Always Loving You - Page 57/60

“Nope, Gage needs help almost as much as you do. I mean come on, all that whoring that he does has got to be hiding deeper problems. I’m betting that he was a bed wetter. His mama probably hung his pissed-on sheets out front for the other neighborhood kids to see. Since that early embarrassment, he’s been unable to form attachments with women for fear of it happening again.”

Mac threw his head back, howling with laughter. He had no idea where Dominic came up with this shit, but he was pretty sure that even Gage would be amused by the other man’s assessment . . . well, unless there was some truth to it. “Dr. Phil’s got nothing on you, bro. I feel like I should warn Gwen or something. She might not be as amused by your deep insight as I am.” At the look of dejection on Dominic’s face, Mac found himself whistling. Apparently, he wasn’t having any luck wooing his woman either. Getting to his feet, he clapped his friend on the shoulder. “I need you to hold down the fort for a few days. Think you can handle that?”

Dominic shrugged a shoulder, saying, “Of course. Where ya going?”

Mac grinned before throwing an imaginary three-point hoop shot. “I’m going to go be young, crazy, and reckless for once in my life. Isn’t that what you just suggested?”

Cocking his finger, Dominic said, “Yep, that’s about the gist of it. Wear a condom, though, son. I’m not ready to be an uncle.” Mac nudged his chair in answer, laughing when Dom tumbled out on the floor shouting obscenities. God, would he and Gage never learn to keep their feet firmly planted on the floor?

Chapter Twenty-two

“Come on, Ava, we’re in Vegas! We can’t sit in the room eating cartons of cookie dough ice cream instead of having some fun.” When Ava just opened her mouth for another heaping spoonful of the creamy goodness, Emma put her hands on her hips, releasing a long-suffering sigh. “You were more fun when you were all uptight and reserved. At least then, I had all your insults to keep me amused. Some of them were so detailed that I had to Google the meaning. Now you’re just like a lovesick teenager. Binge-eating, listening to sad music, and writing Mrs. Ava Powers over and over on your notebook.”

“Hey!” Ava protested around the spoon in her mouth. “I’ve only done that once and it wasn’t on a notebook.”

“Same thing,” Emma grumbled. “Why don’t you at least do what grown women do when they’re lonely? Rent some porn and have a vibrator marathon. We’re in Vegas. There’s a store on the strip called Cock of the Stars. Want me to go get you an Adam Levine to test-drive? Suzy bought the Channing Tatum yesterday. She said Gray took it as a challenge and, well, long story short, she seems to have thrown her back out.”

“Oh my God.” Ava giggled. “Please, tell me you’re kidding . . . about everything you just said. And tell me you didn’t get one.” Ava knew she’d made a mistake with that last sentence when Emma flashed her a wicked grin.

“Honey, I don’t have anything left for a plastic friend. Brant fu—”

“Stop! I know I literally asked for that, but please don’t finish your sentence. Remember, that’s my brother.” Ava shuddered.

“Like a champion,” Emma added, laughing when Ava’s spoon clattered to the floor and she ran from the room.

“So sick,” Ava said under her breath as she walked into the bathroom and took a good look in the mirror. Ugh, maybe Emma was right. Her hair was sticking up in every direction and she had ice cream stains on the front of her white tank top. She had been holed up in her hotel for hours. Not seeing Mac was driving her crazy. When she imposed the two-week challenge on them, she’d completely forgotten about the trade show in Vegas. Now she was a long way from home, surrounded by mostly strangers, and damn, she missed the feeling of peace and security that came from knowing Mac was near. She was beginning to understand that it wasn’t having his company keep an eye on her that made it easier for her to breathe, it was having Mac close. He was her anchor; his presence kept her grounded and all her fears at bay.

Claire had said something to her yesterday as they were walking alone to their rooms that came back to her clearly now. The other woman had been telling her how much she missed her daughter Chrissy, who was staying behind with Claire’s mother and their family friend Louise. She had said that she just needed to be around Jason right now. She remembered her exact words as “I’ve mostly gotten used to him traveling and he has tried to scale it way back since we’ve been married. It’s tough, though because he’s my center of gravity. When he’s gone, I just sort of find myself drifting.” Claire had laughed sheepishly before continuing. ”I don’t miss a step really and life goes on until he’s back, but inside, I’m just not me without him. He makes me stronger and I’m a better person all the way around. I’m the best version of myself when he’s near.” At the time, Ava had just smiled and returned Claire’s hug before heading to her room for the night.

Now her friend’s words made perfect sense to her. Instead of trying to put all these rules in place with Mac, maybe it was she that needed to accept that it wasn’t wrong to rely on someone else. Was what Ava saw as weakness really just a natural part of being in love? Even Claire had admitted to being better with Jason than alone. If she really thought about it, all of her friends seemed to shine just a little brighter with the person they loved next to them. She didn’t want Mac walking behind her through life, always trying to catch her before she fell. But she did want him beside her, giving her what only he could—acceptance, strength, and love.

When she heard the door shut in the other room as Emma left, she ran out of the bathroom to get her phone. She might not be able to see him, but God, she needed to hear his voice. So intent was she on her task that she didn’t look up until she barreled into a hard chest. A startled squeak sounded from her throat as she jumped back. She blinked rapidly, thinking that surely her mind had conjured up the man standing in front of her grinning. “Mac! Wh-where did you come from?” As he started to answer, she jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. “Oh, who the hell cares? You’re here!” Mac emitted a startled gasp next as her mouth crashed down onto his. Her tongue immediately sought entrance into his mouth, and with a husky groan, he took charge of the kiss.

Soon Mac stumbled backward from the force of her kisses, searching until his knees made contact with the bed. Ava bounced against him as he turned, falling to his back with her on top. “I missed you so fucking much,” he whispered as he plunged his tongue in her mouth while grinding his hard cock against her wet core. Even through the material of his pants and her shorts and panties, she could feel every inch of him. She broke from the kiss to grab his belt buckle, desperate to lower his pants. He reached for the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head in one swift movement before unclipping the front clasp of her bra. She could barely concentrate on his zipper as he pinched a sensitive nipple before stroking the sting away. He lifted his hips so she could slide his pants and boxers down, and she gave a shout of victory as his huge member sprang free. Mac took over, making short work of her remaining clothing before sitting her back astride him. “Fuck me, Avie. Give us both what we need.”