Consumed - Page 20/43

I close my legs. My nerves are building higher, leaving a sick feeling in the pit of my tummy. I hear the foil crumble and a few seconds later he’s leaning over me, spreading my thighs with his knee. His length presses against my opening and I shudder as Seth’s hands run over me, pinching and squeezing my flesh. A few minutes in and I’m moaning and rocking my hips against his length. His eyes remain on my face as he reaches down and rubs himself all over me, testing my wetness. A burning sensation radiates at my entrance as he stretches me to my limits. My breath stalls and his mouth claims me as the burn becomes increasingly pleasant. He pushes hard and deep and a spine tingling pleasure rips through me. I moan into his mouth and he nips at my bottom lip before dropping his mouth to my breast, catching my nipple between his teeth.

“Fuck...” He groans, biting down and making me gasp. “You’re so...”

He growls, leaving his sentence unfinished. Hearing him talk during sex is the most arousing thing I’ve ever heard. He has one of those voices that make every single hair stand to attention. He thrusts harder and faster and I cry out every time the tip of his cock reaches its maximum point.

“This is just what you wanted, isn't it?”

I moan and nod as his swollen cock strikes something deep inside of me, causing my stomach to twist in the most delightful of ways. He half-groans, half-laughs at my admission and his thick arms wrap around me. He pulls us up to a sitting position and I’m on top of him as his tongue traces a hot line of saliva along my collar bone. His hips rock forward and backward as his hands cup my ass, forcing me to grind in a fast speed against him. I grip him tighter as he takes my nipple into his mouth again. A need to take control of this big, beautiful man engulfs me and I push him backwards so he’s lying underneath me. The look of pure lust and passion on his face because of me almost sends me over the edge, but I refuse to let go until he says my name. I place my hands firmly on his chest and I lift my hips and then sink back down onto him with a loud cry. It feels so damn good.

I can see it in Seth’s face. He isn’t going to be able to hold for much longer and my muscles ache from doing the same motions over and over, but it only fuels the orgasm waiting to tear out of me.

“I’m gonna come, baby.” He growls as he rolls me off him, quickly, pressing my back firmly against the mattress. His hand slides down my thigh and he hooks it up onto his shoulder. His biceps clench as he holds himself off me and his gaze flicks between my face and my breasts that bounce quickly as my body jerks under the powerful rocking motions of his hips. The orgasm that has patiently waited in the core of my being builds higher and higher and I can no longer contain it. As it edges closer, my body tightens and my muscles begin to tremble.

“Fuck, Olivia,” he groans into my ear and that’s all it takes.

My fingers dig into the skin of his shoulders and I arch my back into him, pressing my hard nipples against his chest as powerful surges of satisfaction spill through me. Instantly following my orgasm, Seth finds his own release and he moans as his head drops onto my chest and his hips move in an uneven thrust. When the tremors slow and I can breathe again, he wraps his arms around my shoulders and rolls, pulling me on top of him. We don’t talk for a little while. Instead, we listen to each other’s pant become even and quiet.

I smile against Seth’s chest. We had sex and it was a million times better than I thought it could ever be. Now I know why girls refuse to leave him alone after it.

When I’ve gained enough breath to speak, I say. “I have to go back to work in fifteen minutes and my car is broken so you’re the lucky one who gets to drive me back.”

Seth scoffs and plays with the ends of my hair. “If it was up to me you’d never go back there.”

I sit up a little, so I can see his face. He looks at me with serious eyes and tucks his hands behind his head. The muscles in his arms jut outwards and I want to run my tongue over them. I want to memorize every bulge and depression.

“He’s a good boss, Seth.”

He frowns. “Only because he wants to get in your pants.”

“True, but even if that wasn’t the case I can tell he’s a good person.”

He shrugs his shoulders. “How’d you get to work this morning?” His subject change was anything but subtle.

“Well, I was going to catch a taxi, but Blade took me instead.”

Seth’s brows furrow deeper at Blade’s name. “You called him?”

