Star Rank Hunter - Page 343/349

Chapter 254: Those Behind The Scenes

Pistura, Fu Qingqing and Goryeo’s arrival was perfectly understandable to most people. After all, they were disciples under the same master. But the Gen Family? What was their reason to show up here?

It still wouldn’t be a big deal if the one who arrived was just a normal messenger, but no, he was the future successor of the Fuji throne, Gen Xingchen himself. The young prince’s actions were representative of the entire Fuji Family’s will, especially since the current king had been transferring his power over slowly to the young prince. For example, Gen Xingchen had attended many occasions on behalf of King Fuji.

His presence on the planet quickly silenced the people who wouldn’t stop slandering and making wild guesses behind Cillin and Guan Feng’s backs. Everyone had the right to think whatever they wanted about the royal families in their heads, but no one was allowed to voice those thoughts in the open.

At this point, most people had shifted their attention away from the sea blue gold formulas and onto Cillin himself.

Gen Liao, Gen Xingchen’s grandfather and the former king wasn’t a good-tempered man. It was also no secret among the upper circle that Gen Liao and Guan Feng shared a less-than-amiable relationship with each other, so much so that even the juniors were caught in the crossfire. For example, it was no coincidence that Gen Xingyao and Gen Xingming had suffered a lot of pain in Guan Feng’s hands back whenever they were stuck in the affiliated schools. Guan Feng was very influential in that place, so their royal identities didn’t provide them with any protection.

In fact, it seemed like no one whose name had the word “Gen” in it or was affiliated with the Gen Family had ever won any favors from Guan Feng at all. Guan Feng had never taken in a Gen Family member as his student. He also avoided attending any occasion that had Gen Liao in it, and vice versa. If they had to attend an occasion together, they would act like complete strangers and forego all courtesies. It was almost as if their eyes would hurt if they saw the other person for even an instant longer.

But for some reason, the hostile duo had come together to help out the greenhorn, Cillin. Normally, as Guan Feng’s student, Cillin should be grateful that the Gen Family hadn’t slandered him to hell and back, much less expect them to have his back. However, what happened in reality was the exact opposite of everyone’s expectations. The Royal Army and the Imperial Army had to pick their eyeballs from the ground after they saw how amiably Cillin and Gen Xingchen were conversing with each other.

Gen Xingyao and Gen Xingming hadn’t come along with Gen Xingchen this time. He was alone besides the subordinates he brought with him. Right now Pistura, Fu Qingqing, Goryeo and Gen Xingchen were sitting around a table and chatting with Cillin. The young prince’s attitude towards Guan Feng’s students was cool and indifferent, but he didn’t give them a hard time despite their past relationship either. He always smiled when he was facing Cillin though.

Cillin finally learned the reason he was watched as strictly as he was after he spoke to them. Originally, he didn’t think that the sea blue gold was all that important, not even after the upgraded formulas were found, but apparently the subject had escalated in terms of importance right after Cillin had turned in his findings. There must be something the higher ups weren’t telling, and judging from his guests’ expressions they were all in the know except him. Unfortunately, they couldn’t tell him anything since he was under surveillance. It was something that was best kept off the record.

Gen Xingchen did drop a bombshell, however.

“My grandfather would like to see you after all this is over. He would come over right now if he could, but the situation is a little more complicated than expected.”

The first reaction of the observers listening in on the conversation was: what absolute bullshit!

Their second reaction was: how is that possible?!

Their third reaction was: Cillin is a member of the Gen Family!

Pistura shot a glance at Cillin. He was certain that Guan Feng knew about Cillin’s background, but his teacher had never accepted a student that was affiliated with the Gen Family until now. He didn’t know what was the truth behind all this, but his teacher must have broken his own rule for a reason.

Obviously, Gen Xingchen wasn’t sharing this for Cillin’s ears only. This is the man under the protection of the former King Fuji himself. I dare you to mistreat him.

Goryeo and Fu Qingqing exchanged a glance with each other before thinking: looks like our little brother would’ve been safe even if we haven’t shown up. He sure plays his cards close to his chest though.

Cillin had expected that the former King Fuji would want to meet him in person. It was something he had been expecting ever since he met Gen Xingchen for the first time. Was this years long quest finally coming to an end?

After the guests left, Cillin returned to his bedroom, grabbed a seat and read a book. Wheeze was sitting on the waist tall egg it spat out. It was very bored and irritated, but it didn’t feel like eating anything because the eggs it ate earlier were enough to last it for a while. So Cillin tossed Wheeze the egg and told it to play with it or eat it.

Wheeze used the egg as a scratcher and a plaything because the attachment clinging to the egg’s surface was pretty rough. Every time Cillin saw the gray cat sleeping on top of the egg, he had the strange feeling that the cat was hatching the egg despite the extreme size difference.

Cillin was no longer as restricted as he was at the beginning thanks to his many supporters. However, there were still a lot of troops stationed outside the building. For some reason, Cillin felt that his guards weren’t just trying to prevent him from leaking the sea blue gold formulas. They were also trying to… protect him?

Have I become a target?

