Warpaint - Page 3/42

Bodo was smiling like a fool. We both knew how much Peter hated that word, even though he was guilty of using it from time to time when he wasn’t watching himself close enough. He tried so hard to be mature, but sometimes he just couldn’t help himself.

“Maybe I’m gonna doodle udder places too,” continued Bodo.

Peter stood up suddenly, dropping two hunks of meat, much to Buster’s delight. “You guys are totally immature, you know that?” He stormed off into the kitchen.

“Hey!” I yelled over my shoulder. “If you want to doodle, there’s an outhouse for that, Peter. I’ll take you later if you want to know where it is.”

I received no answer back.

“Maybe I can doodle on da doodlehouse door. What do you think, Bryn?” Bodo was talking purposely loud enough for Peter to hear.

I shook my head, smiling and mouthing the words, You are so bad, to Bodo. He just winked at me. It was such a simple gesture, but it made my heart race anyway. I got up quickly to put some space between us.

I didn’t know why I was suddenly so nervous around him. I liked him. If he liked me back in a romantic way, I’d probably be okay with it. But I wasn’t sure if he was just playing around or not. He was always teasing, so it was hard for me to know for certain when he was being serious. Maybe he never was. And I still didn’t know that much about him. But do I really need to know any more than I already do? This was a new world. Maybe there were different rules about what you needed to know about a person before you got serious with him. Or maybe I was just trying to convince myself of that because I was afraid he was keeping secrets from me that I didn’t want revealed.

Bodo grabbed my ankle. “Where are you going?”


“Come sit back down with me. I want to talk to you.”

I sank slowly into a sitting position, staring at him as I went. His eyes never left mine. I could feel the sweat starting in my armpits and couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so nervous around a guy. It was freaking me out a little, my emotions and reactions being this out of control.

“Last night was pretty craszy, yah? I mean, yes?”

“Yeeeaaaah,” I said, wondering where he was going with this. “Last night was nuts for sure.”

“Well, you know, at da end? Right before when we go to sleep?”

I nodded.

“I toldt you dat dare was only one thing missing from da day, do you remember dat?”

“Yes. I remember,” I said softly. I didn’t want Peter to hear what we were talking about. My face was already on fire with just Bodo and I knowing that the last thing he claimed was missing from the day was a kiss from me, one second before he planted his warm lips on mine.

“Well, dat was only part of da way true.”

My heart sank. He doesn’t like me. I knew he was only joking. “Oh, that’s okay,” I said with false casualness. “I know you were only messing around. Don’t worry about it.” I stood to go, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. I fell awkwardly into a sitting position.

“No, dat’s not what I mean. Stop runningk away from me all da time.”

I gave him a half smile. “I’m not running away.”

“Yes, you are. You are a fraidykind. Always running from Bodo. I know. You findt me very hot stuff. I can see dat. But you don’t need to go. I’m not gonna hurt you.”

I pulled my hand from his grip. “If your head gets any bigger, it’s gonna pop like that tick on Buster’s neck.”

“No, it’s okay. My head is only a little bit bigk. Because I know dat you can have any of dese indian guys for your new boyfriend if you want. All you haff to do is say, Hey dare, indian boy. Come and be my lover man … and dey will come to you, very happy.”

I laughed. “You’re nuts.”

“No. I am totally serious right now. It doesn’t happen very offen, so you have to belief me. I am telling you dis becauss I want to be da one.”

“The one what?”

“Da one who is your boyfriend. I want to be Mr. Bryn.”

I totally giggled. I couldn’t help myself. But then I tried to get a straight face back on because this was too hilarious and awesome to let go. “You want to be Mr. Bryn?”

“Yeah. Dat’s what I said. So what do you say about dat? You want me to be Mr. Bryn?”

I stared him right in the eyes. “What’s in it for me?” I raised an eyebrow in challenge. I had no idea where my balls where coming from.

He smiled devilishly. “Well, dare’s a big list, in fact, of da things dat come with Bodo’s affection. One, of course, you get Bodo.” He raised his eyebrows and then gave me a profile pose, putting his forefinger on his chin.

“Keep going,” I said wryly.

“Okay, dare’s more. You get all of my muscles.” With that he whipped off his shirt and gave me a double bicep flex that made my heart stop for a second.

“And …?”

“Well, hmmm …” he dropped his arms. “I thought dat was pretty good stuff dare. But, let me think …” He perked up and pointed his finger. “Oh, yes, of course. You also get all dose cuddle things dat Peter talks about.”

I frowned. “Has Peter been trying to get you to cuddle with him?”

“No, don’t be silly. I don’t like to cuddle boys. I hear him talkingk to da dog all da time. Peter needs a cuddle, and I don’t know how much longer he’ss gonna be happy with da doodle-machine’s luff alone.”

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. Poor Peter. He really did need some affection. And I didn’t care that I wasn’t his type. He was going to get some cuddles from me anyway. Operation Cuddle Peter was now officially underway. I spied him over at the pantry, organizing our canned goods. Again. Sometimes I moved them slightly, just to give him something to do.

“Hey, Peter … could you come here for a second?”

