Unsuitable - Page 24/102

I bend down to pick it up, and that’s when I hear my name being said from behind the door.

Of course, I have to listen in.

“So, that’s Daisy.”

“Mmhmm,” Kas answers.

“She seems nice. Hot, too. You didn’t mention that.”

“Why would I?”

Hang on…was that Kas saying he thinks I’m hot in a roundabout way?

“So, you actually admit you think she’s hot?” Jude sounds really surprised by this admission.

Kas sighs. “Of course I think she’s hot. A man would have to be fucking blind not to see that she is.”

Wow. He thinks I’m hot.

I steadfastly ignore the thrill that runs through me at the knowledge.


“And what?”

“And what are you gonna do about it?”

“I’m going to do absolutely nothing about it.”

“Come on, Kas.” Jude’s tone is teasing, coaxing.

“She works for me. End of story.”

There’s a long pause.

Then, I hear Jude say, “Well, if you’re not gonna ask her out…then I will.”

“Jude…” Kas’s tone is like a warning.


Um, hold up…I’m not bothered that Kas is pissed off at the thought of Jude asking me out.

Am I?

“What? You’re not gonna ask her out,” Jude counters. “She’s hot as fuck, and she seems like a really cool girl.”

“You don’t know her.” His tone is really harsh and blunt.

Wow. Okay. That hurt.

“That’s the point of asking her out, dickface. You know, so I can get to know her.”

“Not happening. Daisy is off-limits to you.” Kas’s voice sounds like a growl.

Um, what?

Jude laughs. “Off-limits? To just me or everyone?”

There’s a pause, and then Jude laughs again. “You so wanna bang her.”

“Jesus Christ! Will you just shut the fuck up about Daisy?” Kas bites.

“Hey, no need to get all testy, man. But be real for a sec. This is the first time in all the years I’ve known you that I’ve seen you get all bent out of shape over a chick. That’s gotta mean something.”

“It means nothing.”

“Come on…”

“Seriously, Jude,” Kas snaps. “Just fucking drop it, will you?”

There’s a long silence.

Then, I hear Jude say, “Consider it dropped. We sparring again?”


Jude chuckles. “Come on then, pretty boy. Give me your best shot.”

Knowing their conversation about me is over, I move away from the door.

I walk down the hallway in a daze, not really sure what to do with what I just heard.

Kas likes me. Well, he thinks I’m hot.

So does Jude, but that’s neither here nor there.

But Kas…he’s such a prick to me, like all the time. If I fancy someone, then I tend to be nice to them.

I’m so bloody confused right now.


My eyes snap up, my insides jumping like I’ve just been caught doing something wrong.

It’s Cooper.

“Hey.” I paste on a smile.

“Hey. Everything okay?”

I nod my head.

“I was just coming to grab some milk. We ran out, and I’m dying for a cuppa.”

“Sure. You want me to grab it for you?”

“Looks like you’ve got your hands full.” He nods at the stuff I’m carrying. “How about I help you with this stuff, and then we can get the milk together?”

“Sure,” I say, smiling, as I hand over the bucket to him, my thoughts about Kas momentarily forgotten.


I’m nervous.

Scared and beyond terrified of how Jesse is going to be when I see him.

God, I wonder what he looks like now. I haven’t seen him in so long, not since the day I was sentenced in court.

“You ready?” Cece’s soft voice comes from beside me.

We’re sitting in Cece’s car, across the street from where Jesse lives. She offered to drop me off before she heads to work.

“No.” I shake my head. “I don’t know if I can do this, Ce.”

I’ve wanted to see Jesse so badly since my release, but now that I’m so close to it happening, I’m sick with nerves.

She places her hand over mine, gripping it. “There’s no need to be afraid. It’s just Jesse—that sweet kid you raised, who adores you.”

“Not anymore. He hates me.”

“No, he doesn’t. He’s fourteen and angry, and he has a massive chip on his shoulder because he convinced himself that you’d left him. He knows, deep down, that it isn’t true. He just needs to see you. I think, once he sees you and you guys start talking, things will be okay.”

I look at the surety in her eyes and try to feel it myself.

“Yeah, you’re right.” I force a smile. “Thanks for the lift.” I lean over and kiss her cheek. “Have a good day at work. See you at home later.”

“Have a great day,” she calls as I climb out of the car. “And tell our boy I said hi.”

“Will do.” I give her a thumbs-up and then shut the door.

I watch her car pull away, and then I cross the street to the boys home where Jesse lives.