Consumed - Page 9/43

“And what does Mom have to say about all of this?”

Dad rubs the back of his neck. “That’s the thing... I haven’t told her yet.”


“I will tonight. I’m taking her to that fancy place she likes, uh—” He clicks his fingers trying to remember the name.

“Phillip’s Gourmet.” I answer for him.


His big brown eyes stare at me, waiting for me to say something else.

“Well,” I begin. “If it makes you happy, then I’m happy.” I kiss his warm cheek and head to the shower room to change into my gym clothes. I’m not going to let Seth’s presence deter me from working out.

When I’ve changed into a pair of tights and a tank top, I step out from a little cubicle and Seth with all of his glorious sweatiness is leaning against the wall by the mirrors. His presence forces a mass of butterflies in my stomach, making me feel nauseous. I stop in my tracks and pull my bag a little tighter against me. I let my gaze drag to meet his and I try not to gape at the unadulterated perfection of his appearance. His black hair is messy and wet against his forehead. His skin is coated in a thin layer of sweat and not to mention the muscles that ripple underneath his flawless skin. It’s unfair that someone can be so good-looking and desirable when all I want to do is forget about them. I swallow over and over again, trying to get rid of the sudden dryness in the back of my throat as I watch him carefully.

“Are you okay with me hiring your dad?” His voice is low and coarse, sending a tidal wave of shivers down my spine.

“You’re asking me that now? After you’ve already hired him?”

“I had no idea he was your dad until you walked in and called him Dad.”

“Yeah, alright. That’s a bit too much of a coincidence, don’t you think?”

He doesn’t reply to me, only watches and I continue. “Fighting is his passion and it makes him happy so... thank you.”

He nods. “I was worried you’d think I’m using him to get to you.”

I laugh once. “No, it’s pretty clear that you’re not hiring my dad to get into my pants considering I threw my pants at you last night and you refused.”

He’s smiling at me now, but there’s something raw and hungry in his eyes. It’s confusing me and I hate it. I storm past him, but his hand grabs my arm, spinning me back to him. I gasp as my back is pressed against the wall and his face is inches from mine. His full lips are parted, like he’s seconds away from devouring me with them and I hate that I want him to. The look in his eyes darkens and he presses his lips into a thin line. “You’re mad because I didn’t sleep with you?”

“No, I’m mad because you humiliated me. I let you touch me...” I cringe. “and then you left.” Hot-faced and reluctant, I slide out from his grasp. “I’m glad we didn’t have sex. You can use my dad for your training as long as you keep your hard chest and thick arms... and your...” Keep it together woman! I clear my throat and the corner of his lips twitch. “Just stay away from me.”

He grabs me again, pulling me back against the wall. His strong arms lean against the concrete either side of my head and his knee nudges between my legs, completely dominating me. “Let me make it up to you. Come to dinner with me tonight.”


His lips twitch and his eyes are suddenly brighter. He enjoys being told no and secretly that thrills me because I enjoy saying it to him. “You mistake my demand for a question.”

“Your demand?” I scoff and push against him, but he doesn’t budge.

“Olivia.” His rough voice wraps around my name and I imagine him moaning it in my ear. My lips part and I exhale slowly. “Come to dinner with me.”

“No.” I meant to sound annoyed, but my voice cracks and he smiles. He’s going to break me. I’m going to cave and he knows it. I’m going to have to nip it in the bud before he wins. From my bag, I pull out my phone and dial Selena’s number. I put it to my ear as Seth watches me curiously.

“Hello?” She answers.

“Okay,” I say, keeping my eyes locked with Seth’s. “Let’s go out tonight.”

She squeals and I take the phone away from my ear until she’s finished. Seth’s eyes narrow in on me and I can see his muscles contract and relax.

“I’ll be there at nine. Love you!” She hangs up.

I smile mockingly at him. “I’m sorry, but I’m busy tonight.”

Damn it. Why am I so stubborn? I want to walk away, but his body is preventing me for going anywhere.