Cillin often trusted his own instinct. Recently, he felt like someone was watching him and waiting for an opportunity to ambush him. Moreover, he was certain that this behind-the-scenes person - if they were indeed real - was probably the motivator behind the higher ups’ decision and his acquaintances’ silence.

Cillin couldn’t understand why the enemy had decided to make him their target. Even if he was Guan Feng’s student, surely he didn’t deserve such ‘luxurious’ treatment?

The next day, Cillin voiced his doubts to Goryeo. “Have I become a target?”

Goryeo was caught off guard by Cillin’s question. He replied with a wry smile on his face, “I knew we can’t hide it from you.” He then let out a long sigh before asking, “You were the one who found that thing, haven’t you?”

Cillin understood that Goryeo was referring to the sea blue gold formulas. He nodded.

“Well, that’s why. Maybe they can’t get what they want, but there’s still the person who found it in the first place.”

Cillin frowned. Wasn’t this a little too presumptuous of the enemy? How different was this from rising openly against the empire? They even went so far as to butt heads against the RAS…

No, wait, there was an enemy who didn’t mind fighting against the nobles or the RAS!

Not every latest technology was controlled by the RAS. Inevitably, there were people out there who weren’t willing to join the RAS or throw their lives away for the nobles. They were a group that had scattered themselves across the empire’s territories to carry out various purposes. They were a massive headache and a constant thorn in the empire’s sides. Their name was Black Viper!

Black Viper was the empire’s biggest criminal syndicate, and it was one that had existed since a very long time ago. Every time a new emperor rose to power, they would do their best wipe out Black Viper’s criminal organizations to little or no avail. Worse, corrupted noble families could always be uncovered every time a large-scale sweep was carried out.

The Black Viper obeyed the nobles, but sometimes it was the nobles who fell for their charm.

Their members were unscrupulous to say the least. They could turn a prosperous planet into a dead one, or sell banned drugs or microbes to willing buyers, all without being caught by the authorities.

Cillin had never fought against the Black Vipers before, but his senior brothers and sisters did. This meant they hadn’t come to support Cillin only. Some things were better done by one’s own hands.

Cillin’s expression told all Goryeo needed to know. He clapped Cillin’s shoulders and said, “Don’t worry, we all have your back.”

Cillin rolled his eyes at him. “I’m not scared.”

“Five days. If no progress is made, and no one is found five days later, we’ll bring you back to the capital.”

Goryeo shot a glance at the napping cat on top of the egg before he left. “Is it hatching the egg?”


Goryeo imagined Wheeze keeping the egg warm until it was hatched, then swallowing the newborn in one gulp. Felids were seriously strange.

When Cillin walked Goryeo to the entrance, he suddenly looked out of the window as if he just sensed something.

“What are you looking at?” Goryeo followed Cillin’s gaze but saw nothing but the same-old clumps of dull-colored buildings. He didn’t notice anything amiss.

“Nothing, I was just staring at the scenery. It’s been a while since I got out, you know.”

“Oh you, it hasn’t even been ten days yet. Teacher Guan once put a gun to my head and made me reflect upon my actions for over twenty days straight! Your treatment is much better than mine in comparison.” Goryeo threw him a punch while smiling. “Just hang on there for a little longer. It’s almost over.”

After Goryeo had left the room, Cillin shot another glance towards the same direction. Then, he looked away and flicked Wheeze’s ear. “Come on, you can sleep inside the room.”

Wheeze opened his eyes, the lazy, drowsy look on its face was long gone. In fact, it almost looked like it was holding back its excitement. The gray cat kicked the egg off the table, jumped down and rolled the egg back into their room. Thank goodness the egg was tough as hell, or it would’ve shattered under the Wheeze’s abuses multiple times already. Suppose that the egg hatches one day, Cillin wondered if the sea beast would grow up with congenital concussion, every time he saw Wheeze ‘torturing’ the egg.

At a rooftop not far away from the building, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared and stared at Cillin’s back.

Another four days had passed by since the talk with Goryeo. Absolutely zero progress had been made on the investigation, and the two kidnapped scholars seemed to have vanished into thin air.

“It’s tomorrow, isn’t it?” Wheeze asked Cillin from above the egg.

“Yeah.” Cillin looked outside the window.

The gray cat flicked its tail before complaining, “What’s taking so long…”

“We’re almost there.”

Meanwhile, Pistura and the others was sitting together inside a building right next to Cillin while a serious atmosphere loomed in the air. They had all fought against the Black Viper before, and they knew that the closer the deadline, the more alert they needed to be. Guan Feng’s disciples were currently watching at a live image of Cillin and Wheeze talking to each other while Cillin scratched Wheeze’s chin. Even Cillin’s bedroom had installed security cameras in it.

The building Gen Xingchen was staying in wasn’t far away from Cillin’s. Right now, the young prince was sitting at a table and clearing out some documents. He might be far away from the imperial capital right now, but there were still many things called “government affairs” that the future king of the Fuji Family needed to handle.

“Your Highness, Hature is here.” A subordinate walked in to report to him.

