Amaury's Hellion - Page 92/116

“Why were you looking for me?”

Thomas’ gaze drifted around the room, clearly examining the messy bed. “It’s not I who’s looking for you. I’m here on Samson’s orders. We have a lead on Luther.”

“What’s the plan?”

“We’re going in.” Thomas looked at his watch. “Let’s move. It’s already taken me over an hour to find you. Everybody is assembling at Samson’s.”

Amaury looked at his mate. “Nina, get your jacket. You’re coming with me.”

Thomas raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think that’s wise.”

“I’m not leaving her unprotected.”

“Amaury, I can stay here if your friend doesn’t—”

He cut her off. “No, you’re coming with me.” He gave Thomas a warning look. There’d be no way in hell he’d leave her alone while Luther was out there. If Thomas could smell that he’d bonded with her, so could Luther. He’d just put her in more danger than she was ever in before. By making her his, Amaury had given his enemy another front on which to attack.

Nina turned to the closet next to the bathroom.

Thomas took a step toward Amaury. “You blood-bonded with her?” He kept his voice low so Nina couldn’t overhear their discussion.

“Yes. And it’s none of your business.”

“Have you gone completely crazy?”

“I said it’s none of your business.”

“What’s none of his business?” Nina’s voice came from behind him.

Amaury spun around. He wouldn’t communicate Thomas’ disapproval of their union to her and taint their happiness tonight. “Nothing, chérie. You ready?”

He took her hand and made for the door. “You coming, Thomas?”

A low grumble came from Thomas as he followed them out the door. Amaury imagined what his friend was thinking, but couldn’t sense his emotions. No wonder: after the amazing sex he’d had with Nina, he wouldn’t be able to sense anybody’s emotions for maybe as long as an hour. His head felt great, and not even Thomas’ annoyance could change that.

“I’m here with my Ducati,” Thomas announced when they stepped outside.

“I have the car here. We’ll follow you.” At least he would get a few more minutes alone with Nina.

As soon as they sat in his Porsche and drove off, Amaury turned to Nina. “I’ll have to leave you at Samson’s house so you’ll be protected.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I don’t need protection.”

He sensed her resistance.

“You won’t win this battle, so you might as well throw in the towel now. You’re my woman, and Luther will not hesitate to use that fact against me.”

“Your woman? My, where do you get those expressions from? This is the twenty-first century, if you haven’t noticed yet. I’m my own woman.”

Amaury put his hand on hers and squeezed it. Nina couldn’t accept that he was there to protect her? He had to have chosen the most fiercely independent woman as his mate, hadn’t he? “Chérie, you are mine as much as I’m yours. Get used to it.”

Amaury pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed it. He felt himself get hard in response and shifted in his seat to accommodate his swelling cock.

“Do you always have to get your way?”

He gave her a serious look. “Not necessarily. But you have to understand one thing: you’re mine to protect, and nobody will prevent me from doing so—not even you.”

He brought the car to a stop outside of Samson’s Victorian home. Thomas was already parking his motorcycle.

Before Nina could open the door, he pulled her into his arms. “Promise me, you’ll stay at Samson’s until I’m back.”

Her eyes looked at him, searching, questioning, as if she wanted to protest, but then she simply said, “Fine.”

He took her lips and kissed her fiercely. Despite her initial resistance, Nina yielded to him and parted her lips. Amaury moaned and dove into her, possessing her mouth, sparring with her tongue, tasting her sweetness. Did he deserve such luck to have a woman like her?

A knock at the window pulled him out of his bliss. Thomas was getting impatient.

And it turned out he wasn’t the only one who was impatient. The moment they entered Samson’s house, he and Thomas were commanded to the office.

Samson expected them together with the rest of the gang: the four New York vampires and Ricky. Without giving Amaury as much as a glance, Samson pointed at a blueprint.