“You’re playing a dangerous game.” He almost growls at me. “I’m not going to stop until—”

“Until what?” I interrupt. “You don’t want me.” I emphasize each word.

“Fuck, Olivia! I’ve wanted you since the moment I caught you staring at me days ago.” His finger traces my jaw and then my bottom lip before he drops it to his side. “You want to know why I can’t let myself have you? Because during all of our random meetings I discovered you’re the type of girl that can’t separate emotions from sex and that’s all I want from you.” I scowl at his words, but at least he gains brownie points for honesty. “And for some strange reason... I don’t want to hurt you. You are good and I don’t want to ruin that for you.”

My eyes flit to his lips and then back to his eyes. “If you never planned to have sex with me, why’d you tell me those things and touch me and kiss me?”

“Because at the time I was trying to prove a point, but it got a little out of hand.”

I look into his chocolate eyes and he seems sincere, but you can never really tell with these over-confident, playboy types. Unexpectedly, he presses his dry, full lips against mine and my eyes flutter shut on instinct, the butterflies growing increasingly abominable. His dammed lips are causing my knees to weaken and my stubbornness to give way. It’s like I can’t control my body. My hands slide up around his neck and into his hair. I feel his soft, damp hair slip between my fingertips and his tongue is slick with moisture as he flicks it along my bottom lip. A moan escapes my throat as Seth pulls himself back and with a sultry smile he says. “But now that I know exactly what’s between those thighs, I don’t think I’m going to be able to stop myself from going after you.” He draws himself to his full height and storms away, leaving me panting and staring at the empty space in front of me like an idiot, my lips still heavy with his kiss.

By the time I find the courage to exit the shower room Seth and his crew have moved to the private training rooms. Thank God. I happily climb onto a treadmill and warm up for a long time. I can still feel his heat on me and I can’t think straight. After I run, I move over to the bench press and dumbbells. Too many times I lost count of my reps because I was too busy thinking about what Seth said. He’s confusing. He wants me, but at the same time he doesn’t because I’m ‘too good’. And I thought women were confusing. I never want to feel how I felt today ever again. Seth won’t get another chance to humiliate me—even if that wasn’t his intention in the first place. The cocky bastard needs to be told no for a change and I hope I can stick to it.


I get home late because I decided to take a trip to the grocery store for some more fresh fruit and veg. When I put it all away in the fridge, I go to my room to get ready for tonight. I pick my two dresses up off the floor and decide to wear the coral off the shoulder cocktail dress. It’s safe and if I do my own hair and make-up I won’t have to look like an A-class hooker again. Picking up is definitely not on the agenda for me tonight. The only reason I said yes to Selena was to get Seth off my damn back. I want to go to dinner with him, but I can’t trust if his request is genuine or if it’s all part of some big plan. I don’t know. Maybe I’m reading too much into it.

Selena shows up at eight-thirty dressed just as glamorously as last night in a salmon pink tube dress and white stilettos. The second she sees my dress she cringes. “Really? The coral dress?”

I nod and pop the cork out of the champagne. “Yep, it’s safe.”

Her heels are freakishly high and I’m surprised she hasn’t broken her neck yet. “O, we’re going to a club not taking a child to a pre-school orientation.”

I roll my eyes as I pour the champagne into two wine flutes. I don’t know what her problem is. The coral dress is beautiful. It isn’t revealing or tight it’s... boring. Sadly, the realization affects me more than I want it to.

Selena’s cool hand touches my shoulder and I realize I zoned out. “It’s not that bad. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

I scoff and play it off with a chuckle. “I was thinking about something else and completely zoned out.”

“So,” she says, changing the subject. “My friend says that Blade is at Heaven’s tonight so we’re going back to Lux’s... if that’s okay with you?”

“Absolutely, but I don’t want to stay out too late. I have work in the morning and I can’t afford to sleep in again.”