Hature was part of Gen Xingchen’s entourage. Earlier, the young prince had sent him and a few others away to conduct an investigation about the Black Viper, so he must have found something that warranted a return.

“Send him in.” Gen Xingchen continued to work on his documents without even looking up.

Hature, a tall and brawny man saluted Gen Xingchen respectfully before saying, “Your Highness, I have something to report!”

Due to Gen Xingchen’s unique identity, the whole building and its surroundings were crawling with Gen Family personnel only. No other guards were allowed to set foot in the area.

Gen Xingchen stepped out of the building while followed by Hature and a couple subordinates. He motioned for the Gen Family bodyguards to stay where they were because they were just heading over to Cillin’s.

The admission procedure was the exact same as before after they arrived. Gen Xingchen was the only one who was allowed to walk in, and everyone else had to stay outside. Hature’s group of five shot the guards evil looks as they waited outside, and the guards pretended not to notice. We all have our own boss to please and we’re just following our orders, so you can shove that attitude up your own ass!

Cillin was rolling the egg around with Wheeze for fun when Gen Xingchen walked into the room. The young man looked up and smiled when he saw the young prince. “Here it comes!”

Wheeze moved its paw downwards and left a couple of claw marks on the egg.

Gen Xingchen nodded and pulled over a chair. “I was told about something, so I came over to talk to you about it. So that you’ll be prepared.”

“What is it about?” Cillin got up and turned towards Gen Xingchen.

“I heard that things may not be so peaceful today.”

“Is that so?” Cillin ignored Wheeze’s protest and pushed the egg to a corner. Then, he looked at Gen Xingchen and said, “Don’t worry. I know.”

There was a silver flash, and Cillin cut down Gen Xingchen as quick as lighting. Zzzrat! Gen Xingchen’s smiling face was cut right in half, but not a drop of blood could be found on the decapitated surface. Electricity buzzed from the collapsed heap of metal. A robot! The fake prince was made of metal, not flesh! However, none of the scanners in the building had detected anything amiss!

Next door, Pistura and the others saw everything that was happening inside Cillin’s room. Shit! Black Viper is on the move!

The three disciples jumped out of the window and opened fire at almost the same time. The five escorts who came along with the fake Gen Xingchen were instantly shot in the head, but not a drop of blood could be seen from the bullet holes. Furthermore, they immediately moved away in an attempt to dodge out of the bullets’ paths.

All five of them were robots as well!

Meanwhile, at Gen Xingchen’s building.

Gen Xingchen walked up to a heap of devastated metal while and shot it a glance. Then, he put his gun away, stepped on the robot’s face and walked out of his room. His subordinates were already on the move.

No one had expected the Black Viper to send robots this time!

The peaceful area was instantly engulfed by warfare the moment the attack began. Humanoids and animalistic robots kept pouring out of the surrounding buildings nonstop. Not only were Black Viper’s robots immune to electronic detection, they could take on different shapes and forms too. For example, a robot that lost its arm had transformed into a leopard and dodged out of gunfire with incredible litheness. They actually felt less like artificial robots and more like trained special agents and hitmen.

Pistura moved past the guards, jumped a couple of times to reach the ledge of a building and fired his gun backwards three times. Every bullet penetrated a robot’s chest and caused an explosion, turning the three enemies into useless heaps of metal.

“Where’s Cillin?!” Pistura asked a guard who ran out from inside the building.

“I didn’t see him, he’s gone!”

“Fuck! Find him now!”


When Gen Xingchen arrived, every guard was tensed up until the misunderstanding was finally cleared up. They had to admit that the attack had rattled them a bit, especially because the enemy’s ability to transform into different shapes. It was very difficult for the guards to identify who was real and who wasn’t. The tension was only heightened further after Fu Qingqing had taken out a few backstabbers in their midst. Everyone was wondering if the people behind their backs were robots, and unintended casualties had occurred as a result. Worse, the robots were clever enough to transform into many different ‘people’ as they moved through the crowd at top speed. Some of them went so far as to collect human blood and wipe them on themselves to confuse their enemies after transforming.

“They’re trying to delay us! Our main goal should be finding Cillin, not wasting time here!” Pistura told Fu Qingqing and Goryeo.


Fu Qingqing and Goryeo disentangled themselves from the battle without hesitation and let the Imperial Army and Royal Army deal with the remaining robots. Gen Xingchen had also sent away some of his subordinates to search for Cillin. Unlike Guan Feng’s disciples he couldn’t move as freely as he wanted, so he focused his efforts in stopping the robot attack instead.

The Gen Family’s bodyguards stayed near Gen Xingchen and killed anyone who got close to them without hesitation. That was why the robots wasn’t able to find any opportunity to harm the young prince.

By now, the surrounding buildings were almost completely devastated by warfare. Thankfully, the surrounding civilians were evacuated right after the armies showed up, so innocent casualties were kept to a minimum.

The robots brought a lot of equipment with them, and they didn’t tire like a human would. Lasers, guided lights and cannonfire cut through the air, fell, and landed with a rumble. The nearby civilians and government officials hurriedly escaped the war zone to avoid being caught in the crossfire.

As the battle raged, danger chased after Cillin every step of the way.