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Looking genuinely interested, Lucian asks, “Why a business analyst?”

“I would love to help a company remain competitive by proposing ways to improve their structure, efficiency, and profits. To have my recommendations be key in their continued development and growth. I don’t want to just work and collect a paycheck. I want to look at past problems and see what failed and why. I want to understand every facet of the business and make it stronger; find answers others have never considered. I want my ideas to make a difference… to be the difference.” Turning in my seat to face him, I ask, “You’ve done that, right, Luc? With your own company?” Lucian smiles, seemingly captivated by my passion.

Nodding, he says, “I have, Lia, and I still do every day, even though I pay a lot of people to do it for me. Analyzing a company from the bare-bones up is damned hard but the only true way to see its capabilities. When I started out, different scenarios for my company raced through my mind every waking moment. You are correct; it’s intoxicating to conceive and chart a course that works. There are so many factors to consider. At the end of the day, it’s about change, and sometimes change is the hardest thing to gather support for, even when you have a track record for success.”

He twirls the stem of his glass as if deep in thought. “Starting out, although scary as hell, was a high unlike any I’ve ever known. I had little sleep those first few years, but man, what a fucking rush. Living on the edge will do that for you. Knowing I could succeed or lose everything just by making a decision was like betting everything on one roll of the dice.” Looking up and giving me a wry smile, he adds, “As I’ve said, though, now I have people working overtime to outthink me, so it’s unlikely Quinn could tank from just a bad judgment call on my part. I think you’d enjoy spending a day with me there, though. Maybe some field experience to prepare you for the corporate world.”

I’m thrilled by his offer; I would love nothing better than to shadow him at work one day. I Googled his company while I was supposed to be studying in the library today, and Quinn Software is at the top of its game. Lucian was mentioned as the wonder boy who invented a new kind of programming script that was quickly adapted and is now widely used as the gold standard.

The article mentioned that at twenty-nine years of age, he is one of the youngest CEOs of a Fortune 500 company. When he speaks, people listen. I am most surprised by his age. To look at him, he looks younger, but his worldly-polished image portrayed to the world makes him seem older. Just talking as we are now, he seems light-years ahead of my twenty-three years of age. It’s the power that emanates from everything he does. He is a man used to getting what he wants without asking twice. Why he has centered his attention on me when I have turned him down is intriguing. I want all that his eyes and his hands have promised me; I am lost in this beautiful man. I want more than anything to solve the puzzle of who Lucian Quinn is, because I know he is so much more than I’ve seen thus far. I realize I’ve been staring at him as he waves a hand in front of my face. “Er...sorry about that. I was just thinking about…”

Before I can finish my sentence, he says, “You were thinking about me…thinking about us…together.”

It’s useless to deny; I’m sure it’s written all over my face. “Yes.” I decide to be honest regardless of how pathetic it probably sounds. “I don’t understand why I’m here. We have nothing in common. You and I are not from the same world. You should be out with someone like Cruella.” I see his lips twitch at my nickname for Monique.

“Monique scares the shit out of me, so please don’t wish something like that on me.” His hand covers mine where it lays on the seat between us. “I’m attracted to you, Lia, as you know. I know the budding analyst in you wants to break down all the reasons why, but sometimes it’s as simple as that. Most types of relationships are built around some type of attraction. I’ll work things out so we can spend more time together, if that is okay with you?” I agree, thrilled he seems to have gotten past his hang-up over my job with Date Night. Our food arrives before I can comment, and we spend the next hour enjoying the most delicious manicotti I’ve ever had.

I try to hide my disappointment when, instead of taking me to his nearby apartment, he does nothing more than hold my hand as Sam drives us to mine. He kisses me lightly on the lips. “I’ll call you tomorrow, and we’ll make plans.”

“Okay,” I answer as Sam opens my door. Again, I’m delivered to my apartment and bid goodnight. Rose and Jake are still out, and I trudge to my room, frustrated and confused; I had fully expected to be in Lucian’s bed tonight. I resist the urge to text him, not wanting to come across like a teenager who texts after each date. He said he would call; I just have to accept that Lucian does things on his own timeline. As I ponder relieving the ache he started earlier, my phone signals a text.

“Good night, Lia. Don’t even think of touching yourself. That’s my job now.”

I jerk, looking around the room as if expecting to see him. I want to ignore his text, but the devil in me cannot resist.

“Then you need to handle the job before someone else does.”

I giggle imagining his reaction.

“Just for that, I’ll fuck you hard the first time.”

Oh, my, I’ve stirred the hornet’s nest now. How unfair that he expects me not to touch myself after a statement like that; I want nothing more than to push a finger in my sex and imagine it’s his cock. Emboldened, I ask,

“When is the last time you touched yourself?”

His answer comes almost immediately,

“Last night…Sleep well.”

The image of Lucian touching himself while thinking of me is so hot. I want this man with a ferocity that is foreign to me. I know my dreams will once again be filled with him. Sleep has deserted me since meeting Lucian, and I’m counting the hours until our next encounter.

Chapter Six


“When I find him, he’s dead!” I’ve chanted nothing but my intentions to kill Lucian for the last hour. I’m so furious with him; I’m shaking. Normally, Fridays are my favorite day of the week. I only have two classes, which leaves me with the afternoon to catch up on schoolwork and run errands. In addition, I allow myself to splurge on a Starbucks frappe while I enjoy their Wi-Fi. I have received no notification from Date Night, so either Lucian doesn’t plan to see me tonight, or he isn’t using Date Night to do it.