Unsuitable - Page 33/102

He’s sporting stubble today as well. It looks good on him. Makes him even more rugged and handsome.

God…he’s good-looking…



“Are you gonna get in the car, or are you just going to stand there, staring at me all day?”

And…there he is.

My face flushes bright red. “Oh, um…yeah, of course.” I fumble, reaching for the handle. I pull open the door and slide onto the leather seat.

I can’t believe I was staring at him.

For God’s sake, Daisy, stop mooning over him. Sure, he was nice yesterday and is being nice today, but it doesn’t mean anything.

Honestly, I’m starting to think that I prefer Kas-hole better. At least I knew where I stood with him. Kas-nice…confuses the crap out of me.

I put my bag in the footwell and put my seat belt on.

Kas starts the engine. Radiohead’s “Creep” comes on the stereo.

“How are you feeling?” he asks me, pulling away from the station.

He wants to know how I’m feeling?

“Much better. Thanks.” I glance at him. “I know I’ve said it already, but I just wanted to say again how sorry I am for what happened this weekend.”

“It’s fine, Daisy.”

I curl my fingers into my lap, listening to Thom Yorke’s haunting voice.

“I love this song,” I tell him.

He nods.


“How was the rest of your weekend?” I ask, trying for something different.


“What did you do?”

He glances at me. The look in his eyes is almost searching, and for some reason, it has me holding my breath.

He slides his eyes away from me and back to the road, and I suck in a much-needed breath.

“I went out for a ride.”

“On a horse?”

His lip twitches. “Yes, Daisy, on a horse.”

“I didn’t know you rode.”

“I do run a stable.”

“I know. I mean, I’ve not seen you ride. I just thought…I don’t know. I don’t ride. Cooper offered to teach me, but I don’t think I’d be any good.”

“Cooper offered to teach you?”

I feel Kas’s eyes burn through me. I bring my gaze to his. There’s something simmering in his eyes that I can’t quite decipher.

He yanks his stare away before I get a chance to try.

“Yes, he, um…said if I wanted to learn, he’d take me out. On my lunch hour, of course.”

“I’ll teach you to ride.”



“You want to learn to ride. I’ll teach you.”


“What about Cooper?”

I see his hands tighten around the steering wheel.

His eyes slide to mine, and he pins me with a look that makes me want to turn invisible.

“What about Cooper?” His tone screams pissed off.


“Just…” I clear my suddenly dry throat. “Cooper offered first, is all, and I, um…” I trail off, licking my dry lips.

Kas’s eyes flash to my mouth and then off me completely, going back to the road.

“Cooper can’t ride for shit.” His voice is low.

He seems angry. For the life of me, I don’t know why.

But then when does Kas ever need a reason?

“Isn’t he your stable manager?”

“My parents hired him, not me.” He frowns.

Okay then…

“Be ready at one, and I’ll take you for a good ride.”

I laugh. I can’t help it.

I’m sorry, but it sounded dirty.

Or maybe I just have a dirty mind.

Kas’s confused gaze swings to mine, his brow lifting in question.

“Nothing,” I mutter, fluttering my hands, as I feel heat rise in my cheeks.

Kas must replay his words in his mind because, a second later, I see a light go on in his eyes.

“Horse ride,” he clarifies.

I can hear a touch of humor in his voice, and it lifts my lips.

“I know. Sorry, it just sounded—”

“Pervy,” he finishes.

“I was gonna say dirty, but pervy works.”

I grin. His eyes come to mine, and he smiles.

Warmth erupts in my belly.

I really like it when he smiles at me. Every time he does, I feel like I’ve won something really special.

Jesus Christ, Daisy. Remember the last time you got all gooey-eyed over a man? It landed you in prison.

“There’s some spare riding gear in the utility room,” he tells me, his eyes back on the road. “It should fit you.”

“Okay, thanks. Should I come to your office, or—”

“Meet me at the stables. One p.m.,” he says.

“One p.m. Got it.”

Kas pulls up to the gates of the estate. He presses a button on the dash, and the gates start to open.

We ride the rest of the way to his house in silence.

My stupid stomach is doing cartwheels at the thought of going out riding with Kas. My head is suffering with severe confusion as to why my stomach is so happy about it. It must be the excitement about riding a horse for the first time. It can’t be anything else.


Also, I’m trying to figure out why he offered to take me riding. Why not just let Cooper take me?

I know Kas and I hit some sort of truce yesterday, but he still dislikes me.