Angels in Leather - Page 36/68

He laughs, and it’s a deep, throaty sound. He slides his cock out of my eager depths, and then he plunges back in, quick and nasty. I cry out, throwing my head back and bucking against him. He drives into me like that three or four times, pulling out and plunging back in, then he slows, and begins lazily dragging his cock in and out. Then he stops.

I hiss, and squirm. “Why are you stopping?”

“You wanted both. I’m giving you both.”

“Goddammit, Axel,” I grind out between clenched teeth. “Fuck me, hard, fast, deep...make me come.”

“That’s more like it.”

He pumps his hips, starting off with a slow, but firm rhythm, and then he picks up his pace until his balls are slapping against my ass, and the sounds coming from both of us sound more like animals in heat then two people fucking. He’s grunting, and every now and then, my name slides from his lips. I’m screaming, and moaning, and squirming. Pleasure is swirling in my core, ready to erupt.

“Come on,” he moans, his voice tight. “Come on, Cricket...”

It takes a few more thrusts, and I’m sent over that blissful edge. I scream his name as my body jerks with rush after rush of intense pleasure. Axel works me until I stop trembling, then he pulls out, repeating the same process as yesterday. He spins me around, lowering me, and then he thrusts his cock into my mouth.

“Fuck, suck it,” he bellows. “Suck my dick.”

God, hearing a man talk so dirty has my entire body warming for him again. I take all of him, swallowing him down, and relishing in the feeling of his cock swelling, before he spurts his release into my mouth. His groans fill the room, and I realize his fingers are tangled painfully in my hair as he uses my head to drive his thrusts. When he’s done, he slowly pulls out, and stares down at me, his eyes wild.

“You look so fuckin’ perfect down there, on your knees, lookin’ up at me with those innocent-as-fuck eyes.”

“I’m not innocent, Axel,” I mumble, not taking my eyes from his.

“You are, Cricket. If you fucked me the way I need to be fucked, it’d break you.”

I shake my head. “You don’t know what would break me. Not even I know that.”

He shakes his head, and pulls his jeans up, before leaning down and taking my arms, pulling me up. He turns me around, and uncuffs me. While his chest is pressed against my back, I think about how our sex continues to end...without him coming inside me. He has to come with his cock in my mouth, and curiosity has me blurting out, “Why don’t you come in me, Axel?”

He stops moving behind me, and he’s silent for a long moment.

“Because, Cricket, that’s the kind of fucked up I am. I have never, nor will I ever, come inside a woman. I don’t trust them enough. I refuse to give them that part of me.”

He thinks coming inside me is a weakness.

My heart hurts just that much more for him.



I stare down at her, sleeping, her brown hair fanning out against the pillow as she breathes softly. I lift my hand, and run my fingers through my hair, feeling like a weight is sitting heavily on my chest. I shouldn’t be doing this. I’m playing with fire. A girl like her, she doesn’t deserve scum like me. She deserves only the best, but I’m letting her get in, and that shouldn’t be happening.

This isn’t how this is meant to go down.

She’ll never understand what kind of shit runs through my head. She’ll never understand that the reason I don’t come in her sweet depths is because I can’t. Me showing that kind of weakness isn’t something I’ve ever wanted to let myself do. I’ve never wanted to give a woman a moment where she sees I’ve lost my control. The only way I can find release is in her mouth. Seeing her kneel before me, it gives me a feeling of dominance, like I’m not weak, like I’m not completely fucked up.

I turn and walk from the room. I head back to my office, and slam the door behind me when I get in. I slump down in the chair, and stare at the desk. There’s paper everywhere, because I bent her over it, and fucked her...hard. Damned hard. She liked it. She’s got a dark side, and I don’t want to delve into it, because then I’ll let myself believe that maybe something can happen between us.

But it can’t.

It won’t.

“Yo, Pres,” Cobra says, walking into the room. “How’s things?”

I lift my eyes, and give him an intense expression. “Fuckin’ great.”

“Yeah, somehow I think you’re pullin’ my chain, boss. What’s goin’ on?”

“Nothin’,” I grunt.

“Has it got something to do with how hard you just fucked Meadow in here?”

I snap my head up, and shoot daggers at him. “What the fuck did you say?”

“No offense meant, boss, but the entire club heard her screamin’ your name.”



I put my head in my hands, and growl loudly. “This is fucked up.”

“You two...a thing now?”

I jerk at his words, and begin shaking my head. “Fuck. No. I can’t be...we can’t be. Shit, I’ve gotten myself in deep, man, fuckin’ deep.”

“You care about her, boss?”

I can’t answer that, because the answer is pointless. It makes no difference to how this has to end. Caring, or not caring, either way she has to go. She can’t be here in all this fucked-up bullshit. It’s not where a girl like her is meant to be. She’s spent her life around lies, and she doesn’t even know it. She lost her mom at an early age, and she lost her dad pretty soon after. She’s been running since then, trying to protect something she doesn’t even fully understand.