“What are you gonna do?” whispered Bodo, putting his shirt back on. His hair stood on end when he was done, making my heart melt just a little more. I reached out to push it back into place, and he grabbed my hand. It was warm and solid. “I hope you’re gonna think about my offer,” he said, all serious now.

“I’ll consider it,” I said, unwilling to give him any more of an answer just yet. I was thrilled with the prospect, but I needed to know him more. And I had to find out where exactly he’d been and what he’d been up to before meeting up with Peter and me.

Plus, I had some cuddling to take care of.

Peter came walking up, already looking tired. “What?” he asked, standing next to where I was sitting.

“Come sit her for a sec.” I patted the mattress next to me.

Peter sat down. “What do you want?” he said, sounding dejected.

“I want … a cuddle!” I yelled, springing into action, tackling him down on the mattress and giving him a huge bear hug. I didn’t squeeze too hard because I was afraid I’d break him, but I did it firmly enough that he wouldn’t be able to escape.

“What in the … Bryn! Get the heck off me, you lunatic!”

“No! Operation Cuddle Peter is in full effect!” I yelled back, laughing.

Peter struggled, sounding more bemused than anything else. “What are you talking about? Bryn …? Get off me you spaz!”

“No. Cuddle me.” I started snorting into his neck.

He was giggling now, still struggling but losing some of his strength. “Stop! I’m ticklish! Not in my neck! Aaahh!”

“Oh, Peter,” I swooned exaggeratedly, “you’re the best cuddler in the swamp. How have I lived so long without your loooooove?” I left his neck alone and just hugged him then, burying my face in his arm. When I spoke again it was muffled. “Everyone needs cuddles, Peter. Even me. Now hug it out right now with me or I’m gonna cry.”

Peter stopped laughing and took a deep, calming breath. “Maybe I could hug you back if I had the use of my arms. But right now I’m more involved in what I’d call a cuddle attack … or a cuddle straight-jacket.”

“If I let you go, will you hug me back?”

“Fine. Yes.”


“I said I would.”

“Promise. Or I’ll stay like this all day.”

“Oh, God, please don’t. I promise.”

I slowly let go, keeping my eyes on him, ready for him to make a break for it. I was totally serious. I was going to force him to hug me.

But it turned out that I didn’t need to. He put his arms out and took me into a nice, if a little bit boney, hug. His arms were like matchsticks, but I could feel the affection regardless.

“There. Are you happy?” he asked, over my shoulder. He tried to sound all put-out, but I knew it was just an act.

“Nope. It’s not hard enough. You’re just humoring me. It needs to be a real cuddle-hug.”

He sighed but squeezed harder. “How about now?”

“A little better.”

“That’s as good as I can do.”

“Well, I think it’ll do for now. You’ll get better with practice.”

“You mean I have to do this again?”

“At least three times a day. I’m high-maintenance.”

He patted me on the back before pulling away and saying, “Aren’t we all.” He stood to return to his can arranging.

Bodo watched the whole thing in silence. When I turned my attention back to him, he looked very sober.

“Jealous?” I asked.

He shook his head. “I will never be jealous of something like dat. I will only be sad if I can’t have some of your affection too.”

I squinted my eyes at him. “Bodo, I can’t tell if you’re messing with me now or what. It’s making me crazy.”

He took me by the upper arms and pulled me closer to him. I didn’t fight him at all, even though my heart rate had instantly increased fivefold.

“I’m a very serious persson sometimess. But you will know for sure dat I am, when I do dis …” He leaned in and kissed me.

His mouth was warm and smelled of bread. I thought it would be a chaste kiss on the lips like last night, but this time, he was more insistent that it go further. He pulled me closer and his mouth moved over my lips, going hard and soft at intervals, while his tongue reached out to slide across mine.

I kissed him back for a few seconds, reveling in the heady sensations that took over my body and mind. My hands reached up to rest on his upper arms. I could feel his muscles flexing underneath, and it turned me on instantly. I got tickly sensations in my stomach and other places lower down.

Buster barked and Peter cleared his throat, causing the sensual fog that had moved into my brain to clear in a hurry. I started to pull away hastily, embarrassed for some reason about being caught making out, but Bodo took me by the back of the head to keep me close, resting his forehead on mine, his eyes still closed.

“You are a very good kisser, you know dat?” he asked quietly.

“I was thinking the same thing about you,” I whispered back. And I meant it. It was like his lips were meant for mine. We had the same rhythm in mind when they were touching, and our mouths worked perfectly in synch. His lips were full and soft, but firm when they needed to be. Kissing him was nothing short of incredible.

“Hey, guys! What’s up?” came Paci’s voice from outside the hut.

I sat back up straight, breaking out of Bodo’s grip and the sexy trance I’d been in for a few wild seconds there. I had no idea what would have happened if we hadn’t been interrupted; it was almost scary, admitting to myself what I might have been willing to do. Bodo was that incredibly attractive to me, and I didn’t know what it was that made him that way. Was it his ability to go from joking to dead serious in less than a second? His bold confidence but easy self-depreciating humor? Maybe I was shallow and it was his adorable face and killer body. Or maybe it was that even with all this great stuff he had going on, he still somehow wanted me, of all the girls left in the world.