The Summer's End - Page 78/95

“Now we’re at the part that concerns me most.”

“My getting married?”

“Of course. You’re my only granddaughter.” Granny shifted her weight, frowning. “Georgiana told me that this man is, to put it mildly, a gold digger.”

Harper felt her blood begin to boil anew. “Is that all?” She smirked. “He wasn’t giving me drugs, too?”

“Don’t mock me. I’ve just flown thousands of miles across the ocean to—”

“To save me.”

“Quite frankly, yes.”

Harper saw that love in her grandmother’s eyes and lowered her shoulders. “I love you, but I don’t need saving.”

Her grandmother sighed heavily. “I love you, too, dear. But the rest remains to be seen.”

“Oh, please . . .” Harper put her face in her hands with a dramatic moan.

“Tell me. Does your young man, this Taylor McClellan”—Granny waited till Harper dropped her hands and was paying attention—“does he know about your trust fund?”


Granny James looked like the cat who ate the canary. “I see.”

“I told him that I lost it when I decided to stay here. That I gave it all up.”

“But you haven’t lost it. You’ll inherit when you turn thirty.”

“I know that. Mummy told me. But Taylor does not.”


“He asked a penniless, homeless girl to marry him.” Harper’s eyes suddenly filled with tears. “Oh, Granny, I’ve waited my whole life for this man. Someone who loved me.” Harper brought her fist to her heart. “Without my bloody fortune.”

“But you’ve only just met him.”

“But we’ve had a connection since the moment we met.”

“Oh, Harper . . .”

“Such things do happen, Granny,” Harper insisted stubbornly.

A winsome smile spread across Granny’s face, one laced with memory. “I know. But marriage is not to be taken lightly. One mustn’t confuse love and lust with commitment. Love is a sprint. Marriage is a marathon. An endurance race, if you will.”

“I know all that, Granny, I’ve dated many men.”

“Please, spare me the details.”

Harper laughed.

“But what about Howard Salisbury?” Granny James asked in the tone of a last-ditch effort. “He’s such a nice young man. So handsome. And a peer! He’s quite taken with you, asks after you all the time. I thought you two were quite an item.”

“Howard is in love with Greenfields Park, not me.”

Granny James frowned. “Don’t be so sure. The Salisburys are a fine family.”

“And so are the McClellans. Granny, I’ve always known I would marry for love. That I wouldn’t settle.” Harper patted her grandmother’s hand in a manner that indicated the conversation was ending. “Why don’t you wait to meet him and form your own opinion?”

“Indeed. I’d like to meet this young man.”

“Super. Because he’s coming for dinner tonight.”

Chapter Twenty

It was a night for surprises.

Mamaw was dressed to the nines, as Edward had liked to say whenever she stepped out of her dressing room in a new gown and paraded for him like a runway model. It was a silly game, but one they’d both enjoyed.

She let her palm rest against the waist of the raspberry-colored silk gown that, like all her other gowns, held her so tight she could barely breathe. She inhaled, feeling the constricting cloth against her belly. Why did everything she ate seem to go directly to her belly?

She released her breath and let her gaze survey her sage-green dining room. A satisfied smile eased across her face. At least here everything was perfect. She’d outdone herself tonight. The long Sheraton table was draped with her finest Belgian linen. She’d polished her silver until it shone under the crystal chandelier like fallen stars. Penta, roses, and other flowers from Harper’s garden were in low vases trimmed with leathery, dark Magnolia leaves. From the kitchen she heard the clatter of dishes as the caterer prepared their meal.

She rested her hands on the back of a Chippendale chair as memories of other dinner parties flitted through her mind. Back in the day, at her great house on East Bay, her parties were legendary in Charleston. She was reputed to be a favorite hostess south of Broad. She felt a flush of pleasure at the memory.

Far fewer parties had been held here at Sea Breeze. Her life had changed dramatically after Edward died. Goodness, she could count on one hand the number of parties she’d thrown here. The last was the previous May, when her granddaughters arrived to celebrate her eightieth birthday. She chuckled, remembering. What a night that had been! The laughter and secrets had flowed with the brut rose champagne.

Yes, she loved parties. Loved an excuse to throw one. She had to seize this moment while Sea Breeze was still in her hands for one last hurrah. Harper wanted to introduce her young man to her grandmother. And, she thought with a smile, she wanted to take this opportunity to introduce a gentleman friend of her own . . . Girard.

She glanced at her watch. He would be arriving soon. Straightening, she walked through the living room, smiling at her granddaughters, Taylor, Devlin, and Imogene as she passed to the foyer. There she stood by the front door, hidden from view, and waited, gathering her thoughts. It was perfectly normal for her to invite a dear friend to the dinner party, she told herself. Nothing to feel nervous about. Yet, pressing her palm flat against her jittery stomach, she felt just that. Like a young girl on her first date. The girls had all met Girard before, of course. But this was the first time she was bringing him into their home as an invited guest. The invitation implied more than neighborliness. She only hoped Dora would keep her tongue.

The doorbell rang, startling her. Taking a calming breath, Mamaw opened the door. The sight of Girard had her releasing the breath in a sigh. He looked especially handsome tonight, even debonair in his navy jacket and red tie. His blue eyes shone with warmth against his dark tan.

“Marietta,” he said, handing her a bouquet of roses and freesia. The scent rose up, heady and sweet. “You look beautiful tonight.”

“Thank you, Girard. Please come in,” she said nervously, and stepped aside.

Girard waited in the foyer until she closed the door. “It’s been a very long time since I’ve been inside Sea Breeze. I’ve stared at the back of the house from my dock for years. I’d forgotten how charming this house is.” He winked at her. “Like its mistress.”