She takes her champagne flute off the bench and inhales a large mouthful. Her pink lipstick stains the glass and it’s going to be a pain in the ass trying to get that off in the morning. Selena’s lipsticks are like permanent markers. “I bet Mason was pissed you were late today.”

I take a mouthful of the yellow, bubbly liquid and place the flute back on the bench. “He wasn’t too pissed, but I think that was only because he wanted me to say yes to dinner.”

“He asked you to dinner again?”

“Yep and I said no for the billionth time.”

“Why do you keep saying no? Hell, I’d go if he asked me. He’s a total babe for his age and he has money—oh, and the eyes on him pierce straight into my pus—”

“Okay.” I shout, cutting her off. My face scrunches at her foul words. I don’t think I can stomach hearing ‘Mason’ and ‘pussy’ in the same sentence. “Sel, he’s like forty-something and he’s my boss.”


“Look, if you want him, go for him. I’m not going to stop you and hopefully that will get him off my back.”

She smiles. “Maybe I will.”

The cab shows up at nine on the dot and Selena drags me from the house before I have a chance to change my mind—again.


Lux’s Lounge Bar has the same atmosphere as last night. I wonder how many people have work tomorrow and if they come out often. It’s only nine-thirty and I already feel like calling it a night. Selena ushers me toward the bar and immediately two guys buy us a drink. Selena puts on her best ‘Oh my God, I wasn’t expecting that’ face and I hide behind her while she flirts. I’m so not into boys tonight. The argument with Seth this afternoon has really taken all of my energy out of me and boys are definitely at the very, very back of my mind.

They seem to be at the front of Selena’s mind tonight, however, and I don’t mind being her wingman as she swoops in to find herself a nice rich guy.

“I own a law firm.” She says to one guy and he laps it up like a puppy.

He has dark hair that sits in waves on his forehead and I’m annoyed by how many times he flicks his head to move it around. I can tell from the beginning that this guy doesn’t have money, but I can almost guarantee that he uses his daddy’s.

“Oh, really? I work in pharmaceuticals.”

Lie. Your dad works in pharmaceuticals. I smile to myself. I’m doing it again—judging people. I can’t help it.

“Drugs, I like it.” Selena giggles and nudges me with her elbow. I have no idea what it means and what I’m supposed to do. Do I have to say something to boost her up or does she want me to leave? Her green eyes flick sideways at me and I shrug. I never claimed to be a good wingman.

“Olivia is my receptionist.” She hints.

Oh. Right. I launch myself into their discussion. “Selena works hard, but at the end of the day she loves to play.” I feel seedy just saying that.

“I like to play, too.” He winks at me, ‘subconsciously’ taping the glass on his Rolex and I bite my lip, fighting the urge to scoff and drag Selena away from him. “This might be a little out of line, but are you both interested in a—”

I turn as quickly as I can and I get the hell out of there. A threesome is DEFINITELY not on the agenda tonight and I know that’s exactly what he’s after. He’s been trying to charm us both all night. The last time Blade and I broke up and Selena dragged me clubbing she found a hot guy and it was his ‘birthday’. He wanted a threesome which Selena was totally down for. “We’re friends who have known each other forever. It’s not going to be awkward. I see your tits and vag all the time.” She said to me. My response was still: FUCK NO!

I don’t know why. Selena is gorgeous and clean and everything else, but it’s just not something I’m into—at all. The thought alone makes me queasy. I walk over to the bar and put my empty glass down. My eyes feel heavy and I want to go home. I glance back over my shoulder at Selena and the spoilt shit. They’re making out...hardcore making out.

“What can I get you?” The bartender asks, drawing my attention onto her.

Her dark hair is tied back into a high ponytail at the top of her head and it’s long enough to cascade over her shoulders. Her shirt barely covers her midriff and she has a black dot above her upper lip. I was having a hard time trying to decide if it’s a piercing or a beauty spot. I stare at it and lean in closer. She looks uncomfortable, but she doesn’t drop the smile from her lips. I blink a few times as she wobbles to the side briefly.