The One for Me - Page 74/75

“Whatever,” she huffed playfully. “Now would you please shut up and make love to me already? You know how cranky I get when I haven’t had sex for a while.”

Mark burst out in relieved laughter, jumping to his feet and pulling at his clothes. “I’ll take care of that right now, Angel. Does ‘hashtag multiple orgasms’ work for you?”

“Hashtag hell yeah!” She giggled as he moved to join her. Within moments, only the sighs of pleasure and words of love filled the room.


“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Ella asked yet again as she looked nervously around the crowded restaurant. The DeSantos were meeting the Webbers for the first time, and it was anyone’s guess as to how it would go.

The day had started out with the news that Gwen was in labor. So Crystal had rushed to the hospital—actually, Denny had taken her at Mark’s insistence, and she had arrived just an hour before Gwen had given birth. Since Dominic and Gwen had elected not to find out the sex beforehand, it was truly a surprise when baby boy Brady made his way into the world. His parents had decided on a name for both a boy and a girl ahead of time. Mac and Gage were not only Dominic’s best friends but also business partners. And they had served two tours in the military together prior to opening East Coast Security. Gage’s middle name was Cameron, and Mac’s first name was McKinley, so those were combined to Cameron McKinley Brady. Gage was thrilled to get first billing in little Cameron’s name, and Dominic was afraid that they’d never be able to live with his ego now. Gwen had told them after Gage was gone that they just liked the way it sounded and it was in no way because Gage was more important, as he had been insinuating. Whatever the reason, Crystal thought it was a wonderful name for the most beautiful baby boy ever.

“Here comes your crazy . . .” Declan began, only to stop abruptly as Ella shot him a reproachful look. Crystal tried to hide her smirk as their mother walked into the restaurant trailed by their father.

“Well, at least she showed,” Ella pointed out. Bless her; she was always looking for the bright side. Crystal had to admit that even though things were far from perfect with her mother, they were better than they had been in some time. She even thought that Mark was winning over the tough-as-nails woman. She wasn’t sure if it was because her mother actually liked him or if it was just because she knew that Mark wouldn’t put up with any of her negative behavior.

When their parents stopped before them, her father gave them both a brief hug before shaking Declan’s hand. Then their mother gave them each a peck on the cheek. “Hello, girls. Where is Sofia?” she directed to Ella.

“Oh, we got a sitter for her tonight. Declan and I thought we could use a date night since it’s been a while.” Their mother couldn’t resist a small eye roll, but didn’t comment. “Oh look,” Ella pointed across the room. “There’s Denny, Mark, and his parents, I presume.”

Crystal grinned before excusing herself and going to her boyfriend’s side. “Angel.” He smiled in return as she slid into the circle of his arms. “I missed you, baby,” he murmured for her ears alone as he brushed his lips against her temple.

Denny wrestled her from Mark and dropped a loud, smacking kiss on her cheek before going to greet Declan and Ella. She returned to Mark and mentally braced herself to face the man she hadn’t seen since that day in Mark’s house almost two months earlier. “Mr. and Mrs. DeSanto, it’s so good to see you again,” she said politely as she extended a hand.

Mark’s mother took her hand and pulled her forward, hugging her. “It’s Celine, and it’s wonderful to see you again, Crystal.” Then, in a surprise move, still holding on to Crystal, she moved her husband closer. “This is my husband, Marcus. I don’t believe you’ve been formally introduced before.”

And then in what would be the biggest shock of the night, an obviously sober Marcus DeSanto took her face in his hands and kissed both of her cheeks. “It’s a real pleasure, Crystal. I’m looking forward to getting to know you, and I hope you’re open to meeting the real me.”

“That sounds amazing,” she replied honestly. Wow. It was not what she had been expecting at all—it was so much better. She’d expected hostility at the very least, but the couple she saw before her now only resembled their former selves in looks. Their demeanor was completely different and, dare she say, friendly. She glanced quickly at Mark to gauge his reaction, and he looked so happy and not a little relieved. Mark had admitted earlier that he hoped somewhere down the road when his father was further along in his recovery, he might be able to take a position with the DeSanto Group. But for now, they were all taking things one day at a time, while attempting to establish a relationship with each other.

And then the moment was upon them. Her mother, pulling her husband along behind her, marched over to the DeSantos looking like a drill sergeant. As Ella crept up beside Crystal, she whispered, “Oh shit, I tried to distract her, but she’s relentless.”

But the DeSantos, proving they were more astute than anyone could have guessed, performed a small miracle. Marcus went directly to Crystal’s mother and Celine went to her father. When her mother extended a hand stiffly to Marcus, he took it in his own and brought it to his lips. “Mrs. Webber, I would know you anywhere. You look so much like your beautiful daughter that it’s uncanny.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Declan smirking, while Ella jammed an elbow into his side. Celine seemed to be trying a similar approach with her father, and from the look of bliss on his face, he was eating the attention up.