A Monster Who Levels Up - Page 10/175

Chapter 9

Owner: Extra Chapter tomorrow due to donations.

Sae-Jin’s eyeballs busily rolled around, trying to take in all the words appearing on the various message windows. At a cursory glance, they all sounded pretty dang great. However, what was up with this seriously bad timing - right now, he couldn’t even let out an exclamation of happiness for this unexpected evolution.

‘…That’s not a bad skill at all.’

The fact that the Orc Form evolved into the Orc Warrior Form was great, but his attention was currently with the new skill "Warrior of Reversal". It was truly a wonderful skill since he could use it even in the Human Form. And just as its suggestive name implied, the skill could change the outcome of any situation. In other words… a situation exactly like this one here.

‘Now, what should I do about this girl, really…..’

He looked at Yu Sae-Jung with complicated eyes. Even though she was facing the Troll with outwardly overflowing confidence, she probably knew better than anyone that it was nothing but a false bravado. Really, anyone with eyes could tell that this Troll was in the Ravenous State, what with its appearance of falling gobs of drool from the lips and all.

Plus, this Monster was most likely a low Mid Tier threat now, judging by its huge size and the tyrannical aura oozing off from it. Nominally, a Low Tier Knight should be able to deal with a Low Tier Monster alone. To be ranked a Low Tier at that young age, her talents were something to be really proud about, but unfortunately, it was still way too much for her to fight a low Mid Tier Monster by herself.

"…. *Sigh*… "

Sae-Jin let out a grand sigh. It’d take at least 1 minute for that other dude to arrive at the nearest Knights Order base, judging from his running speed. However, what about the time needed for the help, in the form of high ranked Knights, to arrive here?

– Kwhaaang….

Taking time to think things through was an unaffordable luxury at the moment. Yu Sae-Jung’s mana-infused sword clashed with the Troll's fist, and the resulting explosive shock waves, along with a roar, violently shook the lands they were standing on. She somehow avoided getting knocked out in a single punch by the skin of her teeth, but that was it, that was her limit.

– Vuwuououong… (TL: sorry, this is the best I could do with the Mana onomatopoeia…)

Her face was now full of panic, quite unlike 5 minutes ago when it was still full of arrogance and relaxed demeanor. But Trolls knew no such thing as mercy. The huge fists of Troll created a dark shade as they rained down on top of her head like a torrential rainfall.

Sae-Jin clenched his teeth. He still felt fearful no matter how his burning emotions egged him on to face the bastard. He wondered if this was what the firefighters felt when trying to step into a maelstrom of an inferno.

– Thkwang!!

While he was hesitating, Yu Sae-Jung’s body got struck by the Troll’s fist and was flung away like a thrown baseball. Her fine sword got disintegrated into equally fine powder, and her cool overcoat-like battle armour became an ugly, twisted wreck, losing all its effectiveness in the process.

– Khung, khung.

The Troll made a huge racket as it advanced forward. And when it got near the downed Yu Sae-Jung, the bastard raised its huge hand up.

‘…What the?’

Quietly and weakly staring at this unfolding spectacle, Yu Sae-Jung couldnR

17;t even think about closing her eyes anymore. She just couldn’t believe that this was happening for real. This crazy situation, this incredible pain that didn’t even allow her to voice out how much it hurt, all of them felt like a bad dream to her. She just wanted to run away from this terrible nightmare. Only if she could wake up from this dream right away…