Beauty and the Bodyguard - Page 197/569

Chapter 197 - Tragic Past

Tang Yin curled her lips, wondering if she should talk about Fen’s stuff behind her back- it didn’t seem right.

“Can’t you see Kang Xiaobo’s intentions, Tang Yin? Come on, tell him.” Lin Yi said, having noticed the interaction between the two in addition to Tang Yin’s hesitation as he drove.

“But……” Tang Yin was still hesitating- she knew what Xiaobo was getting at- Fen would be able to recover if Xiaobo stuck by her side, but Fen’s story was a little tragic… She wasn’t sure if Xiaobo could take the truth.

“Xiaobo’s pretty anxious over there.” Lin Yi said with a chuckle.

Tang Yin sighed. “Fen, Liu Xinwen, and I grew up together in the slums- we were really good friends. We were in ninth grade when a boy barged into Fen’s life……”

“Kang Zhaoming?” Xiaobo’s face changed slightly as he tightened his fists.

Tang Yin was sitting at the front, and hadn’t caught Xiaobo’s change in expression. “Yeah, Kang Zhaoming. I didn’t think you’d remember that name……”

The name had only been spoken once by Xinwen, after all- Xiaobo must’ve had something for Fen if he remembered it that well.

From the standpoint as Fen’s soulmate, Tang Yin wanted her to be able to recover as soon as possible- it was extremely unhealthy to be holed up at home with emotional problems all day. They consulted a doctor about it before, too- it was a mental illness that couldn’t be cured with medicine, and one of the best solutions would be for her to start a brand new relationship altogether…

Tang Yin wasn’t a big fan of getting into a relationship so young, but this was a special circumstance they were talking about here. She’d be willing to let Xiaobo and Fen get together, but Xiaobo might change his mind if he found out about the details of the tragedy…

Lin Yi noticed Xiaobo’s furious expression from the rear-view mirror- something felt off.

“Kang Zhaoming was really passionate about making Fen his girlfriend……” Tang Yin couldn’t help but glare at Lin Yi. “He’s from a rich family, and he was one of those big shot young masters at school… Fen was young, and she fell for him…”

Lin Yi smiled bitterly as he felt Tang Yin’s glare. What’re you glaring at me for… I’m no big shot young master, okay? I’m not even trying to chase you yet… everything was a misunderstanding…”

“And so they got together…” Tang Yin continued. “Everything went pretty well at the start, but then Kang Zhaoming started drifting away from Fen, and when Fen asked him what was going on, he said that he wanted to break up with her…”

“Fen, of course, didn’t agree to that- she had completely fallen for him at that point… And the two of them… were in that… kind of relationship already……” Tang Yin’s face reddened- she was eighteen, but still a young girl… It was only natural that she’d get embarrassed at topics like that. “So she went to Kang Zhaoming to talk about it, but saw him get on a taxi with another pretty girl… She chased after them, calling out for Kang Zhaoming all the while, but the guy only looked back at her coldly without stopping the car…”

“Xinwen and I tried to stop her, but she didn’t listen, and kept chasing the taxi… when a truck came by and hit her…… Even that didn’t stop Kang Zhaoming- he just left. He transferred schools a few days later, and we’ve never seen him since. Fen’s leg was hurt from the accident, and now she has a limp when she walks… she can’t walk on her own for long periods of time, and she usually needs a wheelchair to move around……”

“Fen dropped out from school after the whole thing, too, spending her days at home… still not giving up on Kang Zhaoming, after what he’d done to her, always thinking and fantasizing that he’d come back to her one day…… I’ve tried talking to her with Wen Wen so many times, but she never listens……”

Fuck!” Xiaobo slammed a fist at the roof, his face red with anger and his chest puffed up. “This Kang Zhaoming, bastard!!!”

“T-The car… the car isn’t mine….. I borrowed it……” Lin Yi sweated as he stared at the dent Xiaobo’d made in the roof- Miss Chen wasn’t going to kill him for this, was she? What the hell man…

Tang Yin, on the other hand, stared at Lin Yi in disdain. Dude, look at how pissed off your friend is, why do you still care about the car?? You don’t even care about that bit of repair fees, come on.

Xiaobo must have missed what Lin Yi said, for he was sending even more punches at the roof. Lin Yi wanted to cry- this dude was pretty strong when he got violent……

It seemed that he had to get the car repaired when he got back, maybe get Uncle Fu to do it for him… He’d be dead if the Chen Miss saw her car like that, she probably wouldn’t lend her car to him anymore…

But how was he supposed to tell Li Fu about it? Hmm… He decided that he’d tell Li Fu how he was attacked by Chu Pengzhan’s enemies, since the guy had been there when he told Pengzhan about the golden class masters that day… He’ll just say it was Cihua’s men again! Haha, I’m pretty smart. Lin Yi thought.

Xiaobo’s rage was so violent that he started seeing things- he could see a fragile, young girl, trying her best to keep up with a taxi as she stared at the cold man and pretty woman within…

She cried out at the top of the lungs, desperate to reach him……

And in her weakest moments, a truck came and hit her……

And the man in the taxi, the cold, heartless man, left without one shred of concern for her as Fen lay down in her puddle of blood, still waiting for the asshole to come back to her…

KANG ZHAOMING!!! Xiaobo’s eyes widened wrathfully- he wouldn’t have been this pissed off if it were someone else, but this fucker was his second cousin… The same second cousin who always looked down on him, always mocking his family…

“Fuu……” Xiaobo let out a long breath as he looked at the dented roof, feeling bad for what he had done. “Sorry boss, I got too agitated…”

“It’s nothing, don’t worry.” Lin Yi smiled- he had a solution prepared already. “Xiaobo, what are your thoughts?”

Lin Yi had spoken Tang Yin’s mind with that question- she’d explained Fen’s situation to Xiaobo, and now all that was left was his response! Fen was no longer a complete woman, and that was a very important factor- it was something she could expect Xiaobo looking past, but her disabled leg was the heart of the issue. Would Kang Xiaobo be willing to accept a disabled girlfriend?