Beauty and the Bodyguard - Page 151/569

Chapter 151 - You Can't Drink

Lin Yi was completely aware of the stuff going on outside his room- Mengyao letting her anger out, Li Fu arriving with dinner, and the conversation the girls had had at the dinner table… He’d heard it all.

Lin Yi stretched lazily- it was a delicate time period, and he couldn’t just let them go out at night like that, even if they didn’t say anything about bringing him along. He just needed to keep his distance, and it would be fine.

Lin Yi started changing his clothes at that thought- he didn’t want to be attracting any attention with his student uniform, especially not Mengyao’s.

He found one of the casual clothes set he’d bought from the stand, and stripped himself clean with only his underwear left. He was about to put the clothes on when the door was pushed open…

“Ah!” Yushu wasn’t expecting Lin Yi to be naked in there, but she managed to clasp a hand over her mouth before most of the scream got out. She used the other hand to cover her eyes up at the same time, making sure to leave a small opening between her fingers to size Lin Yi’s figure up……

Mmm… Abs, huh? Not bad…… Yushu reckoned that she’d seen Lin Yi’s dick anyway, so a look at his body wasn’t a big deal at all, Yushu thought as she justified herself. She couldn’t just blatantly stare Lin Yi down, however, hence the hand over her eyes.

“W-Why’re you in here?” Lin Yi said, taken aback as well- the door opening when he was in the middle of changing was no joke! He’d have sent a kick out if he hadn’t been sure that there weren’t any dangers in the villa.

He got his hands on a pair of pants hastily before covering his upper body up with it- He was a bit of a shameless guy, but even he’d get embarrassed with Yushu looking at his naked body like that.

“Obviously caz I needed to talk to you!” Yushu said, blushing. “Put some pants on, jeez, are you streaking in the house?!”

“No, I was just planning to change and follow you guys from behind when you went out.” Lin Yi said, not hiding anything from the girl. She was a troublemaker, for sure, but Yushu was by no means unreasonable.

“Ah? You knew about that?” Yushu asked, so surprised she even let her hand slip away from her eyes. Although, Lin Yi had pulled his pants on already- only his upper body was naked.

Yushu had looked at that body a little more than she should have- it was still embarrassing, after all. Heh, I’ll be able to look at you all I want when Yao Yao marries you… Heh… Haha…

“Heard what you two were saying earlier.” Lin Yi said with a nod as he put on a discount t-shirt. He still needed more clothes, it seemed.

“Oh. Well, I don’t need to explain anything then!” Yushu said as she handed a key to Lin Yi. “Here, the key to the garage in my villa, and the key to my car. Yao Yao’s definitely driving later- so you need a car too! You weren’t planning on following us on foot, were you?”

“Oh? Ah, thanks then.” Lin Yi wasn’t expecting Yushu to give him her car keys.

“I’m just worried that Yao Yao might go crazy and decide to go somewhere dangerous……” Yushu said, a little embarrassed. “You’ll have to do some fighting to protect us when that happens!”

“......” Lin Yi wasn’t quite sure what to say. All for the sake of entertainment, huh…… It seemed that this girl was more worried Lin Yi wouldn’t have a setting to show his skills off in…

“Well, we’re going. Yao Yao’s still deciding which clothes she should go with, I slipped out on my own! You should go get the car first.” With that, Yushu left the room.

Lin Yi was clothed at that point- he made his way to where Yushu’s villa was, quite recognizable since it was just a street away from Mengyao’s.

He opened the outer back gate and got into the garage- there was a yellow Volkswagen Beetle in there… Lin Yi scratched at his nose with a bitter smile. Guys drove it as well, but it was a feminine car, and the color was a bit too striking for Lin Yi’s liking.

He got in the car, drove it out of the villa, and parked it on the roadside so as to not attract Mengyao’s suspicion. It wouldn’t matter by the time they got on the main roads- there’d be a lot more cars, and Mengyao wouldn’t be focusing on the licence plate by then.

He shut the headlights off and waited for Mengyao’s car quietly.

Mengyao’s Audi S5 then left the villa slowly, honking once as it made a turn.

Lin Yi blinked, realizing that it was probably Yushu driving- the girl was giving him a singal.

Lin Yi turned the headlights on and started following, reassured now that Mengyao wouldn’t notice him. Passengers wouldn’t be looking behind the car too much, after all- only the driver was required to be aware of his or her surroundings.

Lin Yi’s guess was right- it really was Yushu at the driver’s seat. She’d asked to drive her after seeing the bad mood Mengyao was in, much to Mengyao’s curiosity.

Yushu, on the other hand, actually hated driving, save for drifting. She felt that cars were robbed of their potential on city roads, starting and stopping, starting and stopping… It was quite uncomfortable to drive like that.

It usually took quite a bit of cuteness and ‘Yao Yao Sis’’ to get Mengyao to drive for her, and she only drove her Beetle every half year or so.

“Where are we going, Yao Yao?” Yushu said, letting out a breath of relief after making sure her yellow Beetle was behind them.

Li Fu would always accompany the two girls outside no matter the hour- he’d left all that to Lin Yi after his arrival, taking responsibility for only food deliveries and school transportation.

Yushu was doubtful at first, but Lin Yi had proved himself that he was above just teaching delinquents a lesson after the bank robbery.

It was why she’d called Lin Yi out- she was no idiot, after all, and understood the type of faces she and Mengyao had to have people calling them school beauties. Their backgrounds protected them in school, but how were strangers supposed to know about stuff like that? Having a Shield Bro look after them made things safer.

“Let’s go to a bar? I kinda wanna drink, don’t you?” Mengyao said, still in a bad mood as she looked at the night view outside the window.

“I wanna drink too.” Yushu nodded excitedly. “I hadn’t done that before, with Uncle Fu following us in the past. It’s about time we let ourselves loose! Woooot!”

Mengyao and Yushu behaved themselves in front of Li Fu, naturally- the guy was Chu Pengzhan’s closest man, and there wasn’t much stopping him from telling Pengzhan about anything the girls did that crossed the line.

“You can’t Shu- you’re drinking juice only.” Mengyao said as she pointed at the steering wheel. “Who’ll drive us home if you drink too?”