Unsuitable - Page 15/102

I decide on the spot that I like Cooper. He might think jailbirds are bad news, and in most cases, he’s not wrong, so I can’t blame him for thinking that.

“That’d be great. Thanks. But maybe not in this dress.” I wrinkle up my nose, nodding down at my uniform.

“No.” He chuckles. “Unless you want to ride sidesaddle, that is.”

“How very old-fashioned of you.”

“I’m an old-fashioned kinda guy.” He winks.

Usually, I hate winks, but he can totally pull it off. And I’m a little rusty here…but is he flirting with me?

“I’m serious. If you want a lesson, let me know, and we’ll arrange something.”

I smile. “I will do that. See you later.”

“Sooner, I hope.”

Okay, I totally smile like a girl at that one.

He’s charming. And it’s nice to be charmed after Kas-hole’s mean ways this morning.

Not that I’d take Cooper up on any offer, aside from the free riding lesson.

Men are a no-go area for me. Jason burned me for life.

Smiling, I swivel on my toes and walk back to the house, feeling a little lighter than when I first left it.

Out of nowhere, a feeling creeps up my spine. That sense again of being watched.

I lift my head, seeing no one.

I glance back over my shoulder, but Cooper is back to work on the fence.

I look back ahead, staring up at Kas’s bedroom window, but no one’s there.


I swear, I’m going mad.

Shaking off the feeling, I pick up my pace and head back through the archway before getting back to work.


It’s my second day at work, and I’m walking quickly down the lane, heading for the Matis Estate, because it’s raining like a bitch. I don’t have an umbrella with me, but I’m wearing my raincoat with the hood up, keeping my hair dry.

I’m not far from the gates when I hear a car coming up fast behind me.

Glancing back, I see a petrol-guzzling four-by-four approaching. A gust of wind blows my hood back off my head. I scramble to pull it back up, but before I can—


Mothereffing effer!

I stop in shock, muddy water dripping down my face.

The bastard hit a puddle at the side of the road and gave me a muddy-water drenching.

I grit my teeth together. “Wanker, bastard, thoughtless twat of a four-by-four driver!” I seethe to myself, stomping my foot.

I drag my hand down my face, clearing away the muddy water.

Can this day get any worse?

And it’s barely even started.

I still haven’t had a call back from Anne, which is stressing me out.

I weirdly overslept this morning, meaning I didn’t do my run, and I nearly missed my train. It was only light drizzling when I got on the train. Then, I had to stand the whole journey here, as there were no seats, because, apparently, the world and his wife were using the train this morning. I stepped off in Westcott, and the heavens opened, the sky raining down like it was preparing for the Great Flood.

I hadn’t brought an umbrella with me because I thought I’d be okay with my raincoat. And I was doing okay until four-by-four dickhead soaked me through to the bone.

Okay, so, evidently, my day can get worse because when I zero my eyes in on the taillights of the four-by-four, I see that it’s slowing and turning into the Matis Estate.

I growl. I actually growl and pick up my pace, heading for the car, which is stationary, waiting for the gates to open.

With the windows blacked out, I can’t see inside, but I don’t care because I’m mad. I’m soaked and mad. Not a good combination.

Reaching the car, I rap my knuckles on the passenger window. “Hey, buddy,” I say in a pissy tone. “You just soaked me back there! Watch where you’re going next time. And I’m sorry I just drenched you would’ve been goo—” The words die on my tongue when the window rolls down, and I see who’s in the car.

“Mr. Matis.”

Shit. Shit. Shit.

He already hates me. And, now, I’ve just banged on his car window and yelled at him.

I’m so fired.

His black eyes move over me. I see a flicker of humor in them.

He’s laughing at me.


“Daisy. Good morning. Or maybe not, as the case might be for you.”

I bite my tongue so hard that I draw blood, tasting metallic in my mouth.

I’m gonna…I’m gonna…

Walk away.

It’s either that or punch him in the throat, and I don’t think punching my boss would be a good idea. It’d be my fast pass back to prison.

And I really don’t want that.

Jesse. Think about Jesse.

Jaw locked, I swivel on my toe and walk through the open gates.

I’m speed-walking, sticking to the edge to keep out of the way of his car for when he drives past me.

My hands are balled into fists. And I honestly feel like I could cry.

I like to think of myself as strong and capable. But, right now, I just feel torn up with emotions.

I miss my brother. I hate my boss. I’m soaked, and I’m about to start my period. So, yeah, I’m feeling a tad emotional.

I hear his car roll up behind me, and it drives straight past me, just like I expected him to.

Because it’d be too courteous to offer to drive me the rest of the way.


Gritting my teeth, I stomp the rest of the way to the house, my trainers squelching. All the while, I imagine strangling Kas-hole with my bare hands.