One King's Way - Page 13/43

Lola narrowed her eyes on me. “How convenient for you that they broke up.”

“Lola, sheathe the fucking claws already,” Mike moaned.

I shot him a grateful smile. “Some cats don’t know how to.”

The guys laughed and Lola’s expression darkened. “Very nice.” She gulped back her drink, slammed the empty down on the nearest table, and scowled at me. “I’m suddenly not feeling so great. I think I’m going to go home.” Thirty seconds later she was gone.

If only she knew what a favor I was doing her. “Something I said?”

Jack laughed. “Lola doesn’t like women who are hotter than she is.”

Dick. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Oh, you should.”

An arm draped around my shoulder, a glass of red wine appearing before me. “Here you go,” Angus murmured in my ear.

That familiar queasiness roiled in my stomach and I stubbornly kept the feeling out of my expression. “Thanks.” I took the glass, and thankfully Angus removed his arm from around me.

“Where did Lola go?” he said.

“She was being a bitch to Rain. Turns out Rain can handle bitches.” Mike winked at me and I fought the urge to punch the licentious look off his face. It would seem that creeps hung out in packs.

Angus chuckled. “She thought I was going to shag her tonight. Plans change.”

I ignored his burning stare and the almost uncontrollable urge I had to throw my wine in his face. I’d never considered myself a violent person but if I’d had the strength I would have beaten the shit out of this guy and been done with it.

I felt the press of his hand on my lower back and had to force myself to relax into his touch. I glanced up to find him smiling down at me. “What?”

“It’s just nice to get to spend some time with you, that’s all. Your sister was always in the way before.”

Skeevy loathsome cockroach!

His hand pressed deeper into my back, forcing me closer to him. “Tell me everything about yourself.”

*   *   *

An hour later my nerves were strained to the max. I’d never realized how quickly the situation could snowball out of my control. I hadn’t lied when I told Craig I didn’t flirt. It wasn’t my thing. It felt discomforting in any normal situation, so to have to flirt with Angus was an effort in sheer will and nerves.

It didn’t help that I was completely aware of Craig in the background, watching the show I was putting on. I could feel his stare burning into me. I could feel him judging me.

Needing a break from the acting, I excused myself and made my way through the busy bar toward the restrooms. I’d just walked through the door to the hallway of the restrooms when it swung open behind me, and a hard grip clamped around my bicep.

I jerked in shock, looking over my shoulder to find my captor was Craig. “What—”

“Quiet,” he growled unhappily as he took a key out of his pocket and opened the locked door to the disabled toilet.

“Craig!” I yelped as he shoved me none-too-gently inside. He followed me and slammed the door shut behind us, snapping the lock in place. My heart was thudding in my chest. “What the hell are you doing?”

“What am I doing?” His eyes flashed in anger. “What the hell are you doing?”

Too tired to pretend I didn’t understand his question, I crossed my arms over my chest in defiance. “What I’m doing is none of your business!”

“I guess you made that quite clear when you disappeared last weekend.”

Guilt suffused me. “I admit I should have said good-bye.”

He snorted in derision. “Is that your apology?”

“It’s the only one you’re getting,” I snapped.

Stay out of this! I don’t need this from YOU!

Craig’s eyes narrowed speculatively. “When you told me you were going to get revenge on that arsehole out there I think I mistook just how determined you are. I mean, there aren’t many women who’ll spread their legs for revenge.”

His words cut me wide open—hurt piercing right through my chest—and in that moment I knew I’d been right in my decision to stay away from this man.

Something in my expression caused regret in his. “Rain,” he murmured, as he ran a hand through his hair. “Fuck, I didn’t mean that.”

“Let me out of here.”


“Let me out of here!” I stormed toward him, all of the fury I felt toward Angus suddenly transferring to Craig.

He took hold of my arms and I struggled to release myself from his touch. “Rain—”

“Don’t touch me,” I spat, shrugging out of his hold. “Let me out of here. Now.”

“So you can go back out there to that smarmy git?” He grabbed me and hauled me against his chest, causing the breath to leap right out of me. “If you have no intention of sleeping with that arse then you are playing a dangerous game.”

“Of course you’d assume that I’d use sex to get what I wanted.” I curled my lip in disdain as I stared up into his handsome face. He was too close. Much too close. “Let me go.”

His grip tightened and I found myself spun around as he pressed my back to the door. “What else is any man supposed to think when you’re out there flirting your arse off with that guy? And here I thought you didn’t flirt.” His breath puffed against my lips.

“I only do it on special occasions,” I said, voice dripping with sarcasm.