Inevitable - Page 30/65

I nodded with a small smile. The waitress came over to take our drink order and Kurt ordered a bottle of wine. The man was reading my mind. 

“So, I hear you’re a teacher.” He pushed his menu to the edge of the table. I caught his gaze and found myself being drawn into him.

I swallowed; something in his expression was sexy, but dangerous. It was new and exciting. “Yes, kindergarten.” My voice cracked. Where was the damn waitress with our drinks? I needed that wine to help me relax, pronto.

“That sounds…interesting,” he chuckled.

Finally the waitress appeared, setting down the bottle and two wine glasses.

“Thanks,” I mumbled, watching as he filled my glass. Quickly, I downed the entire thing, looking up through my lashes, slightly embarrassed. He gave me an impressed look before refilling it for me with a smirk dancing across his lips. It was nothing like the smirks Logan threw my way. I looked away, annoyed he was still in my thoughts and took another sip of the sweet wine.

I really needed to stop thinking about Logan. It would never work and based on the reputation Logan had built in the short time he’d lived here, it was painfully obvious he wasn’t capable of having a meaningful relationship. There would never be anything between us, not the way I would need it. I’d only end up with a broken heart. I wouldn’t do that to myself.

Here I was with a handsome, mysterious man sitting in front of me, giving me compliment after compliment throughout the night; I needed to focus on him. I could tell Kurt was attracted to me, he made it obvious and I had no doubt he would come home with me and show me everything I’d been missing sexually if I gave him the go ahead. It could be an enjoyable night, I reasoned, lifting my glass and taking another large sip to dull my screaming conscience. I was going to need a lot more to drink before this night was over.

By the time dessert was resting in front of me, I was feeling free as a bird flying high in the clouds. Nothing mattered, and for the first time in weeks, Logan was out of my head. Kurt was full of ridiculously silly jokes that kept me giggling as I downed drink after drink of wine. In all my life I never experienced more than a mild buzz from drinking, always the responsible one. But tonight I could see the appeal of alcohol.

Kurt seemed nice, and the longer we sat there chatting about frivolous nonsense, the more I was fighting with myself as to why this was a bad idea. I deserved it after everything that had happened with Mark. I spent so much of my life dedicated to him only to be let down. Everyone around me easily let go of their inhibitions the second an attractive person entered the room. Why not give it a try for once in my life? Time to live a little.

With another sip of wine to settle any remaining nerves, I reached across the table, and boldly placed my hand over his, running my thumb across knuckles. His face instantly lit up, smiling, and he responded by brushing his fingers against my palm and gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

“Can I give you a ride home?” he asked after the waitress collected our plates. I had told him earlier a friend brought me due to car trouble, which was not entirely true but made it easier. At least that’s how Hilary explained it when she dropped me off. Tonight I was a different person. Taking a new Cassandra out for a test drive and hoping I didn’t crash and burn.

“Yeah, that would be nice.”

He released my hand to pull out his wallet, placing some cash next to the bill while I finished off my fourth glass of wine.


My jaw went slack, all air spilled from my lungs as the familiar husky voice hummed through me.

“Logan.” Kurt twisted in his seat, noticeably irritated. “How are you doing?”

Logan’s gaze burned into me from above but I kept my head down, eyes focused on my empty glass twirling in my fingers.

“Hello, Cassandra. How are you tonight, sweetheart?”

Closing my eyes, I inhaled a deep silent breath and put on the best smile I could muster before looking up. My breath caught at the intensity in his hazy-blue eyes.

“Hey, what are you doing here tonight?” I narrowed my eyes, not wanting to be interrupted by him of all people while on a date. Grabbing the bottle, I attempted to pour myself another glass of wine with shaky hands. I was officially drunk and slowly feeling the effects.

Kurt quickly took the nearly empty bottle and poured the remainder into my glass. Both men watched expectantly as I wasted no time tipping it back in one large gulp.

Kurt cleared his throat. “Logan is here most nights,” Kurt snickered, “good for business Caleb says. You should see all the women that flock to this guy. They can’t seem to get enough of him.”

“I’m sure,” I mumbled, gazing back up at Logan, his eyes still holding me in their sight. “Well, don’t let us keep you. I’m sure there’s some pretty little tramp hanging around here waiting for you to take her home tonight.” Turns out, I wasn’t a friendly drunk. I rolled my eyes, swallowing down the repulsion I felt thinking about Logan taking home one of the town’s barflies.

Logan’s searing gaze held steady, ignoring my remark. “So you had a nice dinner?” His tone was soft despite my insult.

Why was he still here? His voice was smooth and void of any emotion, confusing me. But for some reason I just felt angry. He had no right to stare at me like that. Was he judging me? Ha, he’s hardly one to pass judgment.

“Yes, it was great. I was just about to take Cassandra home,” Kurt said as he stood from the booth. “We’ll see you around.”

“I see, well then, have a good night.” Logan finally tore his eyes away, staring down at the tile floor, giving nothing away to what was going through his mind. It only added to my irritation. I ran my hands through my hair as he turned, walking back the way he came.

“You ready?” Kurt asked, offering a crooked smile.

I smiled, biting my bottom lip nervously. This was it. I was officially going to step out of my comfort zone and live on the outside for a night. He really was cute and his lips were devilishly plump.

“Yeah,” I murmured, placing my empty glass on the table. He reached out and took my hand, helping me up. Kurt was sweet and the perfect gentleman.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Logan called out, turning back to face us. His darkened eyes stared down at my hand intertwined with Kurt’s, but he held his unaffected composure as he spoke. “Caleb is in the back.” He nudged his head toward the double metal doors beside the bar, looking straight at Kurt. “He needs to speak with you before you leave.”

“I’ll be right back,” Kurt told me after a moment’s pause. He placed a small kiss upon my knuckles before releasing my hand. The icy stare he shot at Logan when he shouldered past him was impossible to miss.

I waited until Kurt disappeared into the backroom then crossed my arms over my chest. “Why are you here?” I asked, glaring at Logan.

“Are you going home with him?” His voice was strong and demanding. Something I’d never seen in him before. His jaw worked hard under the skin, impatiently waiting for my answer.

How long had he been in the bar? Had he been watching me? I grimaced. How had I not noticed him? Usually I could just sense when he was around. It had to be the alcohol in my system.

“He’s driving me home, yes and whatever happens after that has nothing to do with you.”