Dark Queen - Page 49/94

“The crews involved with the immediate evaluation and cleanup don’t know they are there to begin initial preparation for a possible Mithran occupation. They have had no contact with the outside world since they arrived at the islands. Each house is primitive by modern-day standards: no cellular, no Internet. We may not have hot and cold running water or indoor toilets. Minimal electricity, all solar. We will have a small staff, most of them camping. Those of us who have been challenged will either stay on-site in light-safe rooms or be flown in by helicopter. On-site bunkroom space will be provided for Clan Yellowrock and a security team and blood-servants. Other bunkrooms may be available as needed, though the occupants may need to switch off, as you say.”

“I’m not concerned about the sleeping arrangements. I’m concerned about the security. Why was I not involved with this?”

“Your Alex has been an active participant, looking over all three sites. He has a preference, and I am doing all I can in negotiations to accommodate him and the security needs.”

And Alex hadn’t told me.

Leo let a tiny human smile cross his features. “When a leader has trained his capable and loyal people well, my Jane, it is then time to let them go and perform the tasks one has assigned to them. I needed your skills and protection here at Council Chambers, not on an island many miles away.”

I scowled at Leo, but he had a point. Alex was growing up and doing his job without being asked.

Leo went on. “Titus and his people will anchor offshore and arrive after dusk each evening via motorized dory to the repaired docks. They will depart before dawn in the same small boats.”

I put my paws on the floor and stood. “You got any other news you want to share?” Leo stretched back and removed a sheet of paper from his printer, folded it once, and leaned to me, holding it out. I narrowed my eyes at him and took the sheet. I opened the fold and glanced down. It was a list of opponents and fights. My name figured prominently. “This is gonna suck.”

“I hope so, my Jane,” Leo said, the twinkle back in his eyes. “I do hope so.”

“Not what I meant.”

The partial smile slid away. “No. Not what you meant. These next few days will be difficult. But you asked me if there was other information you needed to know. Yes. There is.”


“As you requested when you brought him here, I met privately with the man Ayatas FireWind. He requested to be present at the Sangre Duello. I refused. He grows persistent.”

“We don’t need PsyLED on the island in any capacity. They would be legally bound to try and stop duels to the death.”

Leo inclined his head as if to say he had taken that into consideration. “And yet, in the event of my true-death, the presence of officers of the law might prevent both a bloodbath onshore and any action by the United States Navy or Coast Guard.”

“You think the military will take us all out if you lose.”

“Accidents happen. Even a deliberate bombardment of an inhabited island in the gulf is not unheard of. Ask Eli Younger. He knows of such things. Ayatas FireWind has been kept apprised of all happenings in my city. I will think on this carefully and will discuss plans with you.”

Softer, Leo said, “I have taken the scent of FireWind. And I was gifted with a single drop of his blood as pledge of his honor, if not his loyalty.” Gently he added, “He is your brother in truth.”

I blinked. Felt as if the world tilted and that I might fall. I took a breath to steady myself and the air was too dry, too cold. “What?”

“I have taken the scent of the man claiming to be your brother. You were born of the same mother, sired by the same father. He is your full-blood brother.”

* * *

• • •

Both of the Youngers were relaxed in the living room, Alex at his desk and Eli lying on the couch, where he had thrown himself when we entered, now looking deceptively tranquil and sleepy.

I was standing in the entry, still in half-form, cranky and annoyed. To Alex, I said, “You knew about the Sangre Duello being at one of three islands, and didn’t see fit to tell me?”

“That’s his job, Jane,” Eli said, watching me from lazy eyes, his hands behind his head and feet crossed. “If you had known, the first thing you would have wanted to do was fly out and look around. You’re busy. You have to delegate, but you suck at that. So I did the look-see. Alex oversaw the security. Now, tonight, you need to know. Not before.”

Very softly, I asked, “Is there anything else I need to know that I wasn’t told?”

Eli sat up from his sprawl. “You’re really pissed. Why?”

Ayatas is my brother. Not said. I wanted to hit something. Hard. I felt Beast leap to the forefront of my brain and glow golden through my eyes. The look I sent him had Eli standing, his body angled to fight me, ready for me to hit him. He took a step back, clearing the space between us, giving himself room to block and plan, his eyes lit with delight. Eli always enjoyed giving me a chance to blow off steam, and he gave me a little “come on” wave as if urging me to hit him for real, the way he did when we sparred. “That’s our job, Jane,” he said, moving around me for a better attack angle. “To evaluate a site and put a plan together. Your job, especially at this particular time, isn’t the nuts and bolts. It’s following the leads back to Leo’s enemies. So you aren’t mad about the islands. What are you really mad about, Janie?”

I frowned, not taking the hint to let out some aggression sparring. I was feeling . . . helpless. Yeah. Helpless. And I hated that feeling. “Crap.” I dropped my stance and let my shoulders droop. “Sorry. Did you find the SUV that took Dominique away from HQ?” I asked Alex.

Alex ducked his head over his tablet.

“Alex? Kid, what’s up?”

Quietly he said, “Rona Hogg and her sister Mazie.”

I vaguely remembered Rona. She was one of the Atlanta recruits, training for a possible security position in the new Atlanta clan. In Katie’s new clan. Weird. “Okay.”

“Her sister’s a gamer. I sorta . . . know Mazie.”

Eli and I went still as hunting cats. “Know in the casual sense or the biblical sense?” Eli said.

“Not sure what that means, bro. But we got to second base on gamer night a few weeks back. She had questions. I gave her answers. Lots of answers. She’s trying to get on as part of the security team too, so . . . I thought it was okay.”

“She made you feel important,” Eli said.

“She made goo-goo eyes at you, let you feel her boobs, and you caved,” I said.

“Sorta,” Alex mumbled, his dark-skinned face going red. “Rona and Mazie Hogg helped Dominique get in and out the first time. I got a good still shot from a street cam. They were in the car with her, Rona driving.”

“Where did they go?”

“They ditched the SUV off I-10. I lost them.”

I said something my housemother might have slapped my face for. Alex’s eyes went wide.

“You need to see Aggie One Feather,” Eli said, not unkindly.

“I’m busy,” I said, my voice reverberating.

“And you need to take Ayatas with you.”

The last statement was like being slapped across the face for real. “What?” I said. My shoulders dropped, my face wrinkled up, and I took another step back, further widening the space between us.

Eli hadn’t relaxed his stance. “A man claiming to be your brother appeared out of nowhere, alleging things that were confusing and frightening. He appeared when it was convenient to him, instead of making a ceremonial visit that would have shown you he cared. Leo just confirmed Ayatas is really your brother. You’re not acting like yourself. You’re acting like a pissed-off cat, all claws and attitude. Too much aggression and not enough thinking. Too much cat.”

Beast reared up in me, my eyes glowing. I growled softly.

“Yeah. See?” Alex said. “Growly and catty.”

“I’m not going to see Aggie. I don’t have time for a sweat.”

“Fine,” Eli said, sitting down on the edge of the couch. His action seemed purposeful, as if to deescalate the tension in the room. “But I called Ayatas and told him Leo confirmed your relationship. You can talk to Ayatas with or without the tribal Elder. Either way, Ayatas is here. You want answers. He wants answers. Aggie is an Elder and she can give them to you.”