Unsuitable - Page 78/102

I wrap shaking arms around myself. “Is that a threat?” I somehow manage to keep my voice steady. God knows how because my insides are rattling.

“No,” he says softly, giving a slow shake of his head, like the thought is inconceivable. “I love you, Daisy. I would never hurt you. This is me trying to keep you safe.”

“Safe from who? Damien?”

Jason holds my stare for a long moment before he looks away. “Take care, Daisy. And, remember, silence is golden.” He pushes his hands into his pockets, turns on his heel, and strides away.


I still went for my run after Jason left. It took me a good few minutes to calm my racing heart and trembling limbs before I was steady enough to move. But I needed the run. I needed to clear my head of everything that had happened.

When my run was over and I was showered and ready for work, I sat across from Cece at the kitchen table, having breakfast. I didn’t tell her about Jason’s visit or that I’d slept with Kas or that he’d lied to me afterward.

I was sitting there with it all on the tip of my tongue, but something stopped me from telling her.

Maybe because I know how she worries about me, and I don’t want her to worry more than she already does.

Jason’s visit has rattled me. Especially the warning he gave me.

And, really, nothing has changed. He hasn’t outright admitted that it was him and Damien who framed me. So, it’s not like I’m going to go running my mouth off to the police because I have nothing concrete to give them.

And I’m still bugging over Kas and his lying ways. And, now, more than ever, I want to know the truth.

Maybe Jason’s visit has increased my need to know. Seeing the reason of why my life was upended and changed forever makes me want to be surer than ever that I’m not making a mistake by being with Kas.

I won’t let anything risk me getting Jesse back.

And that’s why I find myself in Kas’s office right now.

He’s with Cooper in the paddocks. Something is wrong with one of the horses. A vet’s been called out.

And I’m snooping.

Not my finest moment but needs must.

I have my cleaning stuff with me, and I am technically cleaning his office. I’m just having a nosy look around while I do so.

Specifically, around the bookshelf.

I’m dusting it while looking for anything out of the ordinary.

I know I must look like something out of a bad detective movie, but this is my first rodeo.

So far, I’m not getting much. There are just rows and rows of books and dust.

Not exactly exciting.

Honestly, I didn’t even know Kas read. I’ve never seen him pick up a book.

Reaching up to my tiptoes, I run the duster along the higher shelves, my eyes trailing over them, looking for anything. Any indication that there’s a door behind here.

But nothing. Just a wooden panel behind the books.

I wonder if there’s a book that you pull out, and the bookcase magically opens.

Okay, I’ve been watching too many movies. But I’m not really sure what I’m looking for here.

Oh, I do remember seeing in one movie where they literally just pushed against the bookcase to open it, and behind it was a door leading to a secret room.

But would Kas really have a secret room? It seems a little farfetched, even for me.

He could have just sealed off the door for whatever reason and built a bookcase in front of it.

And if he had just told me that, then I wouldn’t be in here, snooping, right now.

He lied for a reason. And I want to know why.

Thinking I hear a noise, I glance behind me at the half-open door. Pausing, I hold my breath.

I left the door open, so it wouldn’t look suspicious if Kas came back, and I was in here with the door closed.

I wait a few seconds, but there’s nothing. Nothing but silence.

Looking back to the shelves, I sigh in frustration. There has to be something behind here. Something he’s hiding.

I put the duster down on his desk. Turning back to the bookcase, I run my hand over the shelves. Stopping at the end one, I firmly press my hand against it, seeing if there’s any movement.

But it doesn’t budge.

I move to the next stack and do the same. And I get the same result.

Frustration furrows my brow.

Am I being crazy here?

No, something is behind here. Something he doesn’t want me to see. I just know it in my gut.

And there are only two stacks left to check.

I move to the next bookcase, my heart picking up pace from the fear of being caught. Taking a deep breath, I press my palms flat to each side of the stack, and I push firmly.

Holy shit! It moved.

Only a little, but there was a definite give to the left.

My heart rate sets off like a racehorse, and my pulse starts to thrum in my ears.

I swallow nervously as I press my hands to the left side of the stack.

Okay, here goes nothing.

I give it a strong push.

And it clicks. Then, it opens.

Holy fucking fuck a duck! I was right!

I quickly glance over my shoulder, checking if I’m still alone.

Then, hands trembling, I curl my fingers around the edge of the now unlocked bookcase, and I ease it open.

And there it is.

The door.

The mothereffing door.

I fricking knew it!

Lying bastard Kas-hole.

I grind my teeth together in anger and contemplation.

My fingers are itching as I stare at the door.

Should I open it?