Unsuitable - Page 48/102

His eyes close at my touch.

Then, his eyes flash open. He grabs my wrist, pulling my hand from his face, and pushes me back up against the door. His mouth comes down hard on mine, and he starts to kiss me with even more need and ferocity than before.

There’s nothing finesse about this kiss. We’re basically fighting each other for space.

His hand cups my shoulder, moving down my side. His fingers lightly graze the curve of my breast, making my nipples harden. Finally, his hand reaches my hip, and he grips ahold of it. His fingers bite into my skin through the thin fabric of my dress.

I snake my arm around his neck, tangling my fingers into the hair at the nape. It’s the first time I’ve touched his hair, and it’s as soft as I thought it would be.

Kas jams his other hand into my hair. Pulling back slightly, he stares down at me. His eyes are black and shining with desire. He’s never looked more beautiful than he does in this moment.

His teeth drag over his lower lip. It’s such a slow and deliberate move that everything inside me clenches. I shiver.

He grins, like he knows exactly the effect he has on me.

Then, he tips my head to the side and covers my mouth with his.

He presses his lower body into mine, and I feel the length and hardness of him against my belly.

I love that I can make him hard from just a kiss.

My other hand moves around his back. I slide my hand lower and slip it into his back pocket. I grip his arse, bringing him in even closer.

He groans into my mouth. The sound is so sexy that I feel like I could come from just hearing it.

He bites on my lower lip, and then his tongue comes out to lick away the sting. It’s incredibly hot.

Then, his mouth moves across my jaw to my ear. “I want you so fucking badly, it hurts.” His voice is hoarse with excitement, and I feel the sound deep inside.

His lips move down my neck, kissing a sweet path back to my mouth. He stops, his lips hovering over mine.

“So, have me,” I whisper.

A flash of something moves through his eyes. If I didn’t know better, I’d think it was fear.

He shuts his eyes on a shallow breath, and then his mouth is back on mine.

I feel feverish. Needy and wanting.

It’s been a long time since I last had sex. Close to two years. And that was with Jason, the fuckwit, back when I didn’t know what a lying, deceitful bastard he was.

But, even then, I never felt this good with him.

It’s like Kas is in every part of me, touching all of me, and I still want more.

I suck on his tongue, and he shudders.

Feeling decidedly brave and wanting him like I’ve never wanted anyone before in my life, I slip my hand from his back pocket and slide it around to his front. I take a deep breath and then move my hand lower, palming the hard length of him through his jeans.

I feel his whole body lock up tight.

His eyes close, and his hands leave me, pressing up against the door above my head, caging me in.

He isn’t moving or saying anything. But he isn’t moving away either, so I take it that what I’m doing is okay.

Curling my fingers around the length of him, I start to move my hand up and down.

“Fuck…” he groans, sounding almost agonized.

I stare up into his face. His lips are pinched, his brows drawn together.

I stop moving my hand, unsure if he wants this.

His eyes flash open. The heat in them is unmistakable.

He wants this.

I reach up on my tiptoes and press a soft kiss to his lips. His hand drops from the wall and cups my face as his tongue runs along the seam of my lips, asking for entrance. I part them, and he moans low as he slips his tongue into my mouth.

I start moving my hand again, and he deepens the kiss.

His other hand comes down from the wall and cups my shoulder. Fingers moving downward, he brushes the strap of my dress off my shoulder, letting it fall. Then, he tugs the front of my dress down at one side, exposing my bra.

His thumb brushes over my hard nipple, making me shiver.

Needing to feel more of him, I reach for the hem of his shirt. Lifting it, I start to slide my hand underneath.

The next thing I know, the hand that was on my breast is now gripping my wrist, stopping its ascent.

I blink my hazy eyes, confused.

When they lock onto his, I see the same look in them that I saw the last time we kissed, and my body goes cold.

Pushing back from me, Kas drops my arm, like I just burned him.

His hands drive into his hair. His eyes catch mine. There’s regret and a whole lot of other emotions in them. None of them are good, and I instantly feel sick.

“I…I…” He’s struggling for words, and I’m dying inside. Then, he delivers his final blow. “I can’t do this with…you.”

Before I can get out a word, he’s moving me aside, unlocking the door, and striding through it.

Gone in seconds.


I don’t believe this.

“I can’t do this with…you.”

Tears spring to my eyes.

I pinch the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger.

Don’t you dare cry over a man, Daisy. Don’t you fucking dare.

I blow out a breath and exhale another, fighting back the tears.

God…I can’t even…

How could he do this to me again?

How could I have let him?

What the hell is wrong with him?

Never mind him. What the hell is wrong with me?

I need to have more dignity than this.

I do have more dignity than this.