopers were also present in the room. They all looked quite tired, but they still stood in perfect attention.

Yao Yuan looked at everyone and said, "That is the basic situation. The City of Light Moon is in a big crisis. Since almost all the units have left the city to engage the enemy, the place is practically undefended. The Black Star Troopers who remained at the city number less than 20 and the Defense Unit soldiers less than 600. Even though the city has many defensive measures and cannons, there are not enough people to man them… so I don't think they can hold this AI fleet for long!"

Yao Yuan took a pause before continuing, "But luckily… the vanguard unit is still fighting. Yes, they have suffered great losses, but they haven't given up, they are still trying to hold the AI fleet. They're waiting for rescue, waiting for the main force… we're that main force! We're the trump card deciding the ultimate fate of this war!

"When we're discussing, I've already given the orders. Other than the four units… which only have several members left, and several guardian spaceships who shall remain to aid in rescuing survivors and cleaning up the ruin, all the remaining units will head towards the City of Light Moon. I need everyone to start preparing for battle."

The war meeting was short. After Yao Yuan gave the orders and explained the situation, everyone dispersed to carry out their responsibilities. Frustration and worry was written on everyone's faces combined with the tiredness from the battle they had just concluded.

After all, this concerned the City of Light Moon! Everyone's families, friends, and even children were located there. It was humanity's home and the place that truly belonged to humanity. If the place was to fall… it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say half of the soldiers would commit suicide… Yes, perhaps after losing Yao Yuan, perhaps after losing the battle, humanity would be caught in a quandary, but if they continued to proceed, to carry on step by step, they might one day return to glory. However, if the military lost the civilians situated in the City of Light Moon, what awaited humanity was extinction!

The military fleet who was ecstatic from winning the war dampened greatly after learning of the situation with the City of Light Moon. They couldn't wait to warp to the City of Light Moon, but realistically speaking, that was impossible. The cosmos was huge. Their distance from the City of Light Moon would take more than 18 hours of travelling, and this was travelling at maximum speed, an endeavour that could cause irreparable damage to the spaceships. In contrast, the enemy ships only needed three hours to reach the City of Light Moon, so the biggest issue was speed…

"That's not true, we don't need to wait idly for 18 hours. We have a combat vehicle that can reach the City of Light Moon before the AI fleet…"

Barbie followed behind Yao Yuan as he headed towards the hangar. This was what Yao Yuan said along the way.

Barbie was shocked as she ran to catch up to Yao Yuan, "Huh? This is a new design by Professor Bo Li? How many soldiers it can carry at once?"

"Just me alone…"

Yao Yuan reached the hangar and pointed at the red Steel Ball sitting there. "I alone, with the aid of the Red Lightning, will be able to reach the City of Light Moon at the same time as the enemy fleet. This is the only way we can intercept the enemy fleet!"

Barbie was startled before exclaiming with worry, "Chancellor, you cannot do this. Even if you arrive at the City of Light Moon, without the cover of the space combat jets, how are you going to face up against several ten thousand AI spaceships and motherships? This is…"

"Crazy? Suicidal?" Yao Yuan chuckled as he walked towards the Steel Ball. Along the way, he said, "I've achieved the awareness from the moment I joined this war. In fact, all the soldiers… the people who are here, which of them do not have this awareness? For the heroes who sacrificed themselves at the first and second defense lines, for the vanguard unit who is still fighting, for the 50,000 civilians who are captured… I'm prepared to die for them!

"That is our home! It is only fair for a man to die protecting his home. It is no reason to cry…

"As long as the survivors cheer for their victory!"

Several minutes later, a red flying vehicle left the spaceship, heading alone towards the City of Light Moon…

Back on the City of Light Moon's several motherships, everyone was concerned. Even though they had just received the victory news at the ambush circle, they were facing another crisis before their eyes. The AI's first fleet was reaching the City of Light Moon soon. Even though it was not their initial number of several million spaceships, the number was still high, in the ten thousands. That was a number the City of Light Moon could not handle…

In fact, there were already representatives who handed in emergency proposals to the committee to discuss the need of space warp…

"No space warp! We've won the war, the remaining forces is something our normal military can wipe out. Do you really want to abandon the heroes who have fought bravely for our victory for the sake of your own safety? Open your eyes because these brave souls are watching and judging us!"

This was the growl of an inflamed representative in the House of Representatives…

On the other end of the city, in Bo Li's lab, Bo Li and Yue Xuan were busy working on several large pipes. Both of them were covered with sweat, but their hands didn't stop…

Soon, soon, this weapon… was a weapon powerful enough to make up the numbers difference between humanity and the enemy. After the weapon was completed, humanity wouldn't be completely helpless when the enemy fleet arrived…

Psychokinetic floating cannon prototype 1 was scheduled to be completed in three to four hours!