“No, he showed up unexpectedly.” My mind falls onto all of the things Blade said and I figure now is as good a time as ever to ask him about it. “He saw you guys at Heaven’s last night... you were making out with the brunette girl from the gym.”

It takes all of my strength to keep my face neutral and not assuming. I expect a look of shock or at least wide eyes, but all I get is a laugh that rumbles through Seth’s chest.

“He said I was making out with her?”

I nod.

“No. She threw herself at me and I told her where to go. Then Selena slams me for treating Cassy like shit.” He shakes his head. “I can’t win.”

The brunette with the big fake boobs is named Cassy... I hate it, but I believe him when he says he didn’t kiss her first. I don’t know what I’d do if he said he had kissed her first.

“Selena sure talks a lot when she’s drunk.” He adds.

“Yeah, she told Blade everything... he knows we aren’t together and he wants me back.”

Seth’s dark eyes burn into mine and he seems almost pissed off. “And what did you say?”

I look around the room and at his naked body like it’s obvious. “We just had sex, of course my answer was no.”

Seth’s tense face melts into an over-confident smile and tugs me onto him. “Good, because I think I want seconds.”

His tongue forces its way between my lips and I massage his with mine before pulling away. “I can’t. I have to go to work.”

I slide off the bed and put all of my clothes back on before fishing my phone out of my pocket and checking the screen. I have a missed call from work. I put it to my ear and play it.

“Hey, Olivia.” Mason’s depressed voice mumbles. “I closed work early. I’ll see you back next week... sorry, for today. It just caught me off guard. Bye.”

“Hm.” I huff, lowering it from my ear and slapping my phone against the palm of my hand. “Mason closed the office.”

I can’t help but to feel bad. It’s my fault... Seth reaches across the bed and pulls on the hem off my dress, drawing me closer. His mouth curves into a delicious smile and his eyes dance with indecent excitement. “Lucky me.”


Seth and I spent the rest of the day in bed yesterday, but today, I haven’t seen him. He’s texted me a few times asking me to go to his next fight in Concord, New Hampshire, but every time I’ve replied back ‘no’. I’m still getting over the last one.

I’ve been keeping myself busy today by cleaning the apartment from top to bottom and now I have to get ready for dinner with Mom and Dad. For my mom’s sake, I wear a pair of jeans and the green, high-necked sweater she bought for me for Christmas last year. I really dislike it. Green is definitely not my color and there are only so many times I can use the ‘it’s in the wash’ excuse.

Because it’s Sunday and my car isn’t getting repaired until tomorrow, I have to call a taxi. When I pull my hair into a ponytail, and apply a little lip gloss, the taxi pulls up outside, blasting its horn once.

The ride to my parent’s house is painfully slow and I wish I had sat in the backseat instead of the front. The driver is old, much too old to be driving a car and he keeps missing the turn offs. When we finally pull up outside my parent’s house, the driver only takes a small portion of the money owed and I thank him because there was no way I was paying him full price.

I turn to the house. The glowing orange and red sunset gives the beautiful, one storey house a warm feel. A big oak tree stands to the left of the yard, providing a dark shadow over the tire swing my brother and I built as kids. The grass is mowed and maintained to perfection and I wonder if it’s as soft as it was when I was younger. I open the small white gate and step onto the rocky footpath. Pebbles crunch beneath my feet and the smell of Shepherd’s Pie and roast vegetables waft into my nose. I walk along the pathway and onto the wooden porch. As soon as I knock on the door, I hear my mother drop whatever she’s doing in the kitchen and she rushes to the door. She pulls it open and I’m greeted by her smiling face and soft chocolate curls that tuck around her ears.

“Darling!” She squeals, unlocking the screen and pulling me into a hug. She smells like basil and salt. “You know you don’t have to knock here. Come right in.”

She drags me into the house, smiling gleefully at my sweater. The first room I step into is the living room and Dad is sitting in his recliner watching some MMA fight—a re-run, probably.

