Precarious - Page 34/68

“We got a big problem,” he says, taking my arm and pulling me inside the house.

“What?” I pant, following after him.

He leads me into Maddox’s ‘domain’, which is just a bedroom he’s converted into an office so he can do all his private stuff. Maddox looks up the minute we walk in, and he nods at Krypt, who closes the door. Well, this can’t be good. It’s like being in the school principal’s office again; you know you’re in for it when the door closes.

“Sit down,” Maddox orders, and I slink over and drop into the seat.

Krypt stands behind me, his big hands resting on my shoulders. I feel a little dominated in this position and I shift, uncomfortable.

“So?” I ask, my voice low and quiet. “Care to tell me why I’m in here?”

“You’re in danger,” Maddox says, not holding back any punches. He just gives it like it is.

“What do you mean?” I ask. A shiver runs up my spine, and Krypt squeezes my shoulder.

“I mean I have people everywhere, just like that no good—”

“Get to the point, boss,” Krypt urges.

“I have word that you have a death sentence.”

My stomach turns, but I manage to stutter, “W-w-what?”

“I didn’t think they’d let you go so easily. You have too much information, and it’s going to ruin what they’ve created. They aren’t going to do it themselves, though, no. My guess is they’ll put it on us. ‘Cause that’s how these fuckers roll. Which means they’re goin’ to take you out, but they’re goin’ to make it happen in a place where we are. You can imagine why. They need the heat to stay off them, and what better way to do it than to have news flashin’ around that we killed our hostage?”

I’m going to pass out; I just know it. My head spins and I swallow over and over to try and keep the contents of my stomach in. I didn’t ask for any of this. Being a prisoner to this club is one thing, but suddenly becoming the hunted is another.

“They don’t know where I am, right?” I whisper.

Maddox looks to Krypt, and he squeezes my shoulders again. Oh God, they do.

“You said this was a safe location,” I croak.

“It is, but there’s a chance they were trackin’ Krypt’s phone. It ain’t hard to do. If that’s the case, they could show up here. The advantage we have, at this point, is that we can hear anyone comin’. I’m putting watches on every entrance; we will make sure we catch anyone who comes close.”

That’s not enough; it’s not. They’re asking me to just trust that they can keep these men away from me; we all know that isn’t the case. It never works like that. The girl always gets taken. I close my eyes and shove to my feet, my entire body shaking. I can’t be here; I don’t want to be here. The only place I’m safe is in a police station, possibly in a cell where no one can get to me.

I turn and rush out of the room.

“Ash!” Krypt calls, but I don’t dare stop. If I do, there’s a chance I’ll hurt him, and I don’t want to do that. Or maybe I do. I don’t know.

I run to the room I’ve been using and swing the door open. I reach the drawers in a split second and pull out a fresh pair of clothes before jerking mine off. I need something clean on to leave.

I can get out of here; I’ll find a way to safety. It can’t be any worse than staying here with a target painted on my back.

The door squeaks and then closes, but I don’t turn, I already know who it is. He can’t talk me out of this; he can’t convince me that he’s safer for me. He can’t, and he won’t. I’m leaving. If I have to shoot him, I will. There are plenty of guns lying around this place.

“What’re you doin’?” he asks, stepping behind me and putting his hands on my shoulders. I stiffen as he turns me to face him.

“I’m fucking leaving.”

His eyebrows shoot up. “You lost your mind?”

“Lost my mind?” I screech. “It isn’t me who has lost my mind, it’s this fucking place, and all the shit around it.”

“Calm down, process what Maddox told you, and get your shit together. Runnin’ is dangerous, and you’ll be killed without hesitation.”

“You want me to stay here,” I growl, shoving my finger into his chest, “with a bunch of men who kidnapped me? And trust that when it comes down to it, they’re going to have my back?”

He reaches up, tangling his fingers into my hair and pulling my face forward. The air crackles between us as he lays his intense expression upon my face. “Yeah, I fuckin’ do.”

“Well, I don’t. I’m a walking fucking target. You can’t ask me to stay here, and just roll over and wait for a bullet.”

“You don’t get a fuckin’ choice.”

I shove him in his chest. I don’t think it does a great deal until I see him struggle for air before composing himself and jerking my head back, causing a sting to radiate through my skill. “Listen to me, girl. You ain’t runnin’ out of here because I’m not goin’ to have your death on my hands. If I have to chain you up, I’ll fuckin’ do it.”

“Let me go!” I screech, raising my knee and hitting him so hard in the balls his entire body drops to the floor.

He growls in pain and barks, “What the fuck is with you and balls?”