Inevitable - Page 26/65

I nodded, smiling. “Yeah, she works at the sheriff’s department and every year she helps build a raft.”

“Wow, do you get to ride on it?” he asked, sitting up on his knees, intrigued.

“When I was younger. You know I—”

“Cassandra!” I turned to see Caleb and Hilary walking hand in hand, heading straight for us.

We’d only seen each other briefly after school the past few days, but she surprised me by showing up on my door step the morning after Caleb’s speed dating shindig. She was so eager to spill every detail of her evening by his side that she braved my morning jog with me. Turns out, Caleb was even more of a gentleman than I realized. To Hilary’s extreme disappointment, Caleb kept his hands to himself and didn’t make a move.

She had been hoping their date to the carnival meant she would finally have a taste of his luscious pink lips. Her words not mine and if I had to listen to her describe those lips one more time I swear I’d reconsider our friendship. The girl had it bad.

I smiled. “Hey, I was wondering when I’d run into you guys.”

“Caleb’s been dragging me around to every single ride they set up here,” Hilary complained, but it was clear she couldn’t be happier.

“You know you loved it,” Caleb chuckled, brushing a strand of hair from her cheek.

Hilary blushed and smiled. “I’m glad you decided to come. I didn’t think you would.”

“Yeah, Oliver convinced me.”

“So you’re here with Logan as well?” She gave me a suspicious smirk.

“I’m here with Oliver and since Logan is his father, yes, he’s here.”

“Logan’s a good guy,” Caleb said releasing his hand from Hilary’s and grabbing Oliver, tossing him up over his shoulders. Oliver squealed wildly as Caleb raced across the field with him.

“I’m glad I ran into you I have something to tell you and please don’t be mad.”

Frowning, I turned my attention away from Caleb and his mimicking of sounds of a gorilla. I laughed. “Well, it’s too early for you to be knocked up with Caleb’s love child, so what is it?”

“Caleb hired a new guy at the restaurant. He’s really cute and nice and—” She stopped, sucking in a deep breath.

Oh God what did she do?

“And?” I sat up straight, realizing where this was going.

“He asked about you. I told him you’re single and…he wants to get together with you next Saturday night.” Her words flew out fast as if that would help convince me to agree.

“No,” I said shaking my head.

“Come on, he wants to have dinner at Haven, that’s all.”

I sighed, kneading the back of my neck. “Hilary.” I pouted.

“You have to admit it could do you good. Maybe have a carefree night to release some of that pent up frustration?” Her brows rose. “It could possibly help put an end to your indecent dreams about Logan. Unless you’d rather…” she leaned in, grinning, “go to him for help with that. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”

“You’re terrible, you know that.”

“So is that a yes? He’s really cute. I swear you won’t regret it.”

“Hope you like corn dogs,” Logan said, walking over with Caleb and Oliver.

“Fine, I’ll go,” I whispered. Maybe it was exactly what I needed.

“Great. We’ll see you guys later,” Hilary said, smiling at Logan and Oliver.

Caleb took her hand after saying good-bye and they walked away back to the busy street.

“This looks perfect,” I said taking the enormous stick of fried food and a bottle of water from his hands. “Thanks.”

“I couldn’t carry much more so I figured we could share some fries.”

Logan and I sat with Oliver between us. He placed a basket stuffed full of large French fries with ketchup squirted on the side in front of us.

“Looks good.” I smiled, snatching one and taking a bite.


“Cassandra’s mom made one of the floats for the parade!” Oliver said, before stuffing his mouth with a giant bite of his corn dog.

“Is that so?” Logan looked behind his son to me.

“Yeah and I was just thinking I should go find her before it gets to dark.”

“You have to finish your food first,” Oliver said, “and promise to come back.” Logan and I laughed at his assertive tone but I quickly agreed.

I finished my corn dog and sent a short text to my mother asking her to meet me by her raft. Logan and Oliver walked with me for a while, but introducing my mother to Logan was not in my plan.

“I’ll be right back,” I said, walking away to greet my mother.

I could see her standing by her float, dressed in her sheriff’s uniform talking to a guy I didn’t recognize.

“Hey, there you are,” she said smiling at me. She pulled me in for her usual hug and then stepped back with a scrunched brow. “You must be Logan West. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

Damn, there went that plan. How had I not realized he followed me? My mother could talk your ear off like no one else and she knew all the worst inappropriate questions to ask.

“A pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Clarke,” Logan replied shaking her hand.

“Call me Felicia,” she smiled, looking him up and down.

Here it comes. I knew my mother well enough to know now was the time to retreat, but I still had a favor to ask first. Before I could get a word in she was completely absorbed in Logan.

“So, how are you enjoying Harmony?” she asked. I narrowed my eyes at her, but she only smiled staring at Logan, ignoring me.

“It’s lovely. I was actually born here.”

My head cocked to the side, gazing at him. A piece of information I never knew and suddenly I found myself wanting to know more.

“Really?” my mother asked.

He nodded. “We moved to the city when I was still a toddler. I don’t remember it here but so far I’m quite taken with your town.”

“Yes, it’s a nice place to live. I grew up here, as did Cassandra.” My mother finally looked at me and I noticed the spark in her eye. I grimaced.

“So are you and Cassandra here together on a date?” she asked, bluntly.

“Mom,” I mumbled under my breath. I placed my hand on Oliver’s shoulder and spoke up. “This is Oliver, Logan’s son. I’m here hanging out with him.”

My mother’s smile grew wider. “I see. Well you know Cassandra is single and I may be biased but everyone in town agrees she’s beautiful. She just needs a good man in her life.” Logan smiled as my mother stepped closer picking a piece of grass from the side of his shirt. My ears smoldered as she continued. “Did you know she bakes and loves kids, she even enjoys cleaning? A natural born housewife.”

I rolled my eyes, heat building under my cheeks. Logan nodded along, glancing at me from the corner of his eye with a crooked smile as my mother recited my qualifications as girlfriend material. It wasn’t the first time, but this was by far the worst.

“I also caught her and Mark, her horrible ex,” my mother made a face after speaking his name, “down at the river skinny dipping once. So my daughter is no prude.”