'Til Death: Volume One - Page 24/43

“You’ll forgive me,” he hums against my skin.



He wins that battle.

He makes me forgive him with his mouth between my legs.

Then with his cock deep inside me.

And I go right back to where I started.

Absolutely head over heels for him, and losing another part of my soul.




“Katia!” My mom cries down the phone.

“Mom? What’s wrong? Has something happened?”

“Yes, something has most certainly happened. Katia, I don’t know why you did this for me. I know you can’t afford it, sweetheart.”


“Mom, you’re going to have to take a few steps back. I don’t know what you’re talking about?”

“The wheelchair.”

The wheelchair?

“What happened? Did it break?”

“Katia,” she says softly. “The new one.”

The new one?

What new one?

“I don’t understand. I didn’t buy a wheelchair.”

“You . . . you didn’t?”

“No, Mom.”

“Then who did?”

“There’s a note on the box, let me see.”

She shuffles about, then a moment later gasps.

“Mom?” I cry. “What?”

“It’s . . . It says . . . I hope this makes your life easier. M.”


Oh God, Marcus.

“Marcus,” I breathe.

“I thought you two weren’t serious, Kat?”

“We’re not.”

“Then . . .”

I told him I work hard and couldn’t afford it. He gave it to her. I told him my boss was an asshole. He fixed it. Marcus is trying to prove to me that he’s worth my time, and I’m starting to believe it.


“Oh Katia,” she whispers before I can protest. “It’s amazing. I can’t . . . I’m so happy.”

She’s happy.

My heart aches and I know I can’t argue this, and take it off her. I also know somehow that Marcus has twisted this so I owe him. Part of me wants to owe him; part of me is scared. This, though—this makes my heart ache. Today was easily one the best days of my life. When I went back into work my boss apologized, upped my wage and reduced my hours.

Whatever Marcus did changed him.

And in doing that, he changed my life.

I lift my purse and say down the phone, “I have to go, Mom, but I’ll help you set it up as soon as we’re home.”

“Oh, it’s electric!” she cries.

With a smile, I hang up the phone and wave down a cab.

Then I head to Marcus’s house.


“Is Marcus in?” I ask, leaning a hip against reception.

“He’s just in a meeting,” the receptionist mutters. “He won’t be long.”

“Is Candy in?”

She narrows her eyes. “Is there a reason you’re here?”

Oh, someone doesn’t like me. She’s not the same receptionist I met last time I was here. Maybe she’s one of Marcus’s ex lovers. It wouldn’t surprise me.

“Well,” I say, grinning at her, “I was with Marcus last night, or to be precise, in his bed, so I’m here to see him.”

“You and the rest of the country,” she says, bitterly.

Definitely a cow.

“He told me to come here. If you don’t like it, you can take it up with him. I’m going to see Candy.”

With that, I shove past her and head up to Candy’s office. She’s sitting at her desk on the phone, but when I enter she ends the call and jumps up, rushing over and throwing her arms around me.

“What are you doing here?” she asks, leaning back.

“I’m here to see Marcus.”

She narrows her eyes and then throws her hands on her hips. “Why?”

I grin at her. “None of your business, missy.”

“It is my business if you’re going to go into his office, where I can hear, by the way, and jump his bones.”

“He bought Mom a wheelchair.”

She blinks.

“Marcus Tandem bought your mother a wheelchair?”

I nod. “Yes.”


“I don’t know.”

“Marcus is a player.”

My chest clenches but I nod in agreement. “It would appear that way.”

“He doesn’t buy,” she leans in close and hisses, “wheelchairs.”

I purse my lips. “Well, he did.”

“What did you do to him?”

I laugh softly. “I have no idea.”

A group of men walk past, and Candy nods at them. “Those were his guys. He’s free.”

My heart begins pounding harder as I straighten. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Keep it in your pants, honey.”

Laughing, I step out of the office and turn to face Marcus’s. He’s standing in the doorway, arms crossed, watching the men go. When he notices me, his eyes flick my way and his face grows lusty. Oh boy. I smile, unable to hold it back. It comes out huge, and bright, and full of appreciation.

Then I walk towards him on shaky legs. Knowing what I’m going to do when I get there, and knowing I shouldn’t. I can’t stop myself, even if I wanted to. He bought my mother a wheelchair. He changed her life in a way I don’t even think he understands. When I reach him, my hand goes up and curls around his neck and I tug him down. His lips find mine and I kiss him with everything inside me. I kiss him so hard he groans deep in his throat.