Wrecked - Page 26/79

Hunter offered me the bowl and I popped a small handful into my mouth. He smiled at me brightly. I was relieved he hadn’t heard me snooping around. We returned to the couch and turned the movie on, thoughts of the contents of Hunter’s closet still swirling through my mind.

Halfway through the movie, my eyes started to droop. I looked over sleepily at Hunter, but he was entranced with the bloodsucking on screen. My eyelids grew even heavier. I couldn’t fight the tiredness anymore. I gave in and let my eyes close.

I opened my eyes and the bowl of popcorn that had formed the barrier between us was on the coffee table. I was leaning right on Hunter’s shoulder, a blanket covering us.

If I was less sleepy I would have freaked out, but I just looked up at him. “What happened?”

“You started snoring, and your head was lolling back. I figured you’d be more comfortable this way. Also those vampires got scary so I needed your protection.”

I smiled against his chest, suppressing a yawn. His chest was so warm and welcoming. He smelled faintly of aftershave and leather.

“Go back to sleep, Snorrie,” he said softly.

I grinned at the stupid name and nodded sleepily.

He leaned his head back to look at me. I squinted my eyes open and saw he had a serious expression on his face. “Hey Lorrie?”



“For what?” I yawned.

“For coming to the movies with me.”

“Thanks for inviting me Hunter,” I said, before drifting off completely.

Sunlight flickered against my face, bringing me slowly to consciousness. I felt completely content and satisfied. Then I realized I wasn’t in my dorm room.

My eyes shot open. I was leaning right against Hunter’s chin. His eyes were closed, and he was snoring gently. We were both laying on his couch together, my arms around him, his arms around me. My heart pounded erratically, and a cold sweat started breaking out on my skin.

Had we . . .

The previous night’s events came back to me slowly and I realized I’d fallen asleep on his shoulder while watching vampires. Thank god. We hadn’t gone that far, but it was still a mistake. We were supposed to be just friends. Friends didn’t casually fall asleep nestled together like lovers on the guy’s couch. I was supposed to be strong. I wasn’t supposed to fall for Hunter, yet I’d fallen asleep in his arms. This was bad. I gently unweaved my limbs from Hunter’s, careful not to disturb him. Then I grabbed my bag and snuck out of his apartment.

Why was I always sneaking out of his place?

Chapter Nine


Rushing across campus from Hunter’s apartment, I got back to my dorm around ten in the morning. It was Friday and I had to get to swim class. I climbed the four flights of stairs to my suite and gingerly unlocked the door, hoping that Daniela wouldn’t notice that I was away all night. Otherwise I’d owe her an explanation, and I did not want to have to explain that I’d slept over at Hunter’s place last night.

I opened the suite door and saw Daniela sitting on the couch watching TV. She slowly twisted her head in my direction and her wide green eyes locked onto me making me jump. Her movement reminded me of the movie The Exorcist. Damn horror movies last night.

“Well, well, well,” she said with a sly grin.

“Hello to you too. I was just grabbing breakfast in the dining hall.” It was a good excuse and I was pleased with myself for thinking quick on my toes.

“No, you weren’t.”


“I knocked on your door two hours ago to go eat breakfast. I’ve been sitting on this couch, waiting for you to get up and here you come walking through the front door. You were out all night weren’t you? Hm?” Her eyes were mischievous yet probing.

Shifting nervously on my feet, I answered, “I got up at seven and went down early.”

“And ate a three hour breakfast?” She swiped her hand as if batting away my excuse. “I’m hungry and irritable. Admit it. I caught you, Lorrie. Spill.”

I put my hands up in surrender. “Alright, alright.” I sighed heavily. “I slept over at Hunter’s place.”

Her eyes widened and seemed to become possessed. “No way. I know I warned you to be careful around him, but what’s done is done. Tell me everything. Was he big? Small? Was he rough? Tender? Spare no detail. I want everything.”

“Whoa, whoa.” I was tempted to make a cross sign with my fingers to ward her away but ended up just shoving my hands in the air in front me. “We didn’t have sex. We didn’t even kiss. I just went over to his place to watch some movies we rented and I fell asleep on his couch. It wasn’t even intentional, I was just tired.” I then remembered that Hunter was supposed to help me with studying for my psych class but that clearly never happened. Dammit Hunter.

“Oh.” Daniela deflated. “Well I’m happy for you Lorrie. Sounds like you’ve made a new friend in Hunter.”

“I don’t know, it’s really awkward. It was a mistake. We were supposed to be just friends and I think I might’ve given him an unintentional signal. He might think I want to take things further.”

“How do you feel about him? Do you want to be just friends?”

“Of course I just want to be friends!” I said, trying to convince her as much as myself. “Like I said before I’m not ready for a relationship. I’m having a hard enough time getting back into the swing of things and keeping up with my classes. I just want a normal, drama-free life.”

She looked at me skeptically as if me telling her I was only interested in Hunter as a “friend” was a bold-faced lie. “Not to be a nagging-nanna but I already told you he’s got a reputation for shagging and tagging girls all over campus. I’m glad you and him are friends but I don’t want to see you getting hurt by him. He’s broken a few hearts before.”

“Thanks Daniela, but you don’t have to worry about me. I’ll be careful.”

Daniela asked me a few more questions about Hunter and I responded as agreeably as I could. The conversation could’ve gone on for a good hour but I had to cut it short when I noticed the time on the clock in our suite.

“Well, I have to go to class,” I said. I hurriedly packed my backpack with my swimsuit and left the dorm.

It was the first day of my swim class which started later in the semester than the other classes. Since there was a lake around campus, students at Arrowhart were required to either pass a swim test or take a swim class. I had planned to take the swim test but there was some administrative mix up and they didn’t register me in time for it. I ended up being signed up for the swim class, which I didn’t mind. After that debacle with falling into the lake, I figured I could use the practice.

On my way past the student union, I received a text from Hunter.

Why did you leave?

I thumbed a quick response. Had class in the morning. Sorry.

You forgot to take my trash with you :).

I knew he was trying to be funny, but I didn’t find it particularly amusing. Sleeping over at his place was a mistake, not a joke. To drop the issue, I responded with a simple smiley.

Walking across the arts quad, I arrived at The Annex, which was a large glass building used for athletic activities. Among its various amenities, it had a state-of-the-art gym and an Olympic-sized swimming pool. I navigated the hallways, following the signs posted for the swimming pool, and found the women’s locker room. I changed into my swimsuit and went to join the swim class.