My Healer - Page 66/67

Beth's mouth worked up and down. "How!" she finally exploded.

Meryn spun around, smiling. "Lady Fairfax gave me this. It's the Gown of Éire Danu. It really makes getting ready a breeze."

Beth swayed and Gavriel was at her side in an instant. "You're the owner of the Gown of Éire Danu?" She looked down at the floor, her fists clenched. "Meryn, I am going to kill you."

Meryn shrugged. "Do it later. I am dying to try the food at the ball. I was too nervous at the All Hallows' Eve Ball to try all the yummy food. Tonight, I am totally gorging."

Beth turned to Gavriel, a tragic expression on her face. He pulled her into his arms. "There, there, it's okay."

"Come on, peeps! I'm hungry." Meryn stamped her foot and headed towards the door. Aiden had to sprint to catch up with her.

"Darian, Noah, Jaxon, Keelan, Gavriel and Beth, you're in the first carriage," Aiden explained once everyone was outside.

"Colton, Rheia, Penny, Meryn and myself will be in the second carriage. Have fun everyone." Aiden turned and helped Meryn then Rheia into the carriage. Colton lifted Penny into the carriage and kissed her cheek. She smiled and kissed his nose. Grinning he bowed to Aiden, allowing him to climb in next, then got in himself. He couldn't wait to see his girls' reactions to their first Midwinter Ball.


Colton watched as Sascha and most of the Gamma Unit monopolized his daughter. They were spoiling her rotten with small gifts and candies. Of course that could be said for most of the units. They had all fallen in love with his tiny angel. Thank the Gods Ryuu had volunteered to serve tonight, he was keeping track of all of Penny's gifts.

To his delight, Rheia hadn't stopped smiling.

"I want to try that white, fluffy thing again," she said pointing to the dessert table.

"You mean the coconut macaroons?"

"Those are not coconut macaroons, I've had those. These are like hugs from the Lord."

Colton laughed and steered her back to the desserts table. Rheia took one in each hand and ate one then the other. Colton picked up a few for himself; they were some of his favorite holiday treats as well.

Rheia looked around. "Where's Penny?"

Colton looked over the crowd. "Sascha still has her. I swear he's been with her all night. I think they bonded when he carried her in the woods." He popped another macaroon in his mouth.

"Maybe she's his mate?" Rheia suggested.

Colton inhaled to vehemently deny it and immediately began to choke. Rheia whacked him on the back a few times. When he could catch his breath he straightened. "She is four. He better stay away from my princess or I'll feed him his balls."

Rheia ignored him and laughed at his indignation. He glared at her. "I refuse to have that fluffy cat as a son-in-law."

He was still grumbling when across the room a waving hand caught his attention. He smiled. Rheia's present had arrived.

"Okay, enough with the macaroons, let's dance."

Smiling, Rheia took his hand. He led her to the dance floor and deliberately twirled her too hard, spinning her into the open arms of the man behind her.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," she said turning. When she looked up and saw who it was she lost all sense of composure and began to bawl like a baby.

Colton was stunned. This was not the reaction he had been hoping for.

Radek Carson, Levi Sorrel, Dax Vi'Eaereson, Marco Rodriguez and Athan Durant crowded around Rheia.

"What are you doing" she blubbered.

"Oh, Pumpkin Dumpling, you really didn't think you were going to spend the holidays without us did you?" Radek asked using his thumbs to dry her cheeks. She nodded.

Athan smiled at Colton. "Your mate invited us for a visit, he said that we'd be the perfect Midwinter gift."

"You are, you all are." Rheia cried trying to hug them all at the same time.

Out of the corner of his eye Colton saw a blur of white and then Penny launched herself at Dax. Laughing, he threw her in the air and kissed her face. She beamed out at the room. The men sucked in their breath.

"Isn't she gorgeous?" Marco whispered sounding choked up.

Each man looked like he'd been hit between the eyes with a two-by-four. Penny was passed around until each man had a chance to cuddle her and get a smile of his own.

Colton reached into his pocket and handed Rheia a long, white, rectangular box. "Open it."

With trembling hands she opened the box and gasped. Colton had dipped deep into his savings to get this made for her last minute, but her reaction was worth it. Rheia threw herself in his arms crying again.

"I love you so much." She buried her face in his shirt.

"You and Penny are my entire world, how could I do any less?"

She sniffled and looked up. "You love us that much, huh?"

Colton lowered his voice. "Indeed."

Rheia blinked. "Did you just quote Stargate?"

Colton smiled. "Maybe."

Penny reached out from Radek's arms wanting to see the necklace. Colton winked at Rheia, knowing she hadn't seen the inside yet.

"It's a locket baby girl." He very gently pried it open and revealed miniature portraits of himself and Penny. He turned it. Inscribed on the back he had chosen; My Healer.

"Put it on me," Rheia ordered. "I'm never taking it off."

Colton opened the fastener and placed it around her neck. "Merry Christmas, my love."