“Richard!” Mom snaps, tugging on the hem of her pretty lilac apron. “Olivia is here. Turn that junk off.”

She marches into the kitchen and I join Dad in the lounge room. He shuts off the T.V and leans forward in his chair as I drop into the couch. “How are you, kiddo?”

“Good. Did you have fun after the fight on Friday?”

“I would have if your mother hadn’t forbidden me from drinking.” He rolls his brown eyes and I smile at him.

“There’s always next time.” I say, leaning back into the couch.

“Speaking of which, are you going to Concord with Seth and the team tomorrow night?”

I shake my head. “No thanks.”

“Come on—”

“Rick, don’t make the poor girl go if she doesn’t want to go.” Mom shouts from the kitchen. She’s always eavesdropping. “I don’t want her hanging around those fighter types. They’re aggressive and dangerous. We’re meant to be protecting our daughter not thrusting her in harm’s way.”

Dad rolls his eyes and lowers his voice. “She met Seth yesterday when he came to get his car.”

“She doesn’t like him?”

His narrow shoulders shrug. “You know how she is. She has a hard time dealing with people she can’t control.”

He’s right. Although I love my mother to bits, she’s too controlling, too set in her ways.

“And she’s as against fighting as you are.” He adds, drinking back the last mouthful of his beer.

“I’m not against it, Dad. I just don’t like watching it... it’s brutal.”

“It’s life.” He crushes the empty can of beer and lifts himself from his chair. “People have been fighting each other since the beginning of time.” He disappears around the corner to the kitchen and I glance at the big wooden clock on the wall above the T.V. I hate how fighting isn’t a big deal to anyone but me. Even Mom stomachs it just to spend time with Dad. I’d love to go to Concord to support Seth, but I just can’t deal with the fighting.

“Olivia, dinner!” Mom’s voice forces me from the couch to the kitchen. Next to it is the dining room and Dad is sitting at the head of the long, wooden table. He’s sat in that same chair for dinner for as long as I can remember.

“Are you going to Concord?” I ask him, falling into the seat closest to him.

“I sure am. They plan to be in New Hampshire for two nights.”

Mom takes the large Shepherd’s pie from the oven along with the baked vegetables. The potatoes are a golden brown, specked with various herbs and the edges around the pumpkin are darkened to perfection, making my mouth water.

“You’re father shouldn’t be going. Not with his high blood pressure anyway.”

I look at Dad and his jaw tenses.

“You have high blood pressure? Are you okay? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Dad waves his hand at me like it’s no big deal. “I feel fine. The doctor is just being cautious.”

Mom puts the food onto pretty, flower patterned serving dishes before setting them at the table before us. I want to ask Dad more about him. I want to know how he’s feeling, or if he needs me to take care of the gym a few days a week. When Mom heads back into the kitchen, Dad leans closer to me.

“Your mother doesn’t know that you and Seth are dating, so—”

“We’re not dating, Dad. We’re friends.” Friends who just so happened to rock each other’s world.

He rolls his eyes for the second time tonight. “Yeah, okay. Just break it to her gently.”

Mom pulls her apron over her head, adjusts the way her red dress sits and then joins us at the table. Mom tells us all about her day in town while we scoop food onto our plates. I’ve been here twenty minutes and there’s been no mention of moving back in. That’s some kind of record.

“So Mom,” I say, pouring gravy on my baked vegetables. “You met my friend Seth yesterday...”

“I did.” Her green eyes avoid mine and I know that isn’t a good sign. “Have you and Blade spoken since the break up?”

Even Dad groans at the mention of his name and I don’t appreciate her dodging around Seth to talk about Blade.

“Yes, actually, he drove me to work yesterday.” From the corner of my eye, I see Dad shake his head. “We’re still not back together.” I state matter of factly.

“Do you want to get back together?” Mom asks.

There’s a hopeful gleam in her eye and it completely pisses me off. She knows what Blade has done to me and should have no doubt guessed that he’s done the same thing this